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Put it all together - Create joinable sessions with dedicated servers - (Unity module)

Last updated on June 11, 2024

Connect the UI to the create, leave, and display current session status

  1. Open the project in Unity and open the CreateMatchSessionHandler_Starter script. You will call the AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS) Game SDK for Unity API to create a match session via the wrapper class. Before you can start the API call, you need to define the wrapper first. Add the code bellow to the CreateMatchSessionHandler_Starter file.

    private MatchSessionDSWrapper_Starter matchSessionDSWrapper_Starter;
  2. Then, add the code below into Start().

    private void Start()
    matchSessionDSWrapper_Starter = TutorialModuleManager.Instance.GetModuleClass<MatchSessionDSWrapper_Starter>();

    //... some code omitted for brevity
  3. Modify the CreateMatchSession function as follows:

    private void CreateMatchSession()
    ShowLoading("Creating Match Session...", CancelCreateMatch);
    selectedSessionServerType, OnCreatedMatchSession);
  4. You need to define the CancelCreateMatch function. This function will cancel the match session creation using the starter version of MatchSessionWrapper class.

    private void CancelCreateMatch()
  5. You still need to define the OnCreatedMatchSession function to handle the match creation result.

    private static void OnCreatedMatchSession(string errorMessage)
    instance.dsBtn.interactable = true;
    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage))
    //show loading, MatchSessionWrapper_Starter will move UI to lobby when connected to DS
    instance.ShowLoading("Joining Session");
    Debug.Log($"success create session");
  6. Play the game from Unity Editor. If successful, you will see this log:

     [MatchSessionDSWrapper_Starter.cs] [OnCreateGameSessionResult] [Log] [linenumber] - create session result:
  7. Congratulations! You successfully connected the UI with the wrapper class to create a match session. In the Play Test section, we will test create match session implementation.
