Manage legal documents using SDK
This guide explains how to manage legal documents in AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS) by utilizing the AccelByte Legal Agreement API through the functions in AccelByte::FRegistry::Agreement
within your game client.
For Extend apps, you have integrated the Legal Agreements service into your app. For more information, refer to the Implement Legal Agreements service guide.
Check player eligibilities
To check if players from a specific namespace has agreed to a legal agreement, use this function:
- Unreal Engine
- Unity
- Extend SDK for Go
- Extend SDK for Python
- Extend SDK for Java
- Extend SDK for C#
// Specified namespace
THandler < TArray < FAccelByteModelsRetrieveUserEligibilitiesResponse >> ::
[](TArray < FAccelByteModelsRetrieveUserElegibilitiesResponse > Result) {
// Do something when successful
FError::CreateLambda([](int32 ErrorCode, FString ErrorMessage) {
// Do something if failed
AccelByteSDK.GetClientRegistry().GetApi().GetAgreement().QueryLegalEligibilities(eligibilitiesResult =>
if (eligibilitiesResult.IsError)
// Do something if Query Legal Eligibilities has an error
Debug.Log($"Query Legal Eligibility failed : {eligibilitiesResult.Error.Code} Description : {eligibilitiesResult.Error.Message}");
bool isEligible = true;
foreach(var eligibility in eligibilitiesResult.Value)
if (!eligibility.isAccepted)
isEligible = false;
if (isEligible)
Debug.Log($"Query Legal Eligibility Success");
Debug.Log($"Contains player who don't accept legal eligibility");
eligibilitiesService := &legal.EligibilitiesService{
Client: factory.NewLegalClient(&repository.ConfigRepositoryImpl{}),
TokenRepository: &repository.TokenRepositoryImpl{},
namespace := "mygame"
input := &eligibilities.RetrieveEligibilitiesPublicParams{
Namespace: namespace,
result, err := eligibilitiesService.RetrieveEligibilitiesPublicShort(input)
import as legal_service
result, error = legal_service.retrieve_eligibilities_public()
if error:
Eligibilities legalWrapper = new Eligibilities(sdk);
List<RetrieveUserEligibilitiesResponse> response;
try {
response = legalWrapper.retrieveEligibilitiesPublic(RetrieveEligibilitiesPublic.builder()
} catch (Exception e) {
// Do something if failed
if (response != null) {
boolean isEligible = true;
for (RetrieveUserEligibilitiesResponse item : response) {
if (item.getIsAccepted() != null && item.getIsAccepted() == false) {
isEligible = false;
if (isEligible) {
// Do something if eligible
} else {
// Do something if not eligible
var response = sdk.Legal.Eligibilities.RetrieveEligibilitiesPublicOp
if (response != null)
bool isEligible = true;
foreach (var item in response)
if (item.IsAccepted.HasValue && !item.IsAccepted.Value)
isEligible = false;
if (isEligible)
// Do something if eligible
// Do something if not eligible
Retrieve legal documents
- Golang
- Python Extend SDK
- C#
- Extend SDK for Java
ok, err := agreementService.RetrieveAgreementsPublic()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
import as legal_service
result, error = legal_service.retrieve_agreements_public()
if error:
Agreement wLegalAgreement = new Agreement(sdk);
List<RetrieveAcceptedAgreementResponse>? aggrs = wLegalAgreement.RetrieveAgreementsPublic(
List<RetrieveAcceptedAgreementResponse> aggrs = wLegalAgreement
Retrieve legal document content
- Unreal Engine
- Unity
- Extend SDK for Go
- Extend SDK for Python
- Extend SDK for Java
- Extend SDK for C#
// Specified URL
THandler < FString > ::CreateLambda([](FString Result) {
