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Overview - Play with party - (Unreal Engine module)

Last updated on July 1, 2024


Once you have a party of friends, you will want to play together. In this module, you will learn how to implement joining a Byte Wars match together with your party using AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS).


In order to complete this module, you will need:

  • To have completed the following module:

  • The Byte Wars tutorialmodules branch checked out in your local Byte Wars Unreal project repository.

  • To force enable this module by adding the following code to the Config/DefaultEngine.ini file:


Learning objectives

At the end of this tutorial, you will know how to implement:

  • Joining matchmaking with your party.
  • Joining game sessions with your party.


At the end of this module, your Byte Wars will look like the images below:

  • After matchmaking with your party:

    Matchmaking with party demo Unreal Byte Wars play with party

    Log output:

    LogPlayingWithParty: Log: UPlayWithPartySubsystem_Starter::OnStartPartyMatchmakingComplete Party matchmaking started.
    LogPlayingWithParty: Log: UPlayWithPartySubsystem_Starter::OnPartyMatchmakingComplete Party matchmaking found. Currently joining the match.
    LogPlayingWithParty: Log: UPlayWithPartySubsystem_Starter::OnJoinPartyGameSessionComplete Success to join party game session.
  • After joining a game session with your party:

    Match session with party demo Unreal Byte Wars play with party

    Log output:

    LogPlayingWithParty: Log: UPlayWithPartySubsystem_Starter::OnCreatePartyGameSessionComplete Success to create party game session.
    LogPlayingWithParty: Log: UPlayWithPartySubsystem_Starter::InvitePartyMembersToJoinPartyGameSession Send party game session invitation to: a247f4685e124bddbb0262cdc62cec29.
    LogPlayingWithParty: Log: UPlayWithPartySubsystem_Starter::OnJoinPartyGameSessionComplete Success to join party game session.
  • After browsing matches with your party:

    Browse match with party demo Unreal Byte Wars play with party

    Log output:

    LogPlayingWithParty: Log: UPlayWithPartySubsystem_Starter::OnJoinPartyGameSessionComplete Success to join party game session.
    LogPlayingWithParty: Log: UPlayWithPartySubsystem_Starter::InvitePartyMembersToJoinPartyGameSession Send party game session invitation to: a247f4685e124bddbb0262cdc62cec29.