AIS Data Warehouse Tables V1.0
With over 150 normalized SQL tables, AccelByte Intelligence Service (AIS) provides a comprehensive data warehouse with full data relationships that allows you to query data across games, studios, and AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS).
AIS follows GDPR standards, making sure that all data is secure and reliable. In addition, AIS data warehouse can be tailored to satisfy each user's specific data needs.
Ask your account manager or technical producer about AIS today!
You will find all the normalized SQL tables in the AIS data warehouse below.
Table: agreement_t
This table contains the record of agreements when a user signs up in the player portal. For example, legal agreements and marketing outreach preferences.
Analytics usage: an agreement event counts as an active activity for a user.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for agreement generated by analytics. |
policy_id | bigint | Agreement policy id. |
policy_version_id | bigint | Agreement policy version id. |
policy_localization_id | bigint | Agreement policy localization ID for multi-language use. |
user_id | bigint | Relates to user_t for the user who made the agreement. |
is_accepted | boolean | Agreement acceptance status by the user. |
start_ts | timestamp without time zone | Start time of the agreement activity. |
end_ts | timestamp without time zone | UTC timestamp for the end of the activity. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: alb_logs_adt_t
This table contains application load balancer logs from AccelByte Development Tools. For example, records of requests made to retrieve the AccelByte Development Tools pages of the developer website.
Analytics usage: ALB log analysis, for instance finding web app latency or identifying groups of error status codes and their frequency.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier. |
namespace | text | AccelByte defined namespace tag. |
request_date | timestamp without time zone | The time of the request to the ALB. |
request_processing_time | numeric | The total time elapsed (in seconds, with millisecond precision) from the time the load balancer received the request until the time it sent the request to a target. |
target_processing_time | numeric | The total time elapsed (in seconds, with millisecond precision) from the time the load balancer sent the request to a target until the target started to send the response headers. |
response_processing_time | numeric | The total time elapsed (in seconds, with millisecond precision) from the time the load balancer received the response header from the target until it started to send the response to the client. |
request_count | integer | Total number of completed requests that were received and routed to the registered instances. |
gb_in | integer | Incoming gb to load balancer. |
gb_out | integer | Outgoing gb from load balancer. |
client_ip_count | integer | Count of distinct client IPs. |
max_latency | numeric | Maximum latency, the time elapsed after the request leaves the load balancer until a response is received. |
Table: aws_region_t
This table contains a list of AWS regions, where AWS resources are located. For example: "us-west-2" Oregon.
Analytics usage: reporting AWS resource usage per region.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier. |
name | character varying | AWS region, ID e.g., us-west-1. |
lname | character varying | Long name describing the region, e.g., us west (n. California). |
Table: ban_feature_t
This table contains a list of AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS) features within a game from which a user can be banned. For example, matchmaking.
Analytics usage: showing the name of the feature from which the user has been banned when reporting on bans.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for ban feature generated by analytics. |
name | character varying | Name of the game feature, e.g., matchmaking. |
lname | character varying | Long name of the ban feature. |
Table: ban_reason_t
This table contains a list of reasons for a user to be banned from an AGS feature within a game. For example, user cheating.
Analytics usage: showing the reason why the user was banned and reporting on bans.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for ban reason generated by analytics. |
name | character varying | Name of the reason, e.g., cheating. |
lname | character varying | Long name of the ban reason. |
Table: ban_t
This table contains the record of the ban user activity; this is the event when they get banned within a game with the reason for the ban and feature they were banned from. It can include a freeform comment for further explanation of the ban. For example, a user was banned on 2023-01-01 from chat features because of harassment.
Analytics usage: a ban event counts as an active activity for a user.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for ban generated by analytics. |
ban_number | character varying | AccelByte Gaming Services ban ID. |
feature_id | bigint | Banned from the feature with this ID. |
reason_id | bigint | Banned for the reason with this ID. |
comment | character varying | Freeform comment about the ban. |
ban_end_date | timestamp without time zone | Timestamp of when the ban ends. |
start_ts | timestamp without time zone | Start time of the ban activity. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
end_ts | timestamp without time zone | UTC timestamp for the end of the activity. |
Table: bd_activity_type_t
This table contains a list of types of AGS user activity. Note that there is a catch-all activity: 'All Events' which represents all activities combined. For example, Auth
is user authentication.
Analytics usage: segregating user activity distinct counts by type of activity e.g., calculating HAU for only the payments.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | smallint | Identifier for activity type generated by analytics. |
activity_type | text | Descriptive name of the activity type, e.g., Agreement. |
Table: bd_daily_count_t
This table contains derived daily counts of distinct user activity: DAU, WAU and MAU, AHAU (average over the day), and PHAU (top HAU in the day). They are categorized by namespace, e.g., game, day and activity type. For example, Daily Active Users who used their Wallet for a given game for a given day.
Analytics usage: charting active users per day, either overall with the "All Events" activity type or for a specific type of activity.
Column name | Data type | Description |
namespace_id | bigint | Identifier of the namespace e.g.,game project. |
activity_type_id | smallint | The id of the activity as listed in bd_activity_type . |
activity_type | text | The type of the activity as listed in bd_activity_type . |
day_ts | date | The date on which the activity occurred. |
dau | bigint | Daily active user count. |
wau | bigint | Weekly active user count. |
mau | bigint | Monthly active user count. |
ahau | numeric | Average HAU. |
phau | bigint | Highest HAU over the day. |
phau_hours | ARRAY | The hours which scored the highest HAU over the day. |
Table: bd_dimension_t
This table contains the dimensions of the distinct counts: namespace, activity type, and hour. For example, an hour timestamp, activity type e.g.,Agreement, and a namespace for a game.
Analytics usage: as a utility table for creating visualizations if all possible dimension combinations are needed.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | uuid | Identifier for dimension generated by analytics. |
namespace_id | bigint | Identifier of the namespace, e.g., game project. |
activity_type | text | The type of the activity as listed in bd_activity_type . |
hour_ts | timestamp without time zone | UTC timestamp. |
is_day_start | boolean | Indicates if the hour in this record is the start of a day. |
is_hourly_t_loaded | boolean | A field for internal use, checking data load processes. |
Table: bd_etl_auth_time_t
This table may be ignored. This table contains data not used for analytics visualizations but required for aggregation processes.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Internal use for checking data completeness. This can be ignored. |
namespace_id | bigint | Internal use for checking data completeness. This can be ignored. |
auth_ts | timestamp without time zone | Internal use for checking data completeness. This can be ignored. |
latest_prior_ts | timestamp without time zone | Internal use for checking data completeness. This can be ignored. |
latest_day_ts | timestamp without time zone | Internal use for checking data completeness. This can be ignored. |
Table: bd_etl_catchup_log_t
This table may be ignored. This table contains data not used for analytics visualizations but required for aggregation processes.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Internal use for processing late incoming data. This can be ignored. |
namespace_id | bigint | Internal use for processing late incoming data. This can be ignored.. |
lookback_hours | bigint | Internal use for processing late incoming data, can be ignored. |
window_end_ts | timestamp without time zone | Internal use for processing late incoming data. This can be ignored. |
latest_day_ts | timestamp without time zone | Internal use for processing late incoming data. This can be ignored. |
is_processed | boolean | Internal use for processing late incoming data. This can be ignored. |
Table: bd_etl_process_log_t
This table may be ignored. This table contains data not used for analytics visualizations but required for aggregation processes.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Internal use for recording ETLs. This can be ignored. |
start_ts | timestamp without time zone | Internal use for recording ETLs. This can be ignored. |
end_ts | timestamp without time zone | Internal use for recording ETLs. This can be ignored. |
Table: bd_etl_source_detail_t
This table may be ignored. This table contains data not used for analytics visualizations but required for aggregation processes.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Internal use for recording ETLs. This can be ignored. |
bd_etl_source_log_id | bigint | Internal use for recording ETLs. This can be ignored. |
namespace_id | bigint | Internal use for recording ETLs. This can be ignored. |
ts_hr | timestamp without time zone | Internal use for recording ETLs. This can be ignored. |
source_rowcount | bigint | Internal use for recording ETLs. This can be ignored. |
Table: bd_etl_source_log_t
This table may be ignored. This table contains data not used for analytics visualizations but required for aggregation processes.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Internal use for recording ETLs. This can be ignored. |
source_table | text | Internal use for recording ETLs. This can be ignored. |
source_group | text | Internal use for recording ETLs. This can be ignored. |
start_id | bigint | Internal use for recording ETLs. This can be ignored. |
end_id | bigint | Internal use for recording ETLs. This can be ignored. |
start_ts | timestamp without time zone | Internal use for recording ETLs. This can be ignored. |
bd_etl_process_log_id | bigint | Internal use for recording ETLs. This can be ignored. |
Table: bd_fact_user_activity_t
This table contains all the distinct users, hour timestamps, and activity types executed by the user. Note that namespace (i.e., game name) can be derived from the user_id
by joining to the user_t table
For example, a record of a user joining a game with the 'New User' activity type during the hour 2022-11-11 11:00.
Analytics usage: queries about user activity. For instance, this is used to create the content of the bd_hourly_count_t table
which gives DAU and similar distinct user counts.
Column name | Data type | Description |
ts_hr | timestamp without time zone | The timestamp of the start of the hour in which the activity occurred. |
activity_type_id | smallint | The id of the activity as listed in bd_activity_type . |
user_id | bigint | Relates to user_t . |
ts_date | date | The day in which the activity occurred. |
country_id | bigint | The country in which the activity occurred. Is not always populated. |
Table: bd_hourly_count_t
This table contains derived daily counts of distinct user activity: HAU. They are categorized by namespace (for example, game name), hour and activity type.
For example, Hourly Active Users who used their Wallet for a given game in a given hour.
Analytics usage: charting active users per hour, either overall with the 'All Events' activity type or for a specific type of activity. This can answer questions such as "which is the busiest hour of the day?".
Column name | Data type | Description |
namespace_id | bigint | Identifier of the namespace, e.g. game project. |
activity_type_id | smallint | The id of the activity as listed in bd_activity_type . |
activity_type | text | The type of the activity as listed in bd_activity_type . |
hour_ts | timestamp without time zone | UTC timestamp. |
hau | bigint | Hourly active users. |
Table: bd_session_daily_t
This table contains derived daily counts of distinct match sessions and lobby sessions. They are categorized by day and namespace (for example, game name). Note that a single user may have many sessions in an day.
For example, 1,023 match sessions and 3,301 lobby sessions for a given game on 2023-07-05.
