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Overview - Initial setup - (Unity module)

Last updated on June 12, 2024


Welcome to the Byte Wars Unity tutorial! Byte Wars is the official tutorial game for AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS). By following these tutorial modules, you will take Byte Wars from a completely offline game to a fully online one using the full power of AGS, learning what AGS has to offer and how to implement its features into your Unity game. For more info about AGS, see Technical overview of AGS.

Before diving in, there are a number of initial steps you need to complete to get set up. This first module walks you through those steps.


In order to complete this module, you will need:

  • A familiarity with how Byte Wars works.
  • A Windows PC to develop on. Mac and Linux may also work, but they have not been tested.
  • The Unity Editor version 2021.3.16f1 or later installed on your computer
  • Git version 2.39.2 or higher installed on your computer
  • A basic familiarity with Git source control (cloning repos and switching branches)
  • An AGS account with an Admin Role to log in to the AGS Admin Portal
  • A game namespace created for Byte Wars in the Admin Portal

Learning objectives

By the end of this module, you will have learned how to:

  • Install the correct versions of Unity Hub and Unity Editor that support Byte Wars.
  • Clone and run Byte Wars.
  • Install and set up the AGS Game SDK.


At the end of this module, your project will look like the image below.

Byte Wars Module 1 results preview gif Unity Byte Wars initial setup