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Play test - Add friends - (Unreal Engine module)

Last updated on June 12, 2024

Test canceling friend request

  1. Compile the project and open it in the Unreal Editor. In the Editor, play the game. In the Login with Steam module, you implemented logins with Steam. Log in with the device ID and test finding a potential friend by inputting your Steam account display name and send the friend invitation. Once done, try to cancel the friend invitation.

    Test to cancel a sent friend request Unreal Byte Wars add friends

If successful, you will see the following log.

LogFriendsEssentials: Warning: Success to cancel a friend request.

Test rejecting friend request

  1. You will test using two game clients. The first game client will log in using a device ID and the other one will log in using Steam. Ensure you have Steam opened and logged in with an account that owns the Steam game with the App ID you used when configuring the SDK. For more information about Steam login, please refer to Login with Steam.

  2. Compile the project and open it in the Unreal Editor. Then, set up the multiplayer options as below. This will launch two game clients in Standalone Mode when you play the game, as Steam will only work if the game runs in Standalone Mode. Make sure that you have the bAutoLogin value set as false in the Config/DefaultEngine.ini.

    Setup to play two game clients from Unreal Engine Editor Unreal Byte Wars add friends

  3. Play the game. On the first game client (referred to as Player A), log in with a device ID. On the second (referred to as Player B), log in with Steam. Ensure the auto-login feature is disabled. Refer to Login with Steam for more information.

  4. Once the game clients are logged in, send a friend invitation from Player A to Player B. Then, let Player B reject the invitation.

    Test to reject a received friend request Unreal Engine Editor Unreal Byte Wars add friends

  5. If successful, you will see the following log:

    LogFriendsEssentials: Warning: Success to reject a friend request.

Test accepting friend request

  1. You will test using two game clients. The first game client will log in using a device ID and the other one will log in using Steam. Ensure you have Steam opened and logged in with an account that owns the Steam game with the App ID you used when configuring the SDK. For more information about Steam login, please refer to Login with Steam.

  2. Compile the project and open it in the Unreal Editor. Then, set up the multiplayer options as below. This will launch two game clients in Standalone Mode when you play the game, as Steam will only work if the game runs in Standalone Mode. Make sure that you have the bAutoLogin value set as false in the Config/DefaultEngine.ini.

    Setup to play two game clients from Unreal Engine Editor Unreal Byte Wars add friends

  3. Play the game. On the first game client (referred to as Player A), log in with a device ID. On the second (referred to as Player B), log in with Steam. Ensure the auto-login feature is disabled. Refer to Login with Steam for more information.

  4. Once the game clients are logged in, send a friend invitation from Player A to Player B. Then, let Player B accept the invitation.

    Test to accept a received friend request Unreal Byte Wars add friends

  5. If successful, you will see the following log:

    LogFriendsEssentials: Warning: Success to accept a friend request.