Analytics usage: charting session counts for a namespace per day.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | integer | Identifier for metric daily generated by analytics. |
namespace_id | bigint | Identifier of the namespace e.g.,game project. |
day_ts | date | The day in which the session occurred. |
match_session_count | bigint | The count of distinct match sessions. |
lobby_session_count | bigint | The count of distinct lobby sessions. |
Table: bd_session_hourly_t
This table contains derived hourly counts of distinct match sessions and lobby sessions. They are categorized by hour and namespace (for example, game name). Note that a single user may have many sessions in an hour.
For example, 244 match sessions and 453 lobby sessions for a given game during the hour 2022-11-11 11:00.
Analytics usage: charting session counts for a namespace per hour.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | integer | Identifier for metric hourly generated by analytics. |
namespace_id | bigint | Identifier of the namespace, e.g., game project. |
ts_hr | timestamp without time zone | The timestamp of the start of the hour in which the session occurred. |
match_session_count | bigint | The count of distinct match sessions. |
lobby_session_count | bigint | The count of distinct lobby sessions. |
Table: catalog_category_properties_t
This table contains properties of a catalog category: the parent catalog category and the date on which it went live.
For example, within a game, a catalog category of "/coins/gold" went live on 2022-11-11 at 11:00 AM and its parent had the "path /coins".
Analytics usage: defining the optional hierarchy of catalog categories.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for catalog category properties generated by analytics. |
category_id | bigint | The category id used by AGS. |
parent_path | character varying | Like a file path, the parent path could be /a for the child path /a/b. |
start_ts | timestamp without time zone | Start of the lifetime of the catalog category. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: catalog_category_t
This table contains a list of categories of items. Items are things that could be sold, e.g., in-game items, bundles, virtual currencies, and game giveaways. The path of the catalog category is unique within a namespace.
For example, a catalog category with the path "/coins" for a specific game.
Analytics usage: defining and naming the possible catalog categories.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for catalog category generated by analytics. |
path | character varying | The unique path of the Category within the namespace. |
namespace_id | bigint | Identifier of the namespace, i.e. game name. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: continents_t
This table contains all continents and their ISO codes. For example, AF: Africa
Analytics usage: creating reports split by continent.
Column name | Data type | Description |
code | character | ISO Continent Code. |
name | text | Name of the continent. |
Table: country_t
This table contains all countries and their ISO Country Codes.
For example, US: United States of America, including its other ISO format identifiers and that it is in the continent NA: North America.
Analytics usage: creating reports split by country.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier. |
name | character varying | Name of the country. |
lname | character varying | Long name of the country. |
iso_3char | text | ISO Country Code. |
iso_number | text | ISO Country Number. |
iso_continent | text | ISO Continent Code. |
Table: currency_detail_t
This table contains metadata attributes for currencies.
For example, a game uses Rupiah which has the symbol Rp and two decimal places.
Analytics usage: formatting currency data correctly.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier. |
currency_id | bigint | AccelByte Gaming Services currency ID. |
currency_symbol | character varying | Symbol used with the currency, e.g. $. |
decimals | integer | Number of decimal places used for this currency. |
is_deleted | boolean | A flag to show whether the currency was deleted from the System. |
start_ts | timestamp without time zone | Start of the lifetime of the currency. |
end_ts | timestamp without time zone | End of the lifetime of the currency. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
currency_type_id | bigint | Indicates currency type, e.g., VIRTUAL. |
Table: currency_localization_t
This table contains localization data for currencies by supplying the description.
For example, in the language locale en-US for a given game, the description of that currency is "Your virtual Coins".
Analytics usage: creating user interfaces and reports tailored to the reader's language
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier. |
currency_id | bigint | AGS currency ID. |
description | character varying | Localized currency description. |
start_ts | timestamp without time zone | Start of the localized information lifetime. |
end_ts | timestamp without time zone | End of the localized information lifetime. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
locale_id | bigint | Relates to locale_t which identifies locale. |
Table: currency_t
This table contains currency and namespace combinations. A namespace may have more than one currency. The list of currency codes is unique within each namespace.
For example, a given game has the currency USD.
Analytics usage: giving the possible currencies for a selected game.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier. |
currency_code | character varying | Currency code; in most cases, ISO Currency Code. |
namespace_id | bigint | Identifier of the namespace, e.g., game project. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: currency_type_t
This table contains two types of currency: virtual or real, which are the current choices.
For example, "REAL" means a real-world currency like the US dollar.
Analytics usage: treating real and virtual currencies separately for accounting purposes.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier. |
name | character varying | Name of the currency type. |
lname | character varying | Long name of the currency type. |
Table: dedicatedserver_allocation_t
This table contains a log of the processes running on dedicated servers. These servers run multiplayer game matches.
For example, the "Started" event for a dedicated server running a new match starting at 2022-11-11 11:00.
Analytics usage: analysis of dedicated server usage.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier. |
dedicatedserver_id | bigint | AGS ID. |
status | character varying | Server status, e.g., Started. |
description | character varying | Description of server status. |
start_ts | timestamp without time zone | Start of the allocation. |
end_ts | timestamp without time zone | End of the allocation. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: dedicatedserver_detail_t
This table contains metadata attributes for dedicated servers. For example, a given data server's capacity in terms of CPU memory.
Analytics usage: reporting on dedicated server numbers split by configuration.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier. |
dedicatedserver_id | bigint | AGS ID. |
dsprovider_id | bigint | ID of the provider in dedicatedserver_provider_t . |
dsregion_id | bigint | ID of the region in dedicated_server_region_t . |
deployment | character varying | Describes the server deployment, e.g., CustomGame. |
image_version | character varying | Server Image container ID. |
game_version | character varying | Version of the game running on the server. |
ip_address | character varying | Server IP Address. |
port_main | integer | Server main port. |
protocol | character varying | Server protocol, e.g., UDP. |
cpu_limit | integer | Max CPU for the server. |
memory_limit | integer | Max RAM for the server. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: dedicatedserver_provider_t
This table contains a list of possible cloud service providers.
For example, AWS
for Amazon Web Services.
Analytics usage: comparing costs from each cloud provider.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier. |
name | character varying | Name of the dedicated server provider. |
lname | character varying | Long name of the dedicated server provider. |
Table: dedicatedserver_region_t
This table contains a list of cloud provider (e.g., AWS) regions used for the dedicated servers. Not always defined as a dedicated server.
For example, the AWS us-west-2
region is used by a particular server.
Analytics usage: reporting on dedicated server numbers split by region.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier. |
name | character varying | Name of the dedicated server region. |
lname | character varying | Long name of the dedicated server region. |
Table: dedicatedserver_status_t
This table contains the state of the dedicated servers, i.e. Ready, Waiting, Busy, Creating, and Removing and the times at which those statuses occurred. For example, a particular server entered the READY status at 2022-08-29 14:52:50.449.
Analytics usage: analysis of dedicated server activity and performance, for instance, boot-up time.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier. |
dedicatedserver_id | bigint | AccelByte Gaming Services Dedicated Server ID. |
status | character varying | Server Status, e.g., BUSY. |
start_ts | timestamp without time zone | Start of the status being in effect. |
end_ts | timestamp without time zone | End of the status being in effect. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: dedicatedserver_t
This table contains when a match is started a dedicated server is instantiated for that match. This is a list of those occurrences and the ids of those servers.
For example, a record of the dedicated server ds-accelbytetesting-us-west-2-test1-v0.0.1-armada-2f4f-4349-bf27-9c45117cd2e7
Analytics usage: naming the dedicated servers.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier. |
pod_name | character varying | Deployment identifier. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: dim_date_t
This table contains data dimensions, covering dates up to year 2050. This includes information about each date. For instance, day_of_month like 2023-01-03
and its information such as suffix, epoch, whether it is the first day of the month, and so on.
Analytics usage: creating reports using this as a utility for formatting and selecting dates.
Column name | Data type | Description |
date_dim_id | integer | Identifier. |
date_actual | date | Dimension date. |
epoch | bigint | Seconds since 1970-01-01. |
day_suffix | character varying | Example: 1st. |
day_name | character varying | Example: Thursday. |
day_of_week | integer | Example: 1 for Monday. |
day_of_month | integer | Example: 23. |
day_of_quarter | integer | Example: 75. |
day_of_year | integer | Example: 214. |
week_of_month | integer | Example: 2. |
week_of_year | integer | Example: 34. |
week_of_year_iso | character | Example: 2024-W37-5. |
month_actual | integer | Example: 9. |
month_name | character varying | Example: July. |
month_name_abbreviated | character | Example: Sep. |
quarter_actual | integer | Example: 3. |
quarter_name | character varying | Example: Third. |
year_actual | integer | Example: 2024. |
first_day_of_week | date | Example: 2024-09-09. |
last_day_of_week | date | Example: 2024-09-15. |
first_day_of_month | date | Example: 2024-09-01. |
last_day_of_month | date | Example: 2024-09-30. |
first_day_of_quarter | date | Example: 2024-07-01. |
last_day_of_quarter | date | Example: 2024-09-30. |
first_day_of_year | date | Example: 2024-01-01. |
last_day_of_year | date | Example: 2024-12-31. |
mmyyyy | character | Example: 092024. |
mmddyyyy | character | Example: 09142024 . |
weekend_indr | boolean | True if the date is on a weekend. |
Table: commerce_platform_t
This table contains the list of eCommerce platforms in use, with unique names. For example, Steam.
Analytics usage: Apply eCommerce Platform labels.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier. |
name | character varying | eCommerce platform name. |
lname | character varying | Long name. |
Table: entitlement_activity_t
This table contains a record of the entitlement user activity, such as an entitlement given to or consumed by a user.
For example, a user purchased an entitlement to a lootbox. That action changed their count of the entitlement from 0 to 1.
Analytics usage: An entitlement event counts as an active activity for a user.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for entitlement activity generated by analytics. |
entitlement_id | bigint | AGS entitlement ID. |
current_count | integer | Current count of available entitlements. |
change_count | integer | Change in the count of entitlements. |
source | bigint | Relates to entitlement_source_type_t . |
start_ts | timestamp without time zone | Start time of the entitlement activity. |
end_ts | timestamp without time zone | UTC timestamp for the end of the activity. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: entitlement_clazz_type_t
This table contains a list of classes of entitlement.
For example, LOOTBOX class
Analytics usage: create reporting by entitlement class.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier. |
name | character varying | Name of the entitlement clazz type. |
lname | character varying | Long name of the entitlement clazz type. |
Table: entitlement_item_t
This table contains entitlement and its correlated items.
For example, the offer of entitlement includes 10 items, i.e. in-game platinum coins to a player.
Analytics usage: joining entitlement to an item.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier. |
entitlement_id | bigint | Relates to entitlement_t . |
item_id | bigint | Relates to item_t . |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: entitlement_properties_t
This table contains attributes of the entitlements.
For example, specifications of the class, type, and creation timestamp of an entitlement.
