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Clone and run Byte Wars - Initial setup - (Unity module)

Last updated on March 12, 2025

Clone the Byte Wars repository

You can find the Byte Wars AMS project from the tutorialmodules-ams branch on the Byte Wars Unity GitHub repository. Use the Git command below to clone the project.

git clone -b tutorialmodules-ams

Open the Byte Wars project in Unity

  1. Launch the Unity Hub. From the side panel, select Projects and click on the Add button. From the dropdown, select the Add project from disk.

  2. On the pop-up window, locate the Byte Wars project you cloned and click ont he Add Project button.

  3. Once done, the Byte Wars project will be listed on the Unity Hub. Make sure the EDITOR VERSION is set to 2022.3.50f1.

  4. Click the project entry from the list to open it on the Unity Editor.

Run Byte Wars

You can run Byte Wars directly in the Unity Editor, or you can build and run it as a .exe executable file or a web page (WebGL).

Run Byte Wars in the Unity Editor

  1. Open Byte Wars project in Unity Editor. Then, go to the Assets/Scenes folder and double-click the MainMenu.unity scene file to open the Main Menu scene.

  2. Click on the play button to start the game in the Unity Editor.

Run Byte Wars as game build

  1. Open Byte Wars project in Unity Editor. Then, go to File > Build Settings.

  2. On the Build Settings window, select Windows, Mac, Linux for the Platform and choose Windows as the Target Platform. Then, click on the Build button to build your game client as executable.

    Windows build settings Unity Byte Wars initial setup

  3. In the file manager window, choose the folder where you want to save the game build file and click Select Folder button.

  4. Unity will start to build and package your game. Once it is done, open the folder where you saved the game build. Then, run the ByteWars.exe to start the game.


You can also run Byte Wars from terminal using the command below:

ByteWars.exe -window-mode -screen-width 1280 -screen-height 720