// Do something when successful
FError::CreateLambda([](int32 ErrorCode, FString ErrorMessage) {
// Do something if failed
Result <string> docResult = null;
String localizedPolicyUrl = policyVersion.localizedPolicyVersions[0].attachmentLocation; // From GetLegalPolicies Result
AccelByteSDK.GetClientRegistry().GetApi().GetAgreement().GetLegalDocument(localizedPolicyUrl, docResult =>
if (docResult.IsError)
// Do something if failed
Debug.Log($"Get Legal Document failed : {docResult.Error.Code} Description : {docResult.Error.Message}");
// Do something when successful
localizedPolicyVersionsService := &legal.LocalizedPolicyVersionsService{
Client: factory.NewLegalClient(&repository.ConfigRepositoryImpl{}),
TokenRepository: &repository.TokenRepositoryImpl{},
policyVersionId := "mypolicyversionid"
input := &localized_policy_versions.RetrieveLocalizedPolicyVersionsParams{
PolicyVersionID: policyVersionId,
result, err := localizedPolicyVersionsService.RetrieveLocalizedPolicyVersionsShort(input)
import as legal_service
from accelbyte_py_sdk.core import get_http_client
# result, error = legal_service.retrieve_latest_policies_public()
localized_policy_version_url = result[0].policy_versions[0].localized_policy_versions[0].attachment_location
localized_policy_version = get_http_client().get(localized_policy_version_url).text
// from RetrieveLatestPolicies
String localizedPolicyUrl = response.get(0).getPolicyVersions().get(0).getLocalizedPolicyVersions().get(0).getAttachmentLocation();
HttpClient client = HttpClient.newHttpClient();
HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder()
try {
HttpResponse<String> httpResponse =
client.send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString());
} catch (Exception e) {
// Do something if failed
if (httpResponse.statusCode() >= HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK && httpResponse.statusCode() < HttpURLConnection.HTTP_MULT_CHOICE)
// Do something after policy file is retrieved
string localizedPolicyUrl = getPolicyResponse[0].PolicyVersions[0].LocalizedPolicyVersions[0].AttachmentLocation; //from RetrieveLatestPolicies
HttpRequestMessage request = new HttpRequestMessage();
request.RequestUri = localizedPolicyUrl;
var webResponse = DefaultHttpClient.Http.Send(request);
if (webResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode)
// Do something after policy file is retrieved
Retrieve legal document policies
This section outlines all the available functions for retrieving document policies based on specific criteria.
Retrieve all latest active policies
- Unreal Engine
- Unity
- Extend SDK for Go
- Extend SDK for Python
- Extend SDK for Java
- Extend SDK for C#
// Specified policy type
// Default on empty flag
THandler < TArray < FAccelByteModelsPublicPolicy >> ::
CreateLambda([](TArray < FAccelByteModelsPublicPolicy > Result) {
// Do something when successful
FError::CreateLambda([](int32 ErrorCode, FString ErrorMessage) {
// Do something if failed
AccelByteSDK.GetClientRegistry().GetApi().GetAgreement().GetLegalPolicies(AgreementPolicyType.EMPTY, false, publicPoliciesResult =>
if (publicPoliciesResult.IsError)
// Do something if failed
Debug.Log($"Get Legal Policies failed : {publicPoliciesResult.Error.Code} Description : {publicPoliciesResult.Error.Message}");
// Do something when successful
policiesService := &legal.PoliciesService{
Client: factory.NewLegalClient(&repository.ConfigRepositoryImpl{}),
TokenRepository: &repository.TokenRepositoryImpl{},
namespace := "mygame"
defaultOnEmpty := false
policyType := ""