Analytics usage: analysis of entitlement activities by class, type, or name.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier. |
entitlement_id | bigint | Relates to entitlement_t . |
clazz_id | bigint | Relates to entitlement_clazz_type_t . |
entitlement_type_id | bigint | Relates to entitlement_type_t . |
created_at | timestamp without time zone | When these properties were recorded. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
name | character varying | Name of the entitlement properties. |
Table: entitlement_source_type_t
This table contains a list of methods via which a user can gain an item.
For example, through IAP for in-app purchases.
Analytics usage: Run analysis of entitlement activities by its source, for example, to compare the number of IAPs to the number of rewards.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier. |
name | character varying | Name of the entitlement source type. |
lname | character varying | Long name of the entitlement source type. |
Table: entitlement_status_t
This table contains the state of entitlements. This could change over time for a specific entitlement.
For example, a particular entitlement became active on at 2022-01-07 18:43:37.433.
Analytics usage: run analysis of the time periods between entitlement status changes, for instance, to find out the average lifetime of an entitlement.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier. |
entitlement_id | bigint | Relates to entitlement_t . |
status_id | bigint | Relates to entitlement_status_t . |
start_ts | timestamp without time zone | Start of the status being in effect. |
end_ts | timestamp without time zone | End of the status being in effect. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: entitlement_status_type_t
This table contains a list of possible statuses for an entitlement: ACTIVE, REVOKED, and INACTIVE.
For example, ACTIVE means the entitlement is available to users.
Analytics usage: Create reporting by entitlement status.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier. |
name | character varying | Name of the entitlement status type. |
lname | character varying | Long name of the entitlement status type. |
Table: entitlement_t
This table contains entitlements, which are offered to users for items. An entitlement fulfillment is created when it is delivered.
For example the id of a specific entitlement and the id of the user it is offered to.
Analytics usage: Joining the various entitlement tables to the user.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for entitlement generated by analytics. |
entitlement_number | character varying | AGS entitlement ID. |
user_id | bigint | Relates to user_t . |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: entitlement_type_t
This table contains the possible types of entitlement: DURABLE, CONSUMABLE, and DURABLE (which means persistent unless revoked), and CONSUMABLE (which means can be consumed in-game).
Analytics usage: separating reports into durable and consumable entitlement types.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier. |
name | character varying | Name of the entitlement type. |
lname | character varying | Long name of the entitlement type. |
Table: etl_justice_s3_t
This table contains a log of data imports for AGS events. Sometimes used to derive namespace name.
For example, a data import job ran with a bucket name bucket123-analytics-kafka in us-west-2
region for the namespace dragon-strategy-game
Analytics usage: Internal use for deriving namespace name from namespace id. Not necessary to refer to it since the namespace name is already in namespace_t.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | integer | Identifier for the ETL job to load data from s3 generated by analytics. |
bucket_name | character varying | AWS s3 bucket name of the source data. |
aws_region_id | bigint | Relates to aws_region_t . |
namespace | character varying | Namespace, e.g., for a game. |
namespace_id | bigint | If this value is not null the row refers to a game namespace. |
Table: etl_reject_t
This table can be ignored. This table contains a log of rejected rows of incoming data and their errors for internal use.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
line | character varying | The line which was rejected. |
error_text | character varying | Error related to this rejected record. |
error_retry | integer | Error retry number. |
attempt_no | character varying | Number of retries for this attempt. |
fatal | boolean | Was the reject a fatal error. |
reason | character varying | Reason for rejecting this record. |
Table: fulfillment_coderedeem_t
This table contains the link between the redemption code and its fulfillment. The same redemption code may be used for many fulfillments.
For example, redemption code uHrrYSaQFnNiqXFcUkFF
was used by a user to successfully redeem a specific fulfillment.
Analytics usage: joining used redemption codes to fulfillments.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for fulfillment code redeem generated by analytics. |
fulfillment_id | bigint | AGS Fulfillment ID. |
code_id | bigint | Relates to redemptioncode_t . |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: fulfillment_entitlement_t
This table contains entitlements for fulfillment. Note there could be many entitlements in one fulfillment
For example ,a record of a specific fulfillment and its entitlement, e.g.,a loot box item offered to a specific user. The user has received the item since it has been fulfilled.
Analytics usage: joining fulfillment to entitlements.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for fulfillment entitlement generated by analytics. |
fulfillment_id | bigint | Relates to fulfillment_t . |
entitlement_id | bigint | Relates to entitlement_t . |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: fulfillment_error_t
This table contains possible types of errors that might cause a fulfillment to fail.
For example, HTTP Status error 500: Internal Server Error
Analytics usage: create reporting of errors in fulfillment.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for fulfillment error generated by analytics. |
http_status | integer | HTTP Status code, e.g., 500. |
code | integer | Code for this error, e.g., 20000. |
message | character varying | Message for this error, e.g., Internal server error . |
Table: fulfillment_item_t
This table contains the item variants that a fulfillment contains
For example, a fulfillment containing 3 units of the item variant 50-cal-ammo-tracer
Analytics usage: relating fulfillment to the item and its variant, and reporting the quantities of those items.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for fulfillment item generated by analytics. |
fulfillment_id | bigint | Relates to fulfillment_t . |
item_variant_id | bigint | Relates to item_variant_t . |
quantity | integer | Quantity of item variants in this fulfillment. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: fulfillment_order_t
This table contains related fulfillment to order. A user can order items and when that order is fulfilled the fulfillment is successful.
For example, a fulfillment containing an order for 3 units of the item variant 50-cal-ammo-tracer
Analytics usage: relating fulfillment to order.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for fulfillment order generated by analytics. |
fulfillment_id | bigint | Relates to fulfillment_t . |
order_id | bigint | Relates to order_t . |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: fulfillment_status_type_t
This table contains possible statuses for fulfillment: SUCCESS and FAILURE, which relate to its delivery status.
The current sole reason for the fulfillment not being executed is an internal server error.
Analytics usage: reporting on the possible fulfillment statuses.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for fulfillment status type generated by analytics. |
name | character varying | Name of the fulfillment status type. |
lname | character varying | Long name of the fulfillment status type. |
Table: fulfillment_t
This table contains a record of the fulfillment user activity. A fulfillment is one or more entitlements delivered to a user. It could be via an order or redemption.
For example, a successful fulfillment to a specific user was executed on 2022-04-14 01:52:57.000
Note that there are two kinds of fulfillment: an order or a code redemption.
Analytics usage: An fulfillment event counts as an active activity for a user.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for fulfillment generated by analytics. |
user_id | bigint | Relates to user_t. |
start_ts | timestamp without time zone | Start time of the fulfillment activity. |
end_ts | timestamp without time zone | UTC timestamp for the end of the activity. |
status_id | bigint | Relates to fulfillment_status_type_t . |
fulfillment_error_id | bigint | Relates to fulfillment_error_t . |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
fulfillment_number | character varying | We use the order number as the fulfillment number, but in clarity, to get the related order, use fulfillment_order_t instead. |
Table: gdpr_account_deleted_t
This table contains a log of status changes for user accounts having GDPR activities
For example a status change to DELETED for a given user at 2023-02-24 00:49:00.000
Analytics usage: Run analysis of GDPR user status changes.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for GDPR account deleted generated by analytics. |
user_id | bigint | Relates to user_t . |
start_ts | timestamp without time zone | Start time of the GDPR account deleted activity. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
status | bigint | Relates to GDPR_account_deletion_status_type_t . |
end_ts | timestamp without time zone | End of the deletion activity. |
Table: gdpr_account_deletion_status_type_t
This table contains list of GDPR activity statuses (e.g., REQUESTED_TO_IAM and DELETED) of the user's data, whether it has been deleted from the system as requested to comply with GDPR.
Analytics usage: Showing the GDPR status type.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for GDPR account deletion status generated by analytics. |
name | character varying | Name of the GDPR account deletion status type. |
lname | character varying | Long name of the GDPR account deletion status type. |
Table: gdpr_activity_t
This table contains a log of GDPR activities requested by a user for themselves or another user.
For example, an administrative user requests the GDPR-covered data on behalf of a player user at 2023-02-20 12:53:03.000
Analytics usage: Run analysis of GDPR activities, for instance, to count the requests for personal data per month.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for GDPR activity generated by analytics. |
requester_user_id | bigint | Requester in user_t . |
target_user_id | bigint | Target user in user_t . |
activity_type_id | bigint | The ID of the activity as listed in bd_activity_type . |
activity_ts | timestamp without time zone | UTC timestamp of the activity. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: gdpr_activity_type_t
This table contains a list of GDPR-related activity types, For example, when a user requests that we supply all the GDPR-covered data about themselves.
Analytics usage: showing the type of GDPR activity.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for GDPR activity type generated by analytics. |
name | character varying | Name of the GDPR activity type. |
lname | character varying | Long name of the GDPR activity type. |
Table: http_justice_service_t
This table can be ignored. This table contains data for internal use.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier. |
name | character varying | AGS service name. |
lname | character varying | AGS service long name. |
Table: http_request_t
This table can be ignored. This table contains data for internal use.
