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Set up weekly periodic leaderboards - Weekly leaderboard - (Unreal Engine module)

Last updated on June 11, 2024

Configure weekly statistics cycle in the Admin Portal

In this tutorial, you will configure a statistics cycle in AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS) Admin Portal. A statistics cycle is a period of time to store your statistics (e.g., weekly or monthly). You will need it to display your weekly periodic leaderboard.

  1. Log in to the AGS Admin Portal and go to your game namespace dashboard.

  2. Go to Progression & Inventory > Statistics > Cycles. Then, click Add Cycle.

  3. Fill out the form that appears using the configuration below to create a weekly statistics cycle.

    • Cycle Name: the name of your statistics cycle. Set it to unreal-weekly.
    • Cycle Description: the description of your statistics cycle. Set it to Unreal Weekly Statistics Cycle.
    • Start Date: the date when this cycle starts. Set it to the current date.
    • End Date: the date when this cycle ends. Leave it empty to make the cycle valid forever.
    • Cycle Type: the type of the statistics cycle. Set it to Weekly.
    • Reset Day: the day when the cycle should be reset. Set it to Monday, so it will reset every Monday.
    • Reset Time: the time when the cycle should be reset. Set it to 00:00, so it will reset at the beginning of the day.
  4. Click Add and you will be able to see your new statistics cycle in the list.

  5. Add your statistics to be managed by your new statistics cycle. On your new statistics cycle, click on the View button to open the statistics cycle details.

  6. Scroll down until you see the Statcode List table. This table is the list of the statistics managed by the statistics cycle. Click on the Stat Code button to add your statistics to the list.

  7. On the pop-up that appears, add all the statistics you created in the Stat tracking module. Once done, click Add.

  8. Scroll up until you see the basic information of your statistics cycle and locate the Cycle ID. Copy it, as you will need this unique string later when integrating the periodic leaderboard into the game.

Configure weekly periodic leaderboard in the Admin Portal

In this tutorial section, you will create a weekly periodic leaderboard by utilizing the statistics cycle.

  1. Log in to the AGS Admin Portal and go to your game namespace dashboard.

  2. Go to Engagement > Leaderboard. You will see all the leaderboards have created previously.

  3. Modify the board-unreal-highestscore-singleplayer clicking on the View button to open the leaderboard details.

  4. Bind the statistics cycle to the leaderboard. To do this, locate the Cycle(s) attribute and click on the Pencil icon.

  5. On the pop-up that appears, add your statistics cycle you created earlier and hit the Update button.

  6. Using the same configuration, repeat the steps above to bind the statistics cycle for all other leaderboards.

Reset periodic leaderboard in the Admin Portal

Your periodic leaderboard will reset based on the cycle configuration defined in your statistics cycle. If you want to reset the periodic leaderboard manually, you can follow these steps.

  1. Log in to the AGS Admin Portal and go to your game namespace dashboard.

  2. Go to Engagement > Leaderboard. Then, open the leaderboard details by clicking on the View button.

  3. Modify the leaderboard cycle by clicking on the Pencil icon next to the Cycle(s) attribute.

  4. On the pop-up that appears, delete the desired statistics cycle from the leaderboard by clicking on the X icon. Then, click the Update button. Once done, your periodic leaderboard data is reset.

  5. To restart the same leaderboard cycle, re-add the cycle you deleted just like the way you add a new cycle.