input := &policies.RetrieveLatestPoliciesPublicParams{
Namespace: namespace,
DefaultOnEmpty: &defaultOnEmpty,
PolicyType: &policyType,
result, err := policiesService.RetrieveLatestPoliciesPublicShort(input)
import as legal_service
result, error = legal_service.retrieve_latest_policies_public()
if error:
Policies policiesWrapper = new Policies(sdk);
String countryCode = "US";
List<RetrievePolicyPublicResponse> response;
try {
response = policiesWrapper.retrieveLatestPolicies(RetrieveLatestPolicies.builder()
} catch (Exception e) {
// Do something if failed
if (response == null) {
// Null response from server
} else {
// Do something when successful
string countryCode = "US";
var response = sdk.Legal.Policies.RetrieveLatestPoliciesOp
if (response != null)
// Do something after policies are retrieved
Retrieve list of policies by namespace
- Unreal Engine
- Unity
- Extend SDK for Go
- Extend SDK for Python
- Extend SDK for Java
- Extend SDK for C#
// Specified namespace
// Specified policy type
// Default on empty flag
THandler < TArray < FAccelByteModelsPublicPolicy >> ::
CreateLambda([](TArray < FAccelByteModelsPublicPolicy > Result) {
// Do something when successful
FError::CreateLambda([](int32 ErrorCode, FString ErrorMessage) {
// Do something if failed
// Namespace is already stored on Config file
string[] tags = new string[] {
bool defaultOnEmpty = true; // Will get default country when no localized policy is set for your country
AccelByteSDK.GetClientRegistry().GetApi().GetAgreement().GetLegalPolicies(AgreementPolicyType.EMPTY, tags, defaultOnEmpty, publicPoliciesResult =>
if (publicPoliciesResult.IsError)
// Do something if failed
Debug.Log($"Get Legal Policies failed : {publicPoliciesResult.Error.Code} Description : {publicPoliciesResult.Error.Message}");
// Do something when successful
foreach(var publicPolicy in publicPoliciesResult.Value)
Debug.Log("PolicyName: " + publicPolicy.policyName + " | Description: " + publicPolicy.description);
foreach(var policyVersion in publicPolicy.policyVersions)
Debug.Log("PolicyVersion: " + policyVersion.displayVersion + " | LocalizedPolicyUrl: " + policyVersion.localizedPolicyVersions[0].attachmentLocation);
policiesService := &legal.PoliciesService{
Client: factory.NewLegalClient(&repository.ConfigRepositoryImpl{}),
TokenRepository: &repository.TokenRepositoryImpl{},
namespace := "mygame"
defaultOnEmpty := true
policyType := ""
tags := "game,NDA"
input := &policies.RetrieveLatestPoliciesPublicParams{
Namespace: namespace,
DefaultOnEmpty: &defaultOnEmpty,
PolicyType: &policyType,
Tags: &tags,
result, err := policiesService.RetrieveLatestPoliciesPublicShort(input)
import as legal_service
result, error = legal_service.retrieve_latest_policies_public(
if error:
Policies policiesWrapper = new Policies(sdk);
String countryCode = "US";
List<RetrievePolicyPublicResponse> response;
try {
response = policiesWrapper.retrieveLatestPolicies(RetrieveLatestPolicies.builder()
} catch (Exception e) {
// Do something if failed
if (response == null) {
// Null response from server
} else {
// Do something when successful
string countryCode = "US";
bool defaultOnEmpty = true; // Will get default country when no localized policy is set for your country
var response = sdk.Legal.Policies.RetrieveLatestPoliciesOp
if (response != null)
// Do something after policies are retrieved
Retrieve list of policies by tag
Retrieve all latest active policies that have specified tags based on the namespace from game configuration and country code from the user's profile.