Column name | Data type | Description |
type | character varying | The type of request or connection. |
time | timestamp without time zone | The time when the load balancer generated a response to the client, in ISO 8601 format. For WebSockets, this is the time when the connection is closed. |
elb | character varying | The resource ID of the load balancer. If you are parsing access log entries, note that resource IDs can contain forward slashes. |
client_ip | character varying | The IP address of the requesting client. If there is a proxy in front of the load balancer, this field contains the IP address of the proxy. |
client_port | integer | The port of the requesting client. |
target_ip | character varying | The IP address of the target that processed this request. |
target_port | integer | The port of the target that processed this request. |
request_processing_time | double precision | The total time elapsed (in seconds, with millisecond precision) from the time the load balancer received the request until the time it sent the request to a target. |
target_processing_time | double precision | The total time elapsed (in seconds, with millisecond precision) from the time the load balancer sent the request to a target until the target started to send the response headers. |
response_processing_time | double precision | The total time elapsed (in seconds, with millisecond precision) from the time the load balancer received the response header from the target until it started to send the response to the client. This includes both the queuing time at the load balancer and the connection acquisition time from the load balancer to the client. |
elb_status_code | integer | The status code of the response from the load balancer. |
target_status_code | character varying | The status code of the response from the target. This value is recorded only if a connection was established to the target and the target sent a response. Otherwise, it is set to -. |
received_bytes | bigint | The size of the request, in bytes, received from the client (requester). For HTTP requests, this includes the headers. For WebSockets, this is the total number of bytes received from the client on the connection. |
sent_bytes | bigint | The size of the response, in bytes, sent to the client (requester). For HTTP requests, this includes the headers. For WebSockets, this is the total number of bytes sent to the client on the connection. |
request_verb | character varying | HTTP method . |
request_url | character varying | host:port/uri. |
request_proto | character varying | protocol. |
user_agent | character varying | A User-Agent string that identifies the client that originated the request, enclosed in double quotes. The string consists of one or more product identifiers, product[/version]. If the string is longer than 8 KB, it is truncated. |
ssl_cipher | character varying | [HTTPS listener] The SSL cipher. This value is set to - if the listener is not an HTTPS listener. |
ssl_protocol | character varying | [HTTPS listener] The SSL protocol. This value is set to - if the listener is not an HTTPS listener. |
target_group_arn | character varying | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the target group. |
trace_id | character varying | The contents of the X-Amzn-Trace-Id header, enclosed in double quotes. |
domain_name | character varying | [HTTPS listener] The SNI domain provided by the client during the TLS handshake, is enclosed in double quotes. This value is set to - if the client does not support SNI or the domain does not match a certificate and the default certificate is presented to the client. |
chosen_cert_arn | character varying | [HTTPS listener] The ARN of the certificate presented to the client, is enclosed in double quotes. This value is set to session-reused if the session is reused. This value is set to - if the listener is not an HTTPS listener. |
matched_rule_priority | character varying | The priority value of the rule that matched the request. If a rule is matched, this is a value from 1 to 50,000. If no rule matched and the default action was taken, this value is set to 0. If an error occurs during rules evaluation, it is set to -1. For any other error, it is set to -. |
request_creation_time | character varying | The time when the load balancer received the request from the client, in ISO 8601 format. |
actions_executed | character varying | The actions taken when processing the request, are enclosed in double quotes. This value is a comma-separated list that can include the values described in Actions taken. If no action was taken, such as for a malformed request, this value is set to -. |
redirect_url | character varying | The URL of the redirect target for the location header of the HTTP response, enclosed in double quotes. If no redirect actions were taken, this value is set to - . |
lambda_error_reason | character varying | The error reason code, is enclosed in double quotes. If the request failed, this is one of the error codes described in Error reason codes. If the actions taken do not include an authenticate action or the target is not a Lambda function, this value is set to -. |
target_port_list | character varying | A space-delimited list of IP addresses and ports for the targets that processed this request, enclosed in double quotes. Currently, this list can contain one item and it matches the target:port field. |
target_status_code_list | character varying | A space-delimited list of status codes from the responses of the targets, enclosed in double quotes. Currently, this list can contain one item and it matches the target_status_code field . |
classification | character varying | The classification for desync mitigation, is enclosed in double quotes. If the request does not comply with RFC 7230, the possible values are Acceptable, Ambiguous, and Severe. . |
classification_reason | character varying | The classification reason code, is enclosed in double quotes. If the request does not comply with RFC 7230, this is one of the classification codes described in Classification reasons. If the request complies with RFC 7230, this value is set to - . |
id | bigint | Identifier for http request generated by analytics. |
domain_url_id | bigint | Relates to etl_justice_url_t . |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
http_justice_service_id | integer | Relates to http_justice_service_t . |
Table: internal_job_log_t
This table can be ignored. This table contains data for internal use.
Column name | Data type | Description |
`id | text` | Identifier for internal job log generated by analytics. |
job_start_ts | timestamp without time zone | ETL Job start. |
job_description | text | Description of ETL Job. |
parameters | jsonb | Parameters used to invoke Job. |
subprocess_id | text | Process ID. |
subprocess_name | text | Process Name. |
subprocess_start_ts | timestamp without time zone | Process Start. |
subprocess_end_ts | timestamp without time zone | Process End. |
row_count_inserted | integer | Rows inserted into database tables by the Job. |
row_count_updated | integer | Rows updated in database tables by the Job. |
row_count_deleted | integer | Rows deleted from database tables by the Job. |
freeform_comment | text | A comment on this job run. |
error_text | text | Error issued by the Job if any. |
Table: internal_job_run_detail_t
This table can be ignored. This table contains data for internal use.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | integer | Identifier for internal job run detail generated by analytics. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
namespace_id | bigint | Identifier of the namespace e.g.,game project. |
activity_type | text | The type of the activity as listed in bd_activity_type . |
min_ts_hr | timestamp without time zone | Earliest time of the period of data processed by this job. |
max_ts_hr | timestamp without time zone | Latest time of the period of data processed by this job. |
user_id_count | bigint | Count of users in the data processed by this job. |
row_count | bigint | Count of rows in the data processed by this job. |
Table: item_app_t
This table contains an app item's type and its creation time.
Analytics usage: linking the item to the app.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for item app generated by analytics. |
item_id | bigint | Relates to item_t . |
app_id | bigint | App Identifier. |
app_type_id | bigint | Relates to item_app_type_t . |
start_ts | timestamp without time zone | Start of the app item lifetime. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
end_ts | timestamp without time zone | End of the app item lifetime. |
Table: item_app_type_t
This table contains the details of an app item.
Analytics usage: reporting about items that are apps.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for item app type generated by analytics. |
name | character varying | Name of the item app type. |
lname | character varying | Long name of the item app type. |
Table: item_bundle_t
This table contains the details of a bundled offer item. For example, a bundled offer item was created on at 2023-02-20 12:53:03.000.
Analytics usage: linking the item to the bundle.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for item bundle generated by analytics. |
item_id | bigint | Relates to item_t. |
bundle_item_id | bigint | Relates to item_t for the Bundle item containing this item. |
start_ts | timestamp without time zone | Start of the item bundle lifetime. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
end_ts | timestamp without time zone | End of the item bundle lifetime. |
Table: item_clone_t
This table contains a log of cloning items from a game namespace to its publisher namespace. It's used to record events when a publisher wants to sell an in game item on their website.
Analytics usage: Run analysis of the cloning of items.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for item clone generated by analytics. |
item_id | bigint | Relates to item_t . |
target_item_id | bigint | Relates to item_t for the target item of the cloning. |
start_ts | timestamp without time zone | Start of the item clone lifetime. |
end_ts | timestamp without time zone | End of the item clone lifetime. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: item_code_t
This table contains the details of a redemption code item. A redemption code is a serial number used to redeem other items. The key_group_id relates to Analytics usage: linking the item to redemption code.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for item code generated by analytics. |
item_id | bigint | Relates to item_t. |
key_group_id | bigint | Item key group identifier. |
start_ts | bigint | Start of the item code lifetime. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
end_ts | timestamp without time zone | End of the item code lifetime. |
Table: item_coin_t
This table contains the details of a coin item, otherwise known as a currency. For example, an item is some in-game currency for a particular game. Analytics usage: linking the item to game-specific currency.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for item coin generated by analytics. |
item_id | bigint | Relates to item_t . |
target_currency_code_id | bigint | Relates to currency_t . |
start_ts | timestamp without time zone | Start of the item coin lifetime. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: item_image_t
This table contains details of an image related to an item. This can apply to any type of item.
For example, an item image with the name "Swimwear" and caption "Summer Swimwear" located at the URI
Analytics usage: displaying images for an item when looking at drill-down data for that specific item.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for item image generated by analytics. |
item_id | bigint | Relates to item_t . |
name | character varying | Name of the item image. |
caption | character varying | Caption describing the image. |
url | character varying | URL of the image. |
small_url | character varying | Short URL of the image. |
start_ts | timestamp without time zone | Start of the image lifetime. |
end_ts | timestamp without time zone | End of the image lifetime. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: item_ingameitem_t
This table can be ignored. This table contains data for internal use.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for item in-game item generated by analytics. |
item_id | bigint | Relates to item_t. |
entitlement_ingameitem_id | bigint | In-game item id for the Item. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: item_localization_t
This table contains localized text for items, the title, description, and long description for different locales. For example, a loot box item with its Spanish language details, such as the title "caja de botín especial".
Analytics usage: apply user interface customization to fit the viewer's language.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for item localization generated by analytics. |
item_id | bigint | Relates to item_t . |
locale_id | bigint | Relates to locale_t which identifies locale. |
title | character varying | Localized item title. |
description | character varying | Localized item description. |
long_description | character varying | Localized item long description. |
start_ts | timestamp without time zone | Start of the item localization lifetime. |
end_ts | timestamp without time zone | End of the item localization lifetime. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: item_properties_t
This table contains metadata for items, such as item count, catalog category, namespace, and other details.
For example, the currently active definition for a specific item includes that its entitlement type is consumable, and it can be used 100 times but only five times per user.
Analytics usage: detailed analysis of items and their attributes.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for item properties generated by analytics. |
item_id | bigint | Relates to item_t . |
base_app_id | bigint | Relates to item_t for the base app item id if the item is an app. |
entitlement_type_id | bigint | Relates to entitlement_type_t . |
use_count | integer | Count of uses of this entitlement. |
stackable | boolean | Is the entitlement stackable? |
category_path_id | bigint | Relates to catalog_category_t . |
thumbnail_url | character varying | URL of the item thumbnail image. |
max_count_per_user | integer | Maximum number of this item for one user. |
max_count | integer | Maximum number of this item overall. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
start_ts | timestamp without time zone | Start of the lifetime of the item properties. |
end_ts | timestamp without time zone | End of the lifetime of the item properties. |
target_namespace_id | bigint | Namespace for the item. |
Table: item_region_price_t
This table contains pricing of an item. Their pricing and discounts can change over time.
For example, a specific item was assigned the price of $1.99 in USD when sold in the USA between 2022-01-14 02:03:21.000 and 2023-01-11 07:35:11.000.
Analytics usage: calculates item purchases.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for item region price generated by analytics. |
item_id | bigint | Relates to item_t . |
country_id | bigint | Relates to country_t . |
price | integer | Price of the item in this region. |
discount_percentage | integer | Percentage discount of this item in this region. |
discount_amount | integer | Discount amount of this item in this region. |
discounted_price | integer | Discounted price of this item in this region. |
currency_id | bigint | Relates to currency_t . |
purchase_at | timestamp without time zone | When the item can be purchased. |
expire_at | timestamp without time zone | When the possibility to purchase ends. |
discount_purchase_at | timestamp without time zone | When the item can be purchased at a discount. |
discount_expire_at | timestamp without time zone | When the possibility to purchase at discount ends. |
start_ts | timestamp without time zone | Start of the regional price effectivity. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
end_ts | timestamp without time zone | End of the regional price effectivity. |
Table: item_status_t
This table contains the status of an item. The status type can change over time. For example, a specific item was deleted on 2022-01-14 02:03:21.000.
Analytics usage: analysis of the lifecycle of items.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for item status generated by analytics. |
item_id | bigint | Relates to item_t . |
status_id | bigint | Relates to item_status_type_t . |
start_ts | timestamp without time zone | Start of the item status lifetime. |
end_ts | timestamp without time zone | End of the item status lifetime. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: item_status_type_t
This table contains a list of statuses for items: ACTIVE, INACTIVE, and DELETED. ACTIVE means the item is available to users. Inactive if an item is removed from the market due to copyright issues.
