
Implement the party UI

Last updated on December 19, 2024

To create the UI to support the Party service in your game, follow these steps:

  1. The Party service is part of the Lobby, so start by creating a new panel or scene for the Lobby and add the following objects:

    • Header text
    • Exit button
    • Empty panel, for the Lobby Page content (optional)
  2. The Lobby panel will have more than just Party UIs, so split the Lobby panel with two new panels. Once completed, add a Friends Management button to redirect players to the Friends panel.

  3. Add Party-related UI objects including:

    • Party