

Last updated on February 18, 2025


AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS) Lobby provides continuous connection between your game and its players by using The WebSocket Protocol. WebSockets ensure reliable, real-time data transfer by allowing two-way communication between the server and clients. Since AGS Lobby is the main hub of your game, it is connected to many of the other AGS features.

This article covers configuring Lobby in the AGS Admin Portal.


The goals of this article are to provide:

  • An overview of Lobby and how to configure it in the AGS Admin Portal.
  • An understanding of the configuration of a Lobby and how it is reflected in your game.


To be able to complete the steps in this article, you will need the following:

  • A familiarity with the Authentication flow that occurs before a player reaches AGS Lobby.
  • A familiarity with how Entitlements work in AGS.
  • Access to the AGS Admin Portal.

Manage the Lobby configuration

The Lobby configuration refers to the process of setting up and customizing the backend services that manage player connections. This includes configuring various settings that are handled by Lobby.

Lobby Concurrent User (CCU)

Lobby Concurrent User (CCU) shows the total number of active players. This value is refreshed once every minute.

Enable or Disable Lobby

You can temporarily disable Lobby to perform maintenance on your game. When Lobby is disabled, any active player connection will be severed and no players will be able to connect to Lobby. You can leverage this behavior to block players from playing until Lobby has been reenabled.

Lobby Configuration

Keep Player's Activity: this determines whether a player's arbitrary session data (which can be set via the AGS Game SDK) is kept after the player disconnects from Lobby. Toggle this option On to let player session data be stored even when they are disconnected. Activity can be set as any string (e.g., "Playing Survival", "In Lobby", "In Match").

Web Socket Unregister Delay: The WebSocket unregister delay configuration is the time the Lobby service waits before unregistering a disconnected WebSocket client. If the client reconnects within this delay, the Lobby will not consider it a disconnection event. Additionally, if you're using the AGS Session service, a disconnected session member (i.e., a game session or a party member) will not be marked as "DROPPED" from the session as long as they reconnect within the service's defined unregister delay.

Max Players in Lobby: set the maximum number of players that are allowed to join and be in the lobby WebSocket simultaneously. Use the -1 value to set the maximum number of players in the system. Currently, the maximum number of players which the lobby can handle is 2,147,483,647.

Max Friend Limit: set the maximum number of friends a player can have in the AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS) system.

Entitlement Check

Entitlement Check: this determines whether the backend will check if a player has the necessary entitlements before they are granted access to Lobby. This can be used as an additional layer of security. The check prevents players from accessing games if they have obtained, but have not purchased, access to a Client ID and Client Secret that might otherwise give them to access your game.

Select Item: this is used to determine which item will be used in the Entitlement Check. The item will be taken from the list of items configured in your Commerce settings.

Lobby Service Rate Limit

Duration Limit (ms): this determines the time window (in milliseconds) in which a certain amount of requests made to Lobby may be blocked. This setting works with the Burst Limit setting.

Burst Limit: this determines the number of requests that can be made to Lobby within a given time window. This setting works with the Duration Limit setting.

When combined, Duration Limit and Burst Limit determine a rate of requests per unit of time. The Lobby service uses a token bucket algorithm to enforce the user's rate limit in the WebSocket. For instance, if the Duration Limit is 1000 milliseconds and the Burst Limit is 3, this indicates that the limit for accessing the lobby service is 3 simultaneous attempts, recovering 1 limit every 1000 milliseconds (or per second) until reaching the burst limit of 3. If a user submits 3 simultaneous requests within 1 second (1000 milliseconds), the fourth request will be blocked, and the user will be able to make only 1 request during the subsequent second, as the limit recovers by 1 every second. The lobby rate limit applies per WebSocket connection, which equates to a per-user limit.


In this section, you can find examples of how to use Lobby in some common scenarios.

Example 1: The game client keeps player's activity during Lobby disconnection

In this example, you enable Keep Player's Activity. With this configuration enabled, whenever your player is disconnected, Lobby will keep the player's activity. For example, if the player's activity is set to In Match during disconnection, the player's activity would still be In Match in Lobby.

Example 2: A player needs the entitlement in their account in order to access Lobby

In this example, you define the behavior on how Lobby will restrict a player's access except when they have the entitlement that is configured in Entitlement Check. By setting the configuration shown below, players without the AB Shooter entitlement wouldn't be able to access Lobby.

Entitlement Check