Analytics usage: displaying item status, for instance in a legend.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for item status type generated by analytics. |
name | character varying | Name of the item status type. |
lname | character varying | Long name of the item status type. |
Table: item_t
This table contains the list of items with their AGS ID.
Items can be of various types and distributed via entitlements. An item can go to many users. For example, a golden sword within a fantasy game namespace.
Analytics usage: linking items to the namespace, for instance, to count the number of items in a namespace overall time.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for item generated by analytics. |
namespace_id | bigint | Identifier of the namespace e.g.,game project. |
item_number | character varying | AccelByte Gaming Services Item ID. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: item_tags_t
This table contains freeform tagging of an item. For example, the tag 'Uncommon' indicates the rarity of an in-game asset item.
Analytics usage: Run analysis of items based on their tags.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for item tags generated by analytics. |
item_id | bigint | Relates to item_t . |
tag | character varying | Descriptive tag, e.g., Featured. |
start_ts | timestamp without time zone | Start of the tag lifetime. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
end_ts | timestamp without time zone | End of the tag lifetime. |
Table: item_type_t
This table contains a list of item types e.g., APP, COINS, SUBSCRIPTION. Analytics usage: Run analysis based on item types.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for item type generated by analytics. |
name | character varying | Name of the item type. |
lname | character varying | Long name of the item type. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: item_variant_t
This table contains items with multiple SKUs and names. For example, the same item could have multiple records, each with different SKUs and slightly different names that are updated over time if the administrator decided to rename the item.
Analytics usage: showing low-level details about an item.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for item variant generated by analytics. |
item_id | bigint | Relates to item_t . |
name | character varying | Name of the item variant. |
item_type_id | bigint | Relates to item_type_t . |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
sku | character varying | Real-world product identifier for the item. |
Table: job_program_t
This table can be ignored. Show the configuration for ETL jobs.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for job program generated by analytics. |
name | character varying | Name of the job program. |
lname | character varying | Long name of the job program. |
Table: job_run_t
This table can be ignored. This table contains a log of ETL job runs processing incoming data for internal use.
Column name | Data type | Description |
`id | bigint | Identifier for job run generated by analytics. |
program_id | bigint | Internal program id for this job. |
start_ts | timestamp without time zone | Start of the job run. |
finish_ts | timestamp without time zone | End of the job run. |
hostname | character varying | Where the job ran. |
username | character varying | User invoking the Job. |
Table: language_t
This table contains languages used in AccelByte Gaming Services localization for users to customize payment-related text. For example, en-US is for American English.
Analytics usage: defining the languages shown in AccelByte Gaming Services.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for language generated by analytics. |
name | character varying | Name of the language. |
lname | character varying | Long name of the language. |
Table: lobby_disconnected_code_t
This table contains a list of AccelByte Gaming Services lobby disconnection codes. For example, Code 4002.
Analytics usage: separating lobby session disconnections by code in reports. It can be more meaningful to use the lobby disconnected reason.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for lobby disconnected code generated by analytics. |
name | character varying | Name of the lobby disconnected code. |
lname | character varying | Long name of the lobby disconnected code. |
Table: lobby_disconnected_reason_t
This table contains a list of reasons for lobby session disconnection. For example server closed the connection.
Analytics usage: separating lobby session disconnections by reason in reports.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for lobby disconnected reason generated by analytics. |
name | character varying | Name of the lobby disconnected reason. |
lname | character varying | Long name of the lobby disconnected reason. |
Table: lobby_platform_t
This table contains if known, this specifies what the user is running the game on. For example, a particular user's lobby session is via Xbox.
Analytics usage: analyzing lobby sessions by users' platform used.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for lobby platform generated by analytics. |
lobby_session_id | bigint | Relates to lobby_session_t . |
platform_id | bigint | Platform ID, e.g., Windows. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: lobby_session_connected_t
This table contains the start of a lobby session and its timestamp. For example, a specific lobby session started on at 2022-11-01 10:40:16.000.
Analytics usage: analysis of lobby session start times, for instance, to make a heat map showing the busiest times of the day.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for lobby session connected generated by analytics. |
lobby_session_id | bigint | Relates to lobby_session_t . |
connected_ts | timestamp without time zone | UTC timestamp of the activity. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: lobby_session_disconnected_t
This table contains the end of a lobby session with the disconnection status code and reason. For example, a specific lobby session ended on at 2022-11-01 10:40:16.000 with the code 4002 and the reason "server closed the connection".
Analytics usage: analysis of the number of lobby disconnections and their reasons over time.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for lobby session disconnected generated by analytics. |
lobby_session_id | bigint | Relates to lobby_session_t . |
disconnected_ts | timestamp without time zone | When the lobby session was disconnected. |
reason_id | bigint | Why the lobby session was disconnected. |
disconnected_code_id | bigint | Relates to lobby_disconnected_code_t . |
forced | boolean | Was the disconnection forced? |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: lobby_session_t
This table contains a record of the lobby session user activity. This is when a user enters a game lobby. For example, a particular user creates a lobby session, the id of the user and the session will be recorded.
Analytics usage: A lobby session event counts as an active activity for a user.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for lobby session generated by analytics. |
user_id | bigint | Relates to user_t. |
srv_session_id | character varying | Server session ID for this lobby session. |
Table: locale_t
This table contains a list of languages used in connection with items and currencies. For example, de
for German.
Analytics usage: displaying language locale for items.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for locale generated by analytics. |
name | character varying | Name of the locale. |
lname | character varying | Long name of the locale. |
Table: match_party_user_t
This table contains the users within a match party. Duplicated data can be found in the user list in a match party, but this is provided for easier querying. For example a specific user is in a specific match party.
Analytics usage: joining match party to its users.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for match party user relation generated by analytics. |
matchparty_id | bigint | Analytics identifier of a match party, a subgroup of a team. |
user_id | bigint | Relates to user_t for the user who is in the match party. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: match_structure_team_t
This table contains the teams in a match structure. This is duplicated in the matchstructure_t table yet differs in that it is normalized for ease of querying. For example, a given match structure contains teams 1 and 2, so this table would contain a row for team 1 and team 2 both for the same match structure.
Analytics usage: relating team to match structure.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for match structure team generated by analytics. |
matchstructure_id | bigint | Analytics identifier of the match structure which is a match in progress in a game. The team is in that match. |
matchteam_id | bigint | Analytics identifier for the team within the match. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: match_team_party_t
This table contains a utility table to relate the match team to its match parties. This data is duplicated in a list of match parties inside the matchteam_t table
, but this is provided for easier querying. For example, a match team containing 3 match parties, it would show in the table as 3 records, one per party.
Analytics usage: relating match team to match party.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for match party team relation generated by analytics. |
matchteam_id | bigint | Analytics identifier for match team, a group of players in a team. |
matchparty_id | bigint | Analytics identifier for match party, a subgroup of players. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: matchmaking_channel_t
This table contains describes a match mode, for example, PVP in Europe.
Analytics usage: analyzing matchmaking by channel.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for matchmaking channel generated by analytics. |
channel_name | character varying | A codename for the type of match aka match mode, e.g.,ranked1v1. |
namespace_id | bigint | Identifier of the namespace e.g.,game project. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: matchmaking_mainticket_matchsession_t
This table contains related main tickets to match sessions. Normally, a match session would have zero or one main ticket but this rule may not hold, for instance due to test data. For example, a specific session has a specific main ticket.
Analytics usage: a related session to the main ticket.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for matchmaking main ticket match session generated by analytics. |
mainticket_id | bigint | Relates to matchmaking_ticket_t for the main ticket. |
matchsession_id | bigint | Relates to matchmaking_session_t for the main ticket. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: matchmaking_mainticket_t
This table contains the first ticket in a series of tickets for the same party when matchmaking is initiated. There may be subsequent tickets added to this series by this party, and these will not be main tickets. This contains data about the main ticket including party, channel and time.
For example, a main ticket was created on 2023-01-11 07:35:11.000 with a user on the Xbox platform and in a specific party.
Analytics usage: defining the main ticket in a matchmaking process. Useful for investigating the users that start parties and how long it takes for them to make a successful match from the first time they enter a matchmaking queue.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for matchmaking the main ticket generated by analytics. |
party_id | bigint | Relates to party_t . |
channel_id | bigint | Relates to matchmaking_channel_t . |
first_created_at | timestamp without time zone | When the main ticket was created. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: matchmaking_ticket_cancelled_t
This table contains a record of when a ticket is canceled, for instance when a party decides to exit matchmaking.
For example, a ticket that is cancelled at 2022-10-28 01:27:56.110.
Analytics usage: analyzing the times and counts of ticket cancellations in match sessions
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for matchmaking ticket canceled generated by analytics. |
ticket_id | bigint | Relates to matchmaking_ticket_t for the cancelled ticket. |
cancelled_at | timestamp without time zone | Timestamp of when the matchmaking ticket was canceled. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: matchmaking_ticket_matched_t
This table contains a record of when a ticket fulfills the requirements of a match, creating a match session.
For example, a specific ticket is matched at 2022-10-01 07:00:02.444, and creates a joinable session, i.e. others can join it with their tickets.
Analytics usage: analyzing when tickets create match sessions.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for matchmaking ticket matches generated by analytics. |
ticket_id | bigint | Relates to matchmaking_ticket_t for the matched ticket. |
matched_at | timestamp without time zone | When the ticket was matched. |
is_joinable_session | boolean | True if the matchmaking session can be joined by players. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: matchmaking_ticket_t
This table contains a ticket that may enter a match or a request for matchmaking from a party.
For example, a particular party requests to join a match in a game's PVP ranked channel at 2022-10-01 07:00:02.444.
Analytics usage: analyzing when parties request to join matches.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for matchmaking ticket generated by analytics. |
party_id | bigint | Relates to party_t . |
channel_id | bigint | Relates to matchmaking_channel_t . |
created_at | timestamp without time zone | When the matchmaking ticket was created. |
mainticket_id | bigint | Relates to matchmaking_mainticket_t . |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: matchmaking_ticket_timedout_t
This table contains a record of when a ticket in a match times out. For instance when a party is waiting too long to become full.
Analytics usage: analysis of ticket time-outs. A game studio may wish to monitor these in order to reduce their number and increase player satisfaction.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for matchmaking ticket timed out generated by analytics. |
ticket_id | bigint | Relates to matchmaking_ticket_t . |
timedout_at | timestamp without time zone | When the ticket timed out. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: matchparty_t
This table contains a list of users in a match party. A match party is a group of players that have associated themselves with each other. Often a match party is one player alone, in which case its user list would contain only one user ID. As players enter and leave a match party a new record is created.
