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Set up stats in the Admin Portal - Stat tracking and display - (Unreal Engine module)

Last updated on June 11, 2024

Configure stats in the Admin Portal

In this section of the tutorial, we will guide you on how to set up stats in Admin Portal based on the Byte Wars game modes.

  1. Log in to the AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS) Admin Portal and go to your game namespace dashboard.

  2. From the side bar menu, select Progression & Inventory > Statistics > Configuration. Then, locate and click the Add Configuration button.

  3. Next, a pop-up window will appear to configure your stat. Use the configuration below to create a new highest score stat for the Single Player game mode. Follow the configuration below and once done, click the Add button.

    • Stat Code: code used to identify this specific stats. For this tutorial, set it to the unreal-highestscore-singleplayer.
    • Name: human readable name for this stats. For this tutorial, set it to Highest Score Single Player.
    • Description (optional): description of this stats. For this tutorial, set it to Highest Score of a player in offline single-player game mode.
    • Min Value (optional): it'll use 0 if you leave this empty. Can't be a negative value. For this tutorial, leave it empty.
    • Max Value (optional): it'll use 1.7976931348623157e+308 if you leave this empty. Can't be a negative value. For this tutorial, leave it empty.
    • Default Value: the default value that will be used when adding this stats to a player who doesn't already has it. Can't be a negative value. For this tutorial, set it to 0.
    • Increment: set this to true to only allow the value to increase. You can still reset / decrease the value from Admin Portal. For this tutorial, set it to True.
    • Set As Global: if enabled, the stats is also set as global stats. Global stats is an accumulated value from all contributing players to the stats. You can see the Global Stats value in Progression & Inventory > Statistics > Statistics Value > Global. For this tutorial, set it to True.
    • Aggregation Method: this option is only available if you enable the Set As Global option. This option sets what method to summarize the global stats. For this tutorial, we want to summarize the highest score, hence set it to MAX.
    • Set By: whether to allow Client or Server to set this stats value. For the Single Player game mode, set it to Client.
    • Tag (optional): tags to make it easier to search / query when you have many stats. For this tutorial, leave it empty.
  4. Now, repeat the steps mentioned above to create a new highest score stat for the Elimination game mode by using the configuration below.

    • Stat Code: set it to the unreal-highestscore-elimination.
    • Name: set it to Highest Score Single Player.
    • Description: set it to Highest Score of a player in online Elimination game mode.
    • Min Value: leave it empty.
    • Max Value: leave it empty.
    • Default Value: set it to 0.
    • Increment: set it to True.
    • Set As Global: set it to True.
    • Aggregation Method: set it to MAX.
    • Set By: set it to Server.
    • Tag: leave it empty.
  5. Next, do the same thing to create a new highest score stat for the Team Deathmatch game mode by using the configuration below.

    • Stat Code: set it to the unreal-highestscore-teamdeathmatch.
    • Name: set it to Highest Score Team Deathmatch.
    • Description: set it to Highest Score of a player in online Team Deathmatch game mode.
    • Min Value: leave it empty.
    • Max Value: leave it empty.
    • Default Value: set it to 0.
    • Increment: set it to True.
    • Set As Global: set it to True.
    • Aggregation Method: set it to MAX.
    • Set By: set it to Server.
    • Tag: leave it empty.
  6. Next, do the same thing to create a new highest score stat for the Killcount by using the configuration below.

    • Stat Code: set it to the unreal-killcount.
    • Name: set it to Kill Count.
    • Description: set it to Player kills count of a player in online any game mode..
    • Min Value: leave it empty.
    • Max Value: leave it empty.
    • Default Value: set it to 0.
    • Increment: set it to True.
    • Set As Global: set it to True.
    • Aggregation Method: set it to TOTAL.
    • Set By: set it to Server.
    • Tag: leave it empty.
  7. Congratulations! You have successfully configured new stats in the Admin Portal.

Edit Statistics Value in Admin Portal

You can see and edit all statistics items and values of a player as long you know any of the player's Email, Display Name, User Name, or User ID. In this section, we will show you how to edit a player's statistics (stats) value using the player's User ID.

  1. Log in to the AGS Admin Portal and go to your game namespace dashboard.

  2. From the side bar menu, select Progression & Inventory > Statistics > Statistic Value. Then, locate and select the Player tab.

  3. Then, click on the dropdown above the search box and select by User ID option. Paste the player's User ID in the search box and then press enter on your keyboard.

  4. Now, you should see your desired player appear on the list. Click on the View button to open player's statistics details menu.

  5. On the new menu, find your desired statistics to edit. To edit the statistics, click on the Pencil icon in the Action column.

  6. On the new pop-up window, update the statistics value and click on the Update button.

  7. There you go! You have successfully edited the player's statistics value.
