
Analytics Data Connector and AIS Data Connector comparison

Last updated on July 23, 2024


AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS) Data Connector (Data Connector V1) is a free service included as part of AGS Analytics, and AccelByte Intelligence Service (AIS) Data Connector (Data Connector V2) is a service that requires access to the AIS add-on. Both services provide the ability to send events into your in-house analytics solution, but the table below outlines the differences between each of them.

Data Connector V1 vs V2

FeatureConnector V1 (included free with AGS)Connector V2 (requires AIS add-on)
New FeaturesDiscontinuedContinuously updated
User InterfaceLimitedAdvance
Support S3Yes.Yes.
Support RedshiftYes.Yes.
Support SnowflakeYes.Yes.
Flexible time partition on S3 connector. For example, partition follows the format: yyyy, MM, dd, mm.Yes.Yes.
Time partition rotation on S3 connector. For example, partition S3 path every 10 minutesYes.Yes.
Support flush size and sending interval configurationYes (S3 and Snowflake only).Yes (S3, Redshift, and Snowflake).
Flexible partition on S3 connector. For example, partition S3 path based on topic, event name, namespace, time, and realm.No.Yes, support flexible partition based on namespace, topic, event name, time, and realm by following the format on the documentation.
Filter specific namespace and topic.No.Yes.
Load data into a mapping table based on topic name.Yes.Yes.
Load data into a single table based on event type name.No.Yes.
Load data into a single column.Yes, for Snowflake connector only.Yes, support for Redshift and Snowflake connector.
Load data into mapping column.Yes, for Redshift connector only.Yes, support for Redshift and Snowflake connector.