
Manage creator and player content

Last updated on September 10, 2024


This article walks you through how to manage community creators, including their channels and content groups, and user-generated content (UGC) from the AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS) Admin Portal.


  • Access to the AGS Admin Portal.
  • To review pending content, the Content Approval setting must be enabled in the namespace. Refer to Enable content approval setting.

Manage creators, creator channels, and content groups

This section explains how to manage creators, including their channels and content groups, within the AGS Admin Portal.

Find and view creators

  1. In the AGS Admin Portal, go to the namespace where the content creator you want to view is in.
  2. On the sidebar menu, go to Engagement > UGC > Content Creator.
  3. On the Creators page, open the Community tab and search for the creator using their email address, display name, username, user ID, or account creation date.
  4. Click on the creator's View button to view their details. On the creator's details page, you can view their channels and content groups.

Add creator channels

To add new channels to a creator's account, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the creator's details page
  2. In the Channel tab, click the Add New Channel button. The Add New Channel form appears.
  3. On the form, type in the name for the new channel and click Add. The new channel is immediately added to the creator's account.

Delete creator channels

To delete a channel from a creator's account, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the creator's details page
  2. In the Channel tab, find the channel you want to delete from the list.
  3. Click on its Delete button and again on the confirmation message that appears. The channel is immediately deleted from the creator's account.

Add creator content group

To add a new content group to a creator's account, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the content creator's details page
  2. In the Content Groups tab, click the Add New Content Group button. The Add New Content Group form appears.
  3. On the form, do the following:
    • Type in the name for the new content group.
    • Select the content that will be added to the content group.
  4. Click Add. The new content group is immediately added to the creator's account.

Delete creator content group

To delete a content group from a creator's account, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the content creator's details page
  2. In the Content Groups tab, find the content group you want to delete from the list.
  3. Click on its Delete button and again on the confirmation message that appears. The content group is immediately deleted from the creator's account.

Manage content

This section covers how to manage published and pending content of community creators in the AGS Admin Portal.

View published and under review content

  1. In the AGS Admin Portal, go to the namespace where content you want to view is in.
  2. On the sidebar menu, go to Engagement > UGC > Lookup UGC.
  3. On the Contents page, open the Published tab to view published content or the Under Review tab to view content that are unpublished and under review.
  4. Search for the content you want to view. Use the available filters to narrow down the results.
  5. Click on the content's View button to view its details page.

Update published content

  1. Go to the details page of the content you want to update.
  2. On the details page of the published content, you can:
    • Edit the content's basic information.
    • Hide or unhide the content.
    • Add a new screenshot to the content.
    • Delete the content.
    • View the content's history.

Review pending content

  1. Go to the details page of the content you want to update.
  2. On the details page of the published content, you can:
    • Reject the content. The creator will have to revise or adjust the content in compliance with community standards and requirements and then resubmit it for review.
    • Approve the content. The content will be immediately published and visible to all players.

Clone content to another channel

To clone content from a specific channel to another channel, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the details page of the content you want to update.
  2. From the results, click on the content's ellipsis (...) menu under the Action column and select Clone. The Clone Content form appears.
  3. On the Clone Content form, fill in the required information:
    • Channel Type: Select whether you want to clone the content to an official or community channel.
    • User ID: If you're cloning to a community channel, select the user ID of the creator who owns the target channel.
    • Channel Name: Search and select the target channel.
  4. (Optional) Change the cloned content's name, type, subtype, tag, and additional fields. To learn more about managing content types, subtypes, and tags, refer to Configure predefined tags, subtypes, and tags.
  5. Click Clone. The cloned content is immediately added to the target channel.