- Unreal Engine
- Unity
- Extend SDK for Go
- Extend SDK for Python
- Extend SDK for Java
- Extend SDK for C#
// Specified policy type
// List of tags
// Default on empty flag
THandler < TArray < FAccelByteModelsPublicPolicy >> ::
CreateLambda([](TArray < FAccelByteModelsPublicPolicy > Result) {
// Do something when successful
FError::CreateLambda([](int32 ErrorCode, FString ErrorMessage) {
// Do something if failed
string[] tags = new string[2] {
AccelByteSDK.GetClientRegistry().GetApi().GetAgreement().GetLegalPolicies(AgreementPolicyType.EMPTY, tags, false, publicPoliciesResult =>
if (publicPoliciesResult.IsError)
// Do something if failed
Debug.Log($"Get Legal Policies failed : {publicPoliciesResult.Error.Code} Description : {publicPoliciesResult.Error.Message}");
// Do something when successful
policiesService := &legal.PoliciesService{
Client: factory.NewLegalClient(&repository.ConfigRepositoryImpl{}),
TokenRepository: &repository.TokenRepositoryImpl{},
namespace := "mygame"
defaultOnEmpty := true
policyType := ""
tags := "beta,newsletter"
input := &policies.RetrieveLatestPoliciesPublicParams{
Namespace: namespace,
DefaultOnEmpty: &defaultOnEmpty,
PolicyType: &policyType,
Tags: &tags,
result, err := policiesService.RetrieveLatestPoliciesPublicShort(input)
import as legal_service
result, error = legal_service.retrieve_latest_policies_public(
if error:
Policies policiesWrapper = new Policies(sdk);
String countryCode = "US";
List<RetrievePolicyPublicResponse> response;
try {
response = policiesWrapper.retrieveLatestPolicies(RetrieveLatestPolicies.builder()
} catch (Exception e) {
// Do something if failed
if (response == null) {
// Null response from server
} else {
// Do something when successful
string countryCode = "US";
var response = sdk.Legal.Policies.RetrieveLatestPoliciesOp
if (response != null)
// Do something after policies are retrieved
Retrieve list of policies by country
- Unreal Engine
- Unity
- Extend SDK for Go
- Extend SDK for Python
- Extend SDK for Java
- Extend SDK for C#
// Specified country code
// Specified policy type
// Default on empty flag
THandler < TArray < FAccelByteModelsPublicPolicy >> ::
CreateLambda([](TArray < FAccelByteModelsPublicPolicy > Result) {
// Do something when successful
FError::CreateLambda([](int32 ErrorCode, FString ErrorMessage) {
// Do something if failed
string countryCode = "US"; // You can get the country code from eligibilities return
string[] tags = new string[] {
bool defaultOnEmpty = true; // Will get default country when no localized policy for your country
AccelByteSDK.GetClientRegistry().GetApi().GetAgreement().GetLegalPoliciesByCountry(countryCode, AgreementPolicyType.EMPTY, tags, defaultOnEmpty, publicPoliciesResult =>
if (publicPoliciesResult.IsError)
// Do something if failed
Debug.Log($"Get Legal Policies failed : {publicPoliciesResult.Error.Code} Description : {publicPoliciesResult.Error.Message}");
// Do something when successful
foreach(var publicPolicy in publicPoliciesResult.Value)
Debug.Log("PolicyName: " + publicPolicy.policyName + " | Description: " + publicPolicy.description);
foreach(var policyVersion in publicPolicy.policyVersions)
Debug.Log("PolicyVersion: " + policyVersion.displayVersion + " | LocalizedPolicyUrl: " + policyVersion.localizedPolicyVersions[0].attachmentLocation);
policiesService := &legal.PoliciesService{
Client: factory.NewLegalClient(&repository.ConfigRepositoryImpl{}),
