
Play test - End to end testing - (Unreal Engine module)

Last updated on March 12, 2025

Play test

In this tutorial section, you will learn how to connect Byte Wars game client to dedicated servers (DS) hosted on your AMS fleet, using the sample matchmaking backend service.

  1. Make sure the sample matchmaking backend service is running locally on your computer. Refer to the Run sample matchmaking backend service section for more information.

  2. Make sure your AMS fleet is active and has dedicated servers up and running. Refer to the Upload the dedicated server to AMS section for more information.

  3. Make sure the game's matchmaking is pointing to the correct address. Refer to Game client integration play test section for more information.

  4. Compile the Byte Wars project and open it in the Unreal Editor.

  5. Play at least two instances of the game in the Editor. You can do so by clicking the three dots to the right of the play button and increases the Number of Players slider.

  6. On both instances, navigate to Custom Matchmaking > Start Matchmaking. You should see the match found message. You should also able to see New connection log in the terminal that is running the sample matchmaking backend service.

  7. When both game client are connected to the sample matchmaking backend service, it will attempt to claim a dedicated server from your AMS fleet. You should see a Match found! Requesting server... message on the game clients and the following log in the terminal that is running the sample matchmaking backend service.

    New connection
    New connection
    Match found! Requesting server...
    {'ip': '<server-ip>', 'ports': {'default': <port>}, 'region': 'ap-southeast-1', 'serverId': '<server_id>'} None
    Server found! Connecting players...

    If there is an issue when claiming the dedicated server, the error will be printed out in the terminal. You can debug with that as a clue.

  8. At this point, your game clients should travel to the dedicated server and the sample matchmaking backend service should soon disconnect the connection with said game clients. You can see the status of the game server in the Admin Portal. Open your Admin Portal, go to Multiplayer Server Configuration > Fleet Manager and select the fleet that the sample matchmaking backend service targets. You should be able to see a list of dedicated servers and one of them have the Claimed status.


    You can see the game server details, including its logs, by clicking View in the far right of the Claimed server in the dedicated server list.

The entire play test should look similar to this:

End to end test

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