
Clone and run Byte Wars - Initial setup - (Unreal Engine module)

Last updated on March 12, 2025


This tutorial will walk you through cloning the Byte Wars Unreal project from GitHub and running it.

Clone Byte Wars

The Byte Wars Unreal AMS project is kept in our GitHub repository branch tutorialmodules-ams. Clone the project folder using the following command:

git clone git@github.com:AccelByte/accelbyte-unreal-bytewars-game.git

Compile Byte Wars

  1. In the cloned repo location, right-click on AccelByteWars.uproject and click Select Unreal Engine Version.... Select the version you installed from the previous tutorial from the dropdown. If that version doesn't appear, click the ellipses and locate it on using your file explorer.

  2. Open AccelByteWars.sln in Visual Studio.

  3. Compile the game project using the Development Editor and Win64 configuration.

    Compile the game

Run Byte Wars

There are three ways of running the game: in the Unreal editor, as a standalone packaged build, or as a standalone with uncooked assets.

  • You can see the game's log file output in the AccelByteWars/Saved/Logs folder.

  • By default, the game starts in borderless windowed mode. You can change it to windowed mode by pressing Alt + Enter.

Play in the editor

  1. Open the Byte Wars project in your Unreal Engine editor.

  2. Open the MainMenu map into the editor and click Play.

Play as a standalone package

  1. Open the Byte Wars project in your Unreal Engine editor.

  2. Go to Platforms > Windows, make sure the Build Configuration is set to Development and the Build Target is set to AccelByteWars (the game client build target), and click Package Project.

  3. Select where you'd like to save the package using the file explorer that appears.


    The packaging process could take around 30 - 40 minutes, depending on your hardware speeds.

  4. Go to the location where you saved the package and open the .exe file.

Play standalone uncooked

  1. Create a text file and paste in the following code, replacing ENGINEPATH and UPROJECTPATH to your specifications:

    SET ENGINEPATH="<YourEnginePath>\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UnrealEditor.exe"
    SET UPROJECTPATH="<YourByteWarsPath>\AccelByteWars\AccelByteWars.uproject"

    start "Client 1" %ENGINEPATH% %UPROJECTPATH% MainMenu -game -log
  2. Save the file as a .bat and run it.