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Configure chat reporting rate limit

Last updated on May 31, 2024


AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS) chat reporting and moderation feature enables you to control the limit of reports a user can submit during a specific time interval.

The chat reporting and moderation settings are available in game namespaces in the AGS Admin Portal. On the sidebar, go to Game Management > Reporting and Moderation to access the menu.


Game admins must have the followings permissions:

ADMIN:NAMESPACE:{namespace}:CHAT:TOPICREAD, UPDATE, DELETETo view and delete reported chats and ban users

Configure reporting rate limit

To configure the rate limit, follow these steps:

  1. Under the Reporting and Moderation menu, click on Configuration. The Configuration page appears.

  2. On the Configuration page, open the Rate Limit tab.

  3. You can configure the rate limit settings for chat reporting and moderation as follows:

    • Max. Report Per User: maximum number of reports a user can submit within the set time interval.
    • Limit Interval: the time interval (in minutes) during which a user can try to submit the maximum number of reports allowed. For example, if it's set to 30 minutes and the maximum number of reports a user can submit is set to three, then they can only submit three reports within a 30-minute period.
    • Max. Report Per Content: maximum number of reports that a user can submit for a content.
    • Max. Report Per Player: maximum number of reports that a user can submit.
    • Max. Report Per Chat: maximum number of reports that user can submit from a chat session with another player.

    Once a user reaches the maximum number of allowed reports, the service will stop receiving reports from the user.

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