

Last updated on June 12, 2024


This article contains information on how to use AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS) Admin Portal to assign a role to a user. You can do this from either the User Management or Roles page.


  • You have access to the Admin Portal and have sufficient permissions for roles management.
  • You have created at least one role in your environment.
AGS Starter

To assign a role in Starter, you need to have:

  • Admin Management menu in the Studio Namespace
  • Studio Admin or Game Admin role accounts

Required permissions

Make sure your account has the following permissions before you attempt to manage roles in the Admin Portal.

Create RoleADMIN:ROLECreate
Add Role PermissionsADMIN:ROLEUpdate
Invite User AdminADMIN:NAMESPACE:{namespace}:USER:INVITECreate
Admin Add User's RoleADMIN:NAMESPACE:{namespace}:ROLE:USER:Update

Assign a role to a user

Follow the steps below to assign a role to a user from the Role page or from the User Management page:

Assign a role from the Role page

  1. In the Admin Portal, open the Platform Configurations dropdown in the top-right corner of the page and select the Roles menu.


  2. Click View next to the Role that you want to assign users to.

    View a role

  3. Click the Assign Role button in the Assigned Users section of the page.

    Assign role

  4. On the Assign User Role form, fill in the fields with the following information:

    • In the User ID or Email Address field, type in the ID or email address of the user you want to assign the role to.
    • If you haven't configured the role to enable access to all namespaces, the Select Namespace field appears, where you can choose one or more namespaces. These namespaces are the only ones in which the user has this role. This enables you to create one role that you can use for multiple games.

    Assign role to user

  5. Click Add. The system assigns the user to the role.

Assign a role from the User Management page

  1. In the Admin Portal, go to the namespace that contains the users you want to assign roles to.

  2. In the sidebar, expand the User Management section, then click Users.

    User management

  3. Search for the user account that you want to assign a role to.

    Search user

  4. Browse the search results to find the account you're looking for and click View in the Action column of the Account Listing to open it.

    Select user

  5. On the User Overview page, open the Roles tab at the top of the page.

    User details

  6. On the Roles page, click the Add Role button.

    User details role

  7. On the Add Role form, fill in the fields with the following information:The Add Role form appears. Fill in the fields with the following information:

    • Select the role you want to assign to the user from the Roles dropdown menu.
    • If you haven't configured the role to enable access to all namespaces, the Select Namespace field appears, where you can choose one or more namespaces. These namespaces are the only namespaces in which the user has this role. This enables you to create one role that you can use for multiple games.

    Add user role

  8. Click Add. The system adds the role to the user.

Assign a role from the Admin Management page in Starter

AGS Starter

This section only applies to AGS Starter.

  1. In the Admin Portal, go to your studio namespace. Go to Admin Tasks > Admin Management. Find the role that you want to add permissions to and click View next to it.

  2. On the Details page, click Add role.

  3. On the Add Role form, fill in the fields with the following information:

    • In the Role field, you can select one of the following roles: Studio Admin, Game Admin, or View only.
      • If the account already has one of the roles, then that role will not be shown. For example, if the account you want to change has a Game Admin role, then there will be two options for you: Studio Admin or View only.
      • If your account is granted a Game Admin or View only role, then the Studio Admin option will not be shown.
    • In the Namespace field, choose the game namespace(s) you want to grant to the chosen role.
      • If you choose Studio Namespace, the Game Namespace field will not be shown, as a studio namespace can access all game namespaces.
  4. Click Add after you complete the form and the role on the account will be updated.