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Set Up Login Queue - Login Queue - (Unreal Engine module)

Last updated on June 24, 2024

The Login Queue feature works with any login method.

Set up Login Queue in the Admin Portal

  1. Login in to the Admin Portal and go to your game namespace dashboard.

  2. On the sidebar menu, select User Management > Login Queue. Click the Edit button on the Login Queue Configuration section.

    Edit Login Queue configuration

  3. Normally, the default setting would be good enough. Refer to the Configure Login Queue guide for more information on what each configuration does. But, for tutorial purposes, set the configurations so that the queue trigger for every login attempt. Set the configurations to the following, click the Save button once you're done.

    • Max Concurrency: 1
    • Max Login Rate per Second: 1
    • Safety Margin: 99
    • Cool-downs: 21600
    • Queue Reconnect Grace Duration: 40
    • Player Reconnect Grace Duration: 1
  4. Now, you will see the Login Queue screen once again. Click the Activate button to activate the Login Queue feature.

    Activate Login Queue

Configure AccelByte OSS

  1. Open the DefaultEngine.ini file in your Byte Wars project, which located in AccelByteWars\Config\. Look for LoginQueuePresentationThreshold and set its value to 0, this value is in second. Alternatively, if you don't see that field, create one under [OnlineSubsystemAccelByte] category. This configuration is intended for tutorial purpose. In the real game, you might want to set this value to more than 0.

  2. Build the project and make sure there's no error.