Note that match_party_user_t
contains the same data in normalized format which may be easier to query.
For example, a record could hold a match party with a list of 3 users in that party.
Analytics usage: linking match party to users within it.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for match party generated by analytics. |
origin_party_id | bigint | Refers to , the party record of the user who created the match party. |
user_list | character varying | Comma-delimited list of analytics user ids for users currently in the match party. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: matchsession_activity_t
This table contains record of the match session user activity, the session events, and statuses contained within a match structure. For example an event occurs of type "sessionWriteResult" resulting in the session status "matched" at 2022-12-11 02:01:59.695. The event is now associated with a match structure containing the newly matched user.
Analytics usage: analysis of the occurrences of the various types of match session-related events.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for match session activity generated by analytics. |
matchsession_id | bigint | Relates to matchsession_t . |
matchstructure_id | bigint | Relates to matchstructure_t . |
matchsession_event_id | bigint | Relates to matchsession_event_type_t . |
matchsession_status_id | bigint | Relates to matchsession_status_type_t . |
start_ts | timestamp without time zone | Start time of the matchsession activity. |
end_ts | timestamp without time zone | UTC timestamp for the end of the activity. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: matchsession_dedicatedserver_t
This table contains relates match sessions to dedicated servers. This may be many-to-many.
Analytics usage: analysis of dedicated server usage via the match sessions running on them.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for match session dedicated server generated by analytics. |
matchsession_id | bigint | Relates to matchsession_t . |
dedicatedserver_id | bigint | Relates to dedicatedserver_t . |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: matchsession_ended_t
This table contains a record of when match sessions ended. One record may represent many sessions ending at the same time.
Analytics usage: analyzing the end of match sessions, perhaps useful in conjunction with other data about the start in order to monitor match session duration.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for match session ended generated by analytics. |
matchsession_id | bigint | Relates to matchsession_t. |
ended_at | timestamp without time zone | When the match session ended. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: matchsession_event_type_t
This table contains a list of match session event type codenames: sessionWriteResult
, sessionRemoveUserID
, SessionQueued
, SessionDeleted
, SessionAddUserID
, SessionDequeued
, and startMatchSessionCreated
. For example, sessionRemoveUserID
, which means a user leaves a session.
Analytics usage: displaying the match session event type, for instance in a legend.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for match session event type generated by analytics. |
name | character varying | Name of the match session event type. |
lname | character varying | Long name of the match session event type. |
Table: matchsession_status_type_t
This table contains a list of match session status type codenames. One of matched
, SessionFull
, SessionInQueue
, SessionTimeout
, and done
For example, SessionFull
means the session has the maximum number of players allowed.
Analytics usage: displaying the match session status, for instance in a legend.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for match session status type generated by analytics. |
name | character varying | Name of the match session status type. |
lname | character varying | Long name of the match session status type. |
Table: matchsession_t
This table contains identifies a match session with its AGS ID and specifies which namespace it is in. This is created when a game starts using parties in the match.
For example, a match session that is created with the AccelByte Gaming Services match session ID of bc58881ed21a4df2ac00f9a36c9e9a11
in a particular game namespace.
Analytics usage: A match session event counts as an active activity for a user.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for match session generated by analytics. |
match_id | character varying | AGS Match ID. |
namespace_id | bigint | Identifier of the namespace, e.g., game project. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: matchstructure_t
This table contains this a match in progress in a game, the highest-level entity in the team composition system. It contains match teams which in turn contain match parties. Note that match_structure_team_t
contains equivalent data which is easier to query due to being normalized.
For example, a specific match structure that contains two teams. The list of the two IDs of the teams is contained in this record.
Analytics usage: relating the top-level match structure to the teams within it.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for match structure generated by analytics. |
team_list | character varying | A comma-delimited list of match team analytics ids for the teams in this match structure. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: matchteam_t
This table contains a match team containing one or more match parties. These teams are the groups that appear in the game as groups who compete or cooperate. Drilling down, a team may contain one to many users. For example, a team containing three parties intent on joining the same game.
Analytics usage: relating team to parties.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for match team generated by analytics. |
party_list | character varying | Comma-delimited list of , a list of match parties in this team. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: namespace_parent_t
This table contains in a hierarchy of namespaces, which defines the structure. For example a record stating that a game namespace is parented by the studio namespace.
Analytics usage: grouping namespaces.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | The Analytics ID for the namespace parent record. |
parent_namespace_id | bigint | Relates to namespace_t for the parent namespace. |
child_namespace_id | bigint | Relates to namespace_t for the child namespace. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: namespace_status_t
This table contains a record of the status changes of a namespace over time. For example a record of a namespace becoming enabled at 2023-02-07 05:47:30.000.
Analytics usage: reporting on namespaces depending on status. Usually, only those which are enabled would be reported upon.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for namespace status generated by analytics. |
namespace_id | bigint | Identifier of the namespace, e.g., game project. |
status_id | bigint | Relates to namespace_status_type_t . |
start_ts | timestamp without time zone | The start of when the status was in effect for this namespace. |
end_ts | timestamp without time zone | The end of when the status was in effect for this namespace. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: namespace_status_type_t
This table contains a list of possible types of statuses for the namespace, such as ENABLED, DELETED, and DISABLED.
For example, ENABLED means the namespace is live within AccelByte systems.
Analytics usage: displaying namespace status.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for namespace status type generated by analytics. |
name | character varying | Name of the namespace status type. |
lname | character varying | Long name of the namespace status type. |
Table: namespace_t
This table contains a namespace that shows who or what owns data in other tables. It usually represents a game but could also be AccelByte, a project, a team within a studio or a studio.
For example a record of a namespace for a specific game in development, its parent project namespace, and the studio owning the game.
Analytics usage: obtaining namespace details, for instance, to view data for all namespaces under a certain studio.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | The identifier for namespace. |
parent_id | bigint | Relates to publisher_t . |
studio_id | bigint | Relates to studio_t . |
name | character varying | Name of the namespace. |
lname | character varying | Long name of the namespace. |
is_working_title | boolean | If the namespace is for a game and the game is a working title this is true. |
effective_dt | date | The date at which data for this namespace is valid. This could be, for example, the initial release date of the game. |
production | boolean | Indicates whether the namespace is in production or not. |
Table: oauth_client_properties_t
This table contains properties of an OAuth client, such as platform, URL, and name.
For example a default game client running at localhost which is public starting at 2023-06-12 02:58:02.000.
Analytics usage: analyzing client usage by attribute.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for oauth client properties generated by analytics. |
client_id | bigint | Relates to oauth_client_t . |
name | character varying | Name of the oauth client properties. |
redirect_uri | character varying | The redirect URI of the oAuth Client. |
client_type | bigint | Relates to oauth_client_type_t . |
base_uri | character varying | The base URI for the oAuth Client. |
client_platform | character varying | The client platform e.g.,Playstation. |
start_ts | timestamp without time zone | The start of the lifetime of these oAuth Client properties. |
end_ts | timestamp without time zone | The end of the lifetime of these oAuth Client properties. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: oauth_client_status_t
This table contains the status of an OAuth client over time.
For example the status for a specific client changed to DELETED at 2023-06-12 02:58:02.000.
Analytics usage: selecting OAuth clients for reporting based on status.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for oauth client status generated by analytics. |
client_id | bigint | Relates to oauth_client_t . |
status_id | bigint | Relates to oauth_client_status_type_t . |
start_ts | timestamp without time zone | The start of when the status was in effect. |
end_ts | timestamp without time zone | The end of when the status was in effect. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: oauth_client_status_type_t
This table contains the possible OAuth client status types, such as ENABLED and DELETED.
For example, ENABLED, which means the client is currently live.
Analytics usage: displaying OAuth client status.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for oauth client status type generated by analytics. |
name | character varying | Name of the oauth client status type. |
lname | character varying | Long name of the oauth client status type. |
Table: oauth_client_t
This table contains a record of OAuth clients of AccelByte systems. Note that a client in this case is not a user, but rather an authentication protocol.
For example, a record containing a client number, which is a unique identifier relating to the application that a user logged in from, in a particular namespace.
Analytics usage: analyzing usage of various clients by users.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for oauth client generated by analytics. |
namespace_id | bigint | Identifier of the namespace, e.g., game project. |
client_number | character varying | An identifier for oAuth Client. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: oauth_client_type_t
This table contains a list of OAuth client types, suchas Public and Confidential.
For example, Confidential, which means used during development and not open to the public.
Analytics usage: displaying OAuth client type.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for oauth client type generated by analytics. |
name | character varying | Name of the oauth client type. |
lname | character varying | Long name of the oauth client type. |
Table: order_item_t
This table contains shows the items and their quantities that an order contains.
For example an order containing 2 items would result in two rows with the same order_id
each having one of the relevant item_ids
Analytics usage: relating orders to their items.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for order item generated by analytics. |
order_id | bigint | Relates to order_t . |
qty | integer | Quantity of the item in the order. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
item_id | bigint | Relates to item_t . |
Table: order_payment_t
This table contains relates an order to payment. There can be zero or one payment per order.
For example a specific order that was paid.
Analytics usage: relating orders to payments.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for order payment generated by analytics. |
order_id | bigint | Relates to order_t . |
payment_id | bigint | Relates to payment_t . |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: order_properties_t
This table contains order properties e.g.,price and the time period for which they are valid.
For example, an order that cost $2 USD was created at 2021-10-21 12:31:36.000 and due to expire on at 2021-11-21 12:31:36.000.
Analytics usage: including order details in analyses such as those that look at order costs to the users.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for order properties generated by analytics. |
order_id | bigint | Relates to order_t. |
price | integer | Price of the Order. |
discounted_price | integer | Discounted price of the order. |
start_ts | timestamp without time zone | Start of the lifetime of the order properties. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
end_ts | timestamp without time zone | End of the lifetime of the order properties. |
currency_id | bigint | Relates to currency_t. |
Table: order_status_t
This table contains the status of an order. This changes for an order over time.
For example, one record for an order having charged status at 2021-11-21 12:31:36.000 and another record for the same order with status fulfilled at the later time of 2021-11-21 15:31:36.000.
Analytics usage: tracking order status changes over time.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for order status generated by analytics. |
order_id | bigint | Relates to order_t . |
order_status_id | bigint | Relates to order_status_type_t . |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
start_ts | timestamp without time zone | The start of when the status was in effect. |
end_ts | timestamp without time zone | The end of when the status was in effect. |
status_reason | character varying | Describes why this status occurred. |
Table: order_status_type_t
This table contains a list of statuses that an order can have, such as SUCCESS, FAIL, CHARGED, FULFILLED, FULFILL_FAILED, INIT, REFUNDING, REFUNDED, and CLOSED.
