
管理者ポータルでリーダーボードを設定する - 全期間のリーダーボード - (Unity モジュール)

Last updated on May 30, 2024

Configure Leaderboards in Admin Portal

In this tutorial, you will configure the leaderboards in the AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS) Admin Portal. You will create leaderboards for the Byte Wars game modes Single Player, Elimination, and Team Deathmatch.

  1. Log in to the AGS Admin Portal and go to your game namespace dashboard.

  2. Go to Engagement > Leaderboard and click Create Leaderboard.

  3. On the pop-up window that appears, configure your leaderboard using the information below for the Single Player game mode. Once done, click Create.

    • Leaderboard Code: the unique code to identify your leaderboard. Set it to board-unity-highestscore-singleplayer.
    • Stat Code: the statistic value to be ranked by the leaderboard. You have configured statistics in Stat tracking and display. Set it to unity-highestscore-singleplayer.
    • Name: the descriptive name for your leaderboard. Set it to Unity Leaderboard Single Player.
    • Cycle: the periodic time cycle for the leaderboard. Since you will implement the All-Time leaderboard, leave it empty.
    • All-Time Cycle: enable this to activate the All-Time periodic leaderboard.
    • Order: the order of the rankings on the leaderboard. Since you will rank the leaderboard based on the highest score, set it to Descending.
    • Icon: the icon of the leaderboard. You can add one if you like, but this tutorial will leave it empty.
  4. Repeat the steps above using the configuration below to create a new leaderboard for the Elimination game mode.

    • Leaderboard Code: set it to board-unity-highestscore-elimination.
    • Stat Code: set it to unity-highestscore-elimination.
    • Name: set it to Unity Leaderboard Elimination.
    • Cycle: leave it empty.
    • All-Time Cycle: enable this option.
    • Order: set it to Descending.
    • Icon: leave it empty.
  5. Repeat the above steps again using the configuration below to create a new leaderboard for the Team Deathmatch game mode.

    • Leaderboard Code: set it to board-unity-highestscore-teamdeathmatch.
    • Stat Code: set it to unity-highestscore-teamdeathmatch.
    • Name: set it to Unity Leaderboard Team Deathmatch.
    • Cycle: leave it empty.
    • All-Time Cycle: enable this option.
    • Order: set it to Descending.
    • Icon: leave it empty.