プレイテスト - フレンドを追加する - (Unity モジュール)
To test the implementation from this module, you will need multiple login methods integrated into your Byte Wars project. Complete Login with device ID and Login with Steam to do this.
Test canceling a friend request
If you have multiple login methods implemented, make sure you have played the game with each of them. Play Byte Wars in the Unity Editor and search for one of your login method's account name and send it a friend request. Then, cancel the friend request. If successful, your project will look like the image below with the following log:
Success to cancel outgoing friend request {friendId}.
Test rejecting friend
Repeat sending a friend request as you did in the previous section, but don't cancel the friend request. Instead, log in to Byte Wars with the account to which the request was sent and reject it. If successful, your project will look like the image below with the following log:
Success to reject friend request {friendId}
Test to Accept Friend Request
Repeat sending a friend request again, but don't cancel or reject it. Instead, log in to Byte Wars with the account to which the request was sent and accept it. If successful, your project will look like the image below with the following log:
Success to accept friend {friendId}