For example, REFUNDED means the user got reimbursed for the order.
Analytics usage: displaying order status.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for order status type generated by analytics. |
name | character varying | Name of the order status type. |
lname | character varying | Long name of the order status type. |
Table: order_t
This table contains a record of the order user activity with AccelByte Gaming Services order id and user, which implies namespace. Created when a user orders an item.
For example, a user placing an order with order ID O423102251203926022
Analytics usage: An order event counts as an active activity for a user.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for order generated by analytics. |
user_id | bigint | Relates to user_t . |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
order_number | character varying | The real-world identifier for the order. |
Table: party_t
This table contains a Party, also known as a lobby party. Used with matchparty_t
to find the users in the party.
For example, a new party is created within a particular game.
Analytics usage: relating party to the namespace.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for party generated by analytics. |
party_number | character varying | Unique ID in AGS for the party. |
namespace_id | bigint | Identifier of the namespace e.g.,game project. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: payment_channel_t
This table contains the possible payment channels: INTERNAL and EXTERNAL. For example, INTERNAL.
Analytics usage: displaying payment channel names.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for payment channel generated by analytics. |
name | character varying | Name of the payment channel. |
lname | character varying | Long name of the payment channel. |
Table: payment_properties_t
This table contains properties of a payment user activity.
For example, details of a payment for $1 USD via an external payment channel, with its external order number, the language used, and payment status charged.
Analytics usage: analysis of payment properties and their occurrences. For instance to find the average payment amount per month.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for payment properties generated by analytics. |
payment_id | bigint | Relates to payment_t . |
target_user_id | bigint | Relates to user_t for the target user, if any. |
external_order_number | character varying | The real-world identifier for the order. |
currency_id | bigint | Relates to currency_t . |
language_id | bigint | Relates to language_t . |
region_id | bigint | Relates to country_t . |
sandbox | boolean | Indicates whether the payment was made in a sandbox. |
price | integer | Amount of the payment. |
payment_status_id | bigint | Relates to payment_status_type_t . |
payment_status_reason_id | bigint | Relates to payment_status_reason_t . |
start_ts | timestamp without time zone | Start of the lifetime of the payment properties. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
end_ts | timestamp without time zone | End of the lifetime of the payment properties. |
external_user_number | character varying | Real world user identifier. |
payment_provider_id | bigint | Relates to payment_provider_t . |
channel_id | bigint | Relates to payment_channel_t . |
Table: payment_provider_t
This table contains a list of possible payment providers for orders, such as WALLET, ADYEN, XSOLLA, STRIPE, and CHECKOUT.
For example, STRIPE means that online payment gateway.
Analytics usage: displaying payment provider name.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for payment provider generated by analytics. |
name | character varying | Name of the payment provider. |
lname | character varying | Long name of the payment provider. |
Table: payment_status_reason_t
This table contains a list of possible reasons for payment statuses.
For example, ORDER_EXPIRED meaning, you guessed it, the order related to a payment expired.
Analytics usage: displaying payment status reason name.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for payment status reason generated by analytics. |
name | character varying | Name of the payment status reason. |
lname | character varying | Long name of the payment status reason. |
Table: payment_status_type_t
This table contains a list of payment statuses, such as INIT, CHARGED, REFUNDING, REFUNDED, and CHARGE_FAILED.
For example, CHARGED means the payment was successful.
Analytics usage: displaying payment status names.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for payment status type generated by analytics. |
name | character varying | Name of the payment status type. |
lname | character varying | Long name of the payment status type. |
Table: payment_t
This table contains a record of the payment user activity. A user can make an order which contains items for which a payment is needed.
For example, a record containing a user ID and one of their payment IDs.
Analytics usage: A payment event counts as an active activity for a user.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for a payment generated by analytics. |
user_id | bigint | Relates to user_t . |
payment_number | character varying | Real world payment identifier. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: platform_t
This table contains a list of hardware or software platforms on which a game can run.
For example, steam represents that online games platform.
Analytics usage: displaying platform name.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for platform generated by analytics. |
name | character varying | Name of the platform. |
lname | character varying | Long name of the platform. |
Table: policy_localization_t
This table contains holds an AccelByte Gaming Services identifier for a localized policy version
For example, a policy localization identifier with its owning policy.
Analytics usage: supplying the identifier of a policy to look up in AccelByte Gaming Services.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for policy localization generated by analytics. |
policy_localization_number | character varying | An identifier for localized policy. |
policy_version_id | bigint | The version of the localized policy. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: policy_t
This table contains a policy defined by a namespace. For example, terms of service for a particular game.
Analytics usage: relating policy to a namespace.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for policy generated by analytics. |
policy_number | character varying | An identifier for policy. |
namespace_id | bigint | Identifier of the namespace e.g.,game project. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: policy_version_t
This table contains versions of a policy, and holds an AGS identifier for the version.
For example, a version identifier and its owning policy.
Analytics usage: supplying the identifier of a policy to look up in AGS.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for policy version generated by analytics. |
policy_version_number | character varying | The version of the policy. |
policy_id | bigint | Relates to policy_t . |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: publisher_t
This table contains game publishers and their names. For example, a record for a game publisher showing their name and long name.
Analytics usage: displaying publisher name.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for publisher generated by analytics. |
name | character varying | Name of the publisher. |
lname | character varying | Long name of the publisher. |
Table: realmoney_currency_t
This table contains the three-digit of ISO-4217 currency code. For example, USD and RMB.
Analytics usage: Currency labels.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Analytics ID for real money currency. |
currency_code | character varying | ISO Currency Code. |
Table: realmoney_transaction_item_t
This table contains the item of a transaction, if it exists. For example, an item within a transaction on an eCommerce platform.
Analytics usage: analysis focusing on specific items transacted.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Analytics ID for real money transaction item. |
items | jsonb | A JSON list of real-money transaction items. |
realmoney_transaction_id | bigint | Relates to realmoney_transaction_t. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: realmoney_transaction_t
This table contains the instances of real money transactions.
For example, a transaction for a certain amount within a namespace on a given eCommerce platform.
Analytics usage: Analysis of eCommerce transactions.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Analytics ID for real money transactions. |
created_ts | timestamp without time zone | When the transaction was created. |
amount | double precision | The amount of currency transacted. |
namespace_id | bigint | The namespace for the Transaction. |
event_number | character varying | A unique identifier of a real-money transaction event. |
currency_id | bigint | Relates to realmoney_currency_t . |
platform_uid | character varying | A unique user identifier of the eCommerce platform. |
ecommerce_platform_id | bigint | Analytics ID of eCommerce platform related to ecommerce_platform_t table. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
transaction_type_id | bigint | Relates to realmoney_transaction_type_t . |
Table: realmoney_transaction_type_t
This table will contain real money transaction types. For example, purchase, and refund.
Analytics usage: labeling transactions by type.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Analytics ID for real money transaction type. |
name | character varying | Name of the transaction type. |
lname | character varying | Long name of the transaction type. |
Table: redemptioncode_t
This table contains redemption codes that can be used to receive items via fulfillment.
For example an issued redemption code with a unique ID such as g4a2cJbszsKnUVqMPHJf
Analytics usage: getting the analytics numeric id for an alphanumeric redemption code.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for redemption code generated by analytics. |
code | character varying | The real-world redemption code which may be visible to the player. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: studio_t
This table contains game studios and their names. Note that namespace_t
contains a studio_id
which allows studios to contain namespaces.
For example, a studio with its system name and readable formatted name.
Analytics usage: reporting by studio, usually via their namespaces.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for studio generated by analytics. |
name | character varying | Name of the studio. |
lname | character varying | Long name of the studio. |
Table: telemetry_event_t
This table contains a list of possible telemetry event types within a namespace. Hence namespaces may have varying types of event types.
For example, CPU load for a particular game.
Analytics usage: showing telemetry event name.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for telemetry event type generated by analytics. |
name | character varying | Name of the telemetry event type. |
namespace_id | bigint | Identifier of the namespace, e.g. game project. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: telemetry_presence_flight_t
This table contains the telemetry presence flight records, i.e. game session records.
For example, a new session on Windows for a specific game namespace.
Analytics usage: analysis grouped by flight.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for telemetry flight generated by analytics. |
namespace_id | bigint | Relates to namespace_t . |
flight_number | character varying | Unique ID in AGS for flight. |
platform_id | bigint | Relates to telemetry_presence_platform_t . |
Table: telemetry_presence_game_state_t
This table contains the possible game states used in telemetry presence records.
For example, IN_GAMEPLAY, STORE, and CHAT.
Analytics usage: Analyzing and displaying events by game state.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for telemetry game state generated by analytics. |
name | character varying | Name of the telemetry presence game state. |
lname | character varying | Long name of the telemetry presence game state. |
Table: telemetry_presence_platform_t
This table contains the list of possible telemetry presence platforms. For example, Windows.
Analytics usage: Displaying the platforms for presence events.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for telemetry platform generated by analytics. |
name | character varying | Name of the telemetry presence platform, e.g. Windows. |
lname | character varying | Long name of the telemetry presence platform. |
Table: telemetry_presence_t
This table contains a subset of telemetry event instances that indicate a user's presence in a game and their state at that time. This is unlike telemetry_t
which is more flexible having any kind of content in a JSON payload.
Analytics usage: calculate session time and concurrent users. A presence event counts as an active activity for a user.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for telemetry presence event generated by analytics. |
flight_id | bigint | Relates to telemetry_presence_flight_t . |
presence_ts | timestamp without time zone | Timestamp of when the telemetry presence event occurred. |
game_state_id | bigint | Relates to telemetry_presence_game_state_t . |
game_context | character varying | Describes the context of the event, e.g., pvp. |
Table: telemetry_t
This table contains telemetry event instances and their JSON payloads. They have a namespace, and may have an associated user, event type and time.
For example, a record of CPU load in a game played by a specific user at a given time.
Analytics usage: telemetry analysis, for instance, to locate high resource usage during a stage of a game.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for telemetry generated by analytics. |
namespace_id | bigint | Identifier of the namespace e.g.,game project. |
user_id | bigint | Relates to user_t . Non-null if this telemetry event is associated with a particular user. |
telemetry_event_id | bigint | Relates to telemetry_event_t . |
event_ts | timestamp without time zone | When the event occurred. |
event_number | character varying | An identifier for the event. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
payload_json | character varying | A JSON object containing data about the event. |
Table: thirdparty_account_t
This table contains third-party accounts held by users. This shows the platform identifier for those accounts and the platform they are using.
For example, an Xbox platform's account with its Xbox account ID.
