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Play test - Login with Steam - (Unity module)

Last updated on March 9, 2024

Manual Steam login

  1. Make sure the autoLogin in the steamConfiguration is set to false. You can change it in the Assets/Resources/Modules/TutorialModuleConfig.json file.

    "steamAppId": "replace with your steam app id",
    "autoLogin": false
  2. With Steam open, play your game in the Unity Editor.

  3. Click the LOGIN WITH STEAM button. If your implementation was successful, you will be taken to the main menu.

Auto Steam login

  1. Make sure the autoLogin in the steamConfiguration is set to true. You can change it in the Assets/Resources/Modules/TutorialModuleConfig.json file.

    "steamAppId": "replace with your steam app id",
    "autoLogin": true
  2. With Steam open, play your game in the Unity Editor. If your implementation was successful, you will login automatically and be taken to the main menu.