TokenRepository: &repository.TokenRepositoryImpl{},
countryCode := "US"
defaultOnEmpty := true
policyType := ""
tags := "game,NDA"
input := &policies.RetrieveLatestPoliciesParams{
CountryCode: countryCode,
DefaultOnEmpty: &defaultOnEmpty,
PolicyType: &policyType,
Tags: &tags,
result, err := policiesService.RetrieveLatestPoliciesShort(input)
import as legal_service
result, error = legal_service.retrieve_latest_policies(
if error:
Policies policiesWrapper = new Policies(sdk);
String countryCode = "US";
boolean defaultOnEmpty = true; // Will get default country when no localized policy is set for your country
List<RetrievePolicyPublicResponse> response;
try {
response = policiesWrapper.retrieveLatestPolicies(RetrieveLatestPolicies.builder()
} catch (Exception e) {
// Do something if failed
if (response == null) {
// Null response from server
} else {
// Do something when successful
string countryCode = "US";
bool defaultOnEmpty = true; // Will get default country when no localized policy is set for your country
var response = sdk.Legal.Policies.RetrieveLatestPoliciesOp
if (response != null)
// Do something after policies are retrieved
Retrieve list of policies by country and tag
- Unreal Engine
- Unity
- Extend SDK for Go
- Extend SDK for Python
- Extend SDK for Java
- Extend SDK for C#
// Specified country code
// Specified policy type
// List of tags
// Default on empty flag
THandler < TArray < FAccelByteModelsPublicPolicy >> ::
CreateLambda([](TArray < FAccelByteModelsPublicPolicy > Result) {
// Do something when successful
FError::CreateLambda([](int32 ErrorCode, FString ErrorMessage) {
// Do something if failed
string countryCode = "US";
string[] tags = new string[2] {
AccelByteSDK.GetClientRegistry().GetApi().GetAgreement().GetLegalPoliciesByCountry(countryCode, AgreementPolicyType.EMPTY, tags, false, publicPoliciesResult =>
if (publicPoliciesResult.IsError)
// Do something if failed
Debug.Log($"Get Legal Policies failed : {publicPoliciesResult.Error.Code} Description : {publicPoliciesResult.Error.Message}");
// Do something when successful
policiesService := &legal.PoliciesService{
Client: factory.NewLegalClient(&repository.ConfigRepositoryImpl{}),
TokenRepository: &repository.TokenRepositoryImpl{},
countryCode := "US"
defaultOnEmpty := true
policyType := ""
tags := "beta,newsletter"
input := &policies.RetrieveLatestPoliciesParams{
CountryCode: countryCode,
DefaultOnEmpty: &defaultOnEmpty,
PolicyType: &policyType,
Tags: &tags,
result, err := policiesService.RetrieveLatestPoliciesShort(input)
import as legal_service
result, error = legal_service.retrieve_latest_policies(
if error:
Policies policiesWrapper = new Policies(sdk);
String countryCode = "US";
boolean defaultOnEmpty = true; // Will get default country when no localized policy is set for your country
List<RetrievePolicyPublicResponse> response;
try {
response = policiesWrapper.retrieveLatestPolicies(RetrieveLatestPolicies.builder()
} catch (Exception e) {
// Do something if failed
if (response == null) {
// Null response from server
} else {
// Do something when successful
string countryCode = "US";
bool defaultOnEmpty = true; // Will get default country when no localized policy is set for your country
var response = sdk.Legal.Policies.RetrieveLatestPoliciesOp
if (response != null)
// Do something after policies are retrieved
Accept policies
Policies can be accepted one at a time or in bulk.
Accept a single policy
To accept a localized policy document using it localized version ID, use this function:
- Unreal Engine
- Unity
- Extend SDK for Go
- Extend SDK for Python
- Extend SDK for Java
- Extend SDK for C#
// Specified localized policy version ID
FVoidHandler::CreateLambda([]() {
// Do something when successful
FError::CreateLambda([](int32 ErrorCode, FString ErrorMessage) {
// Do something if failed
string localizedPolicyVersionId = policyVersion.localizedPolicyVersions[0].id; // From GetLegalPolicies Result
AccelByteSDK.GetClientRegistry().GetApi().GetAgreement().AcceptPolicyVersion(localizedPolicyVersionId, acceptPolicyVersionResult =>
if (acceptPolicyVersionResult.IsError)
// Do something if failed
Debug.Log($"Accept Policy Version failed : {acceptPolicyVersionResult.Error.Code} Description : {acceptPolicyVersionResult.Error.Message}");
// Do something when successful
agreementService := &legal.AgreementService{
Client: factory.NewLegalClient(&repository.ConfigRepositoryImpl{}),
TokenRepository: &repository.TokenRepositoryImpl{},
localizedPolicyVersionId := "mylocalizedpolicyversionid"
input := &agreement.AcceptVersionedPolicyParams{
LocalizedPolicyVersionID: localizedPolicyVersionId,
err := agreementService.AcceptVersionedPolicyShort(input)
import as legal_service
# result, error = legal_service.retrieve_latest_policies_public()
localized_policy_version_id = result[0].policy_versions[0].localized_policy_versions[0].id
result, error = legal_service.accept_versioned_policy(localized_policy_version_id)
if error:
// from RetrieveLatestPolicies
Agreement legalWrapper = new Agreement(sdk);
String localizedPolicyVersionId = response.get(0).getPolicyVersions().get(0).getLocalizedPolicyVersions().get(0).getId();
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// Do something if failed
// Do something when successful
string localizedPolicyVersionId = getPolicyResponse[0].PolicyVersions[0].LocalizedPolicyVersions[0].Id; //from RetrieveLatestPolicies
Accept policies in bulk
To accept multiple localized policies at once, use this function:
- Unreal Engine
- Unity
- Extend SDK for Go
- Extend SDK for Python
- Extend SDK for Java
- Extend SDK for C#
// list of localized policy versions
THandler < FAccelByteModelsAcceptAgreementResponse > ::
CreateLambda([](FAccelByteModelsAcceptAgreementResponse Result) {
// Do something when successful
FError::CreateLambda([](int32 ErrorCode, FString ErrorMessage) {
// Do something if failed
AcceptAgreementRequest[] acceptAgreementRequests = new AcceptAgreementRequest[]
new AcceptAgreementRequest
isAccepted = true,
policyId = policy.policyId,
policyVersionId =,
localizedPolicyVersionId = policyVersion.localizedPolicyVersions[0].id
AccelByteSDK.GetClientRegistry().GetApi().GetAgreement().BulkAcceptPolicyVersions(acceptAgreementRequests, acceptAgreementResponseResult =>
if (acceptAgreementResponseResult.IsError)
// Do something if failed
Debug.Log($"Accept Policy Version failed : {acceptAgreementResponseResult.Error.Code} Description : {acceptAgreementResponseResult.Error.Message}");
// Do something when successful
agreementService := &legal.AgreementService{
Client: factory.NewLegalClient(&repository.ConfigRepositoryImpl{}),
TokenRepository: &repository.TokenRepositoryImpl{},
isAccepted := true
policyId := "mypolicyid"
policyVersionId := "mypolicyversionid"
localizedPolicyVersionID := "mylocalizedpolicyversionid"
input := &agreement.BulkAcceptVersionedPolicyParams{
Body: []*legalclientmodels.AcceptAgreementRequest {
IsAccepted: &isAccepted,
PolicyID: &policyId,
PolicyVersionID: &policyVersionId,
LocalizedPolicyVersionID: &localizedPolicyVersionID,
result, err := agreementService.BulkAcceptVersionedPolicyShort(input)
import as legal_service
import as legal_models
# result, error = legal_service.retrieve_latest_policies_public()
policy = result[0]
policy_id = policy.id_
policy_version = policy.policy_versions[0]
policy_version_id = policy_version.id_
localized_policy_version = policy_version.localized_policy_versions[0]
localized_policy_version_id = localized_policy_version.id_