Analytics usage: viewing third-party accounts and their platform.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for third-party account generated by analytics. |
platform_id | bigint | Platform id. |
thirdparty_uid | character varying | User ID or gamer tag from each third party. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: user_auth_t
This table contains record of the user authentication user activity. When they authenticate into a game, a website, or other client.
For example, a record of a user authenticating in a game's website on at 2021-12-08 17:01:30.000 via that website's authentication system.
Analytics usage: An authentication event counts as an active activity for a user.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for user auth generated by analytics. |
user_id | bigint | Relates to user_t . |
client_id | bigint | Relates to oauth_client_t . |
auth_ts | timestamp without time zone | When the authorization occurred. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
is_third_party_auth | boolean | Was this authorization done by a third party? |
platform_id | bigint | Relates to platform_t . |
Table: user_ban_t
This table contains record of the user ban user activity. When a user is banned from a game feature.
For example, a user is banned from chat for a week starting 2023-03-11 17:06:20.000.
Analytics usage: A ban event counts as an active activity for a user.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for user ban generated by analytics. |
is_enabled | boolean | Is this instance of a ban enabled. |
user_id | bigint | Relates to user_t . |
start_ts | timestamp without time zone | Start time of the user ban activity. |
ban_id | bigint | Clarity ban ID. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
end_ts | timestamp without time zone | UTC timestamp for the end of the activity. |
Table: user_country_t
This table contains shows a user country that they connect from and the applicable time period.
For example, a record for a user connecting from the USA at 2021-08-16 04:21:28.000, then another record for that user connecting from France at 2021-08-17 05:03:19.000.
Analytics usage: showing visualization by country.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for user country generated by analytics. |
user_id | bigint | Relates to user_t . |
country_id | bigint | Clarity country id . |
start_ts | timestamp without time zone | Start of the period when the player was connecting from this country. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
end_ts | timestamp without time zone | End of the period when the player was connecting from this country. |
Table: user_dateofbirth_t
This table contains the dates of birth input by a user. This can be amended over time for the same user.
For example, a record of a user changing their date of birth to 1980-04-05 00:00:00.000 at 2021-08-10 15:38:37.000.
Analytics usage: analysis of user activity by age range.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for user date of birth generated by analytics. |
user_id | bigint | Relates to user_t. |
dateofbirth | timestamp without time zone | Date of Birth of the user. |
start_ts | timestamp without time zone | Start of the period for which this date of birth was given. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
end_ts | timestamp without time zone | End of the period for which this date of birth was given. |
Table: user_displayname_t
This table contains the display names chosen by a user. This can be amended over time for the same user.
For example, a record of a user setting their display name to "Gandalf" at 2021-07-17 23:28:35.000.
Analytics usage: searching for a user by their display name.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for user display name generated by analytics. |
user_id | bigint | Relates to user_t . |
display_name | character varying | Display the name of the user. |
`start_ts | timestamp without time zone | Start of the period for which this display name was given. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
end_ts | timestamp without time zone | End of the period for which this display name was given. |
Table: user_email_t
This table contains the email addresses chosen by a user. This can be amended over time for the same user.
For example, a record of a user setting their email to
on 2021-08-09 12:07:05.000.
Analytics usage: looking up a user by email or finding the currently active email for a user.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for user email generated by analytics. |
email | character varying | Email of the user. |
user_id | bigint | Relates to user_t . |
start_ts | timestamp without time zone | Start of the period for which this email was given. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
end_ts | timestamp without time zone | End of the period for which this email was given. |
Table: user_enabled_t
This table contains a record of whether a user is enabled or not and over which time period. When a user is enabled they can log in to clients in the namespace, when disabled they are blocked from the whole namespace. Disabled is like a global ban.
For example, a record for a user that became enabled at 2021-08-10 11:31:34.000 and was disabled at 2021-09-10 11:32:17.000.
Analytics usage: a user enables event counts as an active activity for a user.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | integer | Identifier for user enabled generated by analytics. |
user_id | bigint | Relates to user_t. |
start_ts | timestamp without time zone | Start of the period for which this user was enabled or not. |
is_enabled | boolean | Whether the user is enabled to use a namespace. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
end_ts | timestamp without time zone | End of the period for which this user was enabled or not. |
Table: user_language_t
This table contains the interface language chosen by a user. This can be amended over time for the same user.
For example, a record of a user picking French as their primary language at 2021-08-19 07:37:57.000.
Analytics usage: analysis of languages chosen by users.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for user language generated by analytics. |
user_id | bigint | Relates to user_t . |
language_id | bigint | Relates to language_t . |
start_ts | timestamp without time zone | Start of the period for which this user was associated with this language. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
end_ts | timestamp without time zone | End of the period for which this user was associated with this language. |
Table: user_marketingpreference_t
This table contains a record of whether a user has ticked subscribe when presented with a marketing preference choice or not and over which time period. This can be true or false at a given time for a user. There are not multiple marketing preference types, it is only one setting per user.
For example, a particular user subscribes to receive marketing materials from a studio at 2022-11-09 06:59:34.000.
Analytics usage: analysis of marketing preference uptake.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for user marketing preference generated by analytics. |
user_id | bigint | Relates to user_t. |
is_subscribed | boolean | Whether the user is subscribed to marketing or not. |
start_ts | timestamp without time zone | Start of the period for which this user was subscribed or not to marketing. |
end_ts | timestamp without time zone | End of the period for which this user was subscribed or not to marketing. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: user_parent_t
This table contains Individuals who may own a publisher account which is the parent of several game accounts for games distributed by that publisher.
For example, a record showing that User 1 is the parent of Users 2 and 3.
Analytics usage: consolidating user behavior by an individual across all games from a publisher.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for user parent generated by analytics. |
user_id | bigint | Relates to user_t for the user having a game account. |
parent_user_id | bigint | Relates to user_t for the user having a publisher account. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: user_status_t
This table contains user status, including whether they are deleted or verified. A user may choose to delete their account. There can be more than one record per user as the statuses may change over time.
For example, a record of a user becoming verified at 2021-08-10 11:32:17.000.
Analytics usage: analysis of the number of users deleted or verified over time.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for user status generated by analytics. |
user_id | bigint | Relates to user_t. |
start_ts | timestamp without time zone | Start of the period for which this user has this status. |
is_deleted | boolean | Whether the user is deleted from its namespace. |
is_verified | boolean | Whether the user is verified in its namespace. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
end_ts | timestamp without time zone | End of the period for which this user has this status. |
Table: user_t
This table contains this table holds namespace-level accounts. The uid must be unique on a per-namespace basis. This contains namespace e.g., game, unique user identifier and optionally parent user.
For example, a record for a particular user in a specific game with a unique user UID 1e1bbe017a014b2ebdb504fb99005b55
Analytics usage: finding users in a namespace.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for user-generated by analytics. |
namespace_id | bigint | Identifier of the namespace, e.g., game project. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
uid | character varying | User ID as reflected in AGS. This should not be confused with any of the analytics user IDs. Typically, a hex string. This is the same user ID that is found in the AccelByte Gaming Services raw events. |
parent_user_id | bigint | Relates back to user_t to identify parent of this user. |
Table: user_thirdparty_link_t
This table contains related users to their third-party accounts, recorded when the link between the user and the third party is made or removed.
For example, a record of a user linking their third-party account to their in-game account on 2022-05-31 07:24:54.000. Another record of them unlinking it at 2022-06-11 07:24:54.000.
Analytics usage: relating users to third-party accounts.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for user third-party link generated by analytics. |
user_thirdparty_id | bigint | Relates to user_thirdparty_t . |
is_linked | boolean | Is there an association between the AGS user and the third-party user? |
start_ts | timestamp without time zone | Start of the period for which these user accounts are linked or not. |
end_ts | timestamp without time zone | End of the period for which these user accounts are linked or not. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: user_thirdparty_t
This table shows the linking of users to third-party accounts during any time period. For example, a user ID and their third-party user ID. Analytics usage: relating users to third-party accounts.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for user's third-party account generated by analytics. |
user_id | bigint | Relates to user_t . |
thirdparty_user_id | bigint | Relates to thirdparty_account_t . |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: wallet_balance_change_type_t
This table contains a list of possible reasons for a change in the funds of a user wallet. For example, PURCHASE, when a user purchases an item via their wallet.
Analytics usage: displaying wallet change type name.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for wallet balance change type generated by analytics. |
name | character varying | Name of the wallet balance change type. |
lname | character varying | Long name of the wallet balance change type. |
Table: wallet_balance_source_t
This table contains a list of possible sources of funds for a user's wallet. For example, DEPOSIT, when a user has funded their wallet.
Analytics usage: displaying wallet source type name.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for wallet balance source generated by analytics. |
name | character varying | Name of the wallet balance source. |
lname | character varying | Long name of the wallet balance source. |
Table: wallet_balance_t
This table contains a record of the balance as it changes in a user's wallet including amount, currency, and time of change.
For example a record of a wallet getting a deposit of an amount in a particular currency at a particular time with the resulting balance.
Analytics usage: analyzing the change in wallet balance and what commonly triggers that change.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for wallet balance generated by analytics. |
wallet_id | bigint | Relates to wallet_t . |
currency_id | bigint | Relates to currency_t . |
balance_change_type_id | bigint | Relates to wallet_balance_change_type_t . |
balance_source_id | bigint | Relates to wallet_balance_source_t . |
reason | character varying | Describes the reason for the balance change. |
amount | integer | Amount of change in balance in currency. |
balance | integer | Current balance amount in currency. |
timestamp | timestamp without time zone | When the change in balance occurred. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: wallet_status_t
This table contains the status of a user's wallet. This can change over time.
For example, a record of a user changing their wallet status at 2022-06-11 07:24:54.000.
Analytics usage: analysis of users' wallet status types over time.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for wallet status generated by analytics. |
wallet_id | bigint | Relates to wallet_t . |
status_type_id | bigint | Relates to wallet_status_type_t . |
start_ts | timestamp without time zone | The start of when the status was in effect. |
end_ts | timestamp without time zone | The end of when the status was in effect. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |
Table: wallet_status_type_t
This table contains a list of possible statuses for a user's wallet. For example, ENABLED.
Analytics usage: showing wallet status names.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for wallet status type generated by analytics. |
name | character varying | Name of the wallet status type. |
lname | character varying | Long name of the wallet status type. |
Table: wallet_t
This table contains a record of the wallet user activity. When there is some activity within a user's wallet. This refers to in-game wallets containing in-game currency. Note that wallet_number is synonymous with wallet_id
For example, a specific user has a specific wallet.
Analytics usage: A wallet event counts as an active activity for a user.
Column name | Data type | Description |
id | bigint | Identifier for wallet generated by analytics. |
user_id | bigint | Relates to user_t. |
wallet_number | character varying | Real world wallet identifier. |
job_run_id | bigint | ID of the analytics job run via which this row was imported. |