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Play Test - Login Queue - (Unreal Engine module)

Last updated on June 13, 2024

This play test assumes that you only have the Login with Device ID method activated. Note that this feature will work with every login method without additional work.

Login Queue

  1. Compile your project and open it in the Unreal Engine Editor.

  2. Play the game in the editor. If your implementation was correct, once you click the Login with Device ID button, you will see the Login Queue menu not long after the loading screen is shown.

    Preview of waiting in queue

Cancel Login

  1. Compile your project and open it in the Unreal Engine Editor.

  2. Play the game in the editor, log in, and when you are in the Login Queue menu, click the Cancel button. If your implementation correct, you will see a loading screen and an error screen not long after saying that the login was cancelled.

    Preview of canceling login while in queue

With that, your Login Queue implementation is done!