result, error = legal_service.bulk_accept_versioned_policy(
if error:
// from RetrieveLatestPolicies
String policyId = policyResponse.get(0).getId();
String policyVersionId = policyResponse.get(0).getPolicyVersions().get(0).getId();
String localizedPolicyVersionId = policyResponse.get(0).getPolicyVersions().get(0).getLocalizedPolicyVersions().get(0).getId();
List<AcceptAgreementRequest> body = Arrays.asList(
Agreement legalWrapper = new Agreement(sdk);
AcceptAgreementResponse response;
try {
response = legalWrapper.bulkAcceptVersionedPolicy(BulkAcceptVersionedPolicy.builder()
} catch (Exception e) {
// Do something if failed
if (response == null) {
// Null response from server
} else {
// Do something when successful
//from RetrieveLatestPolicies
string policyId = getPolicyResponse[0].Id;
string policyVersionId = getPolicyResponse[0].PolicyVersions[0].Id;
string localizedPolicyVersionId = getPolicyResponse[0].PolicyVersions[0].LocalizedPolicyVersions[0].Id;
var response = sdk.Legal.Agreement.BulkAcceptVersionedPolicyOp
.SetBody(new List<AcceptAgreementRequest>()
new AcceptAgreementRequest()
IsAccepted = true,
PolicyId = policyId,
PolicyVersionId = policyVersionId,
LocalizedPolicyVersionId = localizedPolicyVersionId
if (response != null)
// Do something when successful
Accept policy versions in bulk
- Extend SDK for Go
- Extend SDK for Python
- Extend SDK for C#
- Extend SDK for Java
err := dataRetrievalService.SaveAdminEmailConfiguration(input)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
import as legal_service
import as legal_models
result, error = legal_service.bulk_accept_versioned_policy(
if error:
Agreement wLegalAgreement = new Agreement(sdk);
List<AcceptAgreementRequest> policies = new List<AcceptAgreementRequest>();
policies.Add(new AcceptAgreementRequest()
PolicyId = "<policy_id>",
PolicyVersionId = "<version_id>",
LocalizedPolicyVersionId = "<localized_id>",
IsAccepted = true
AcceptAgreementResponse? resp = wLegalAgreement.BulkAcceptVersionedPolicy(
List<AcceptAgreementRequest> request = Arrays.asList(AcceptAgreementRequest.builder()
Update existing policies
The following shows you how to make changes to existing policies.
Update marketing preference consent
The code below only accepts the "marketing preference" policy type. Refer to Policy types for information on the different types. Refer to Retrieve policies to get your latest policy details.
To update the player's current marketing preference consent, use the code in the following snippet:
- Unity
- Extend SDK for Golang
- Extend SDK for Python
- Extend SDK for C#
- Extend SDK for Java
// Retrieve list of policies.
Result<PublicPolicy[]> publicPoliciesResult;
// Assume that the from the retrieved policy list, only the first policy will be accepted
AcceptAgreementRequest[] acceptAgreementRequests = new AcceptAgreementRequest[]
new AcceptAgreementRequest
isAccepted = true,
policyId = publicPoliciesResult.Value[0].id,
policyVersionId = publicPoliciesResult.Value[0].policyVersions[0].id,
localizedPolicyVersionId = publicPoliciesResult.Value[0].policyVersions[0].localizedPolicyVersions[0].id
AccelByteSDK.GetClientRegistry().GetApi().GetAgreement().BulkAcceptPolicyVersions(acceptAgreementRequests, acceptAgreementResponseResult =>
if (acceptAgreementResponseResult.IsError)
// Do something if failed
Debug.Log($"Accept Policy Version failed : {acceptAgreementResponseResult.Error.Code} Description : {acceptAgreementResponseResult.Error.Message}");
// Do something when successful
err := agreementService.ChangePreferenceConsent()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
import as legal_service
import as legal_models
result, error = legal_service.change_preference_consent(
if error:
Agreement wLegalAgreement = new Agreement(sdk);
List<AcceptAgreementRequest> agreementRequests = new List<AcceptAgreementRequest>()
new AcceptAgreementRequest()
LocalizedPolicyVersionId = targetLocalizedPolicyId,
PolicyVersionId = targetPolicyVersionId,
PolicyId = targetPolicyId,
IsAccepted = true
List<AcceptAgreementRequest> agreementRequests = Arrays.asList(new AcceptAgreementRequest[] {