
Migrate AMS configurations across namespaces or environments


To migrate your AccelByte Multiplayer Servers (AMS) configuration from one namespace or environment to another, follow these steps:

  1. Link the new namespace to your existing AMS account. Among other things, this will allow you to create fleets using DS images you've already uploaded.
  2. Set up fleet configurations in the new namespace.

Set up fleet configurations in the new namespace

After your existing AMS account is linked to your new namespace, you have two options for setting up your new fleet. The fleet can be created either:

  1. Through the Admin Portal
  2. Or, through direct API calls.

Through the Admin Portal

Create a fleet in the new namespace using the same DS image, command line, and other configuration options as your previous fleet.

Through direct API calls

You can use the API Explorer to obtain your previous fleet configuration, then create a new fleet in your new namespace or environment. Follow these steps:

First, obtain the previous fleet configuration:

  1. In the top right of the API Explorer, set the AccelByte Gaming Services URL to the previous environment. For example, Shared Cloud would be https://prod.gamingservices.accelbyte.io.
  2. Navigate to the Get a Fleet endpoint.
  3. Obtain an authorization token for your previous namespace.
  4. In the API explorer, click "Authorize" on the endpoint and enter the Bearer token obtained from the previous step.
  5. Click "Try it Out" on the endpoint.
  6. Enter your Shared Cloud namespace and the fleet ID for the fleet you'd like to copy.
  7. Click "Execute".
  8. Copy the resulting response body which defines your fleet configuration.

Then, create a copy of your fleet configuration in the new namespace:

  1. Set the API Explorer's AccelByte Gaming Services URL to the new environment. If you're only migrating across namespaces, skip this step.
  2. Navigate to the Create a Fleet endpoint.
  3. Obtain an authorization token for your new namespace.
  4. In the API explorer, click "Authorize" on the endpoint and enter the Bearer token obtained from the previous step.
  5. Click "Try it Out" on the endpoint.
  6. Enter your new namespace and the fleet configuration obtained from the previous environment.
  7. Click "Execute".

You should now be able to interact with your newly created fleet in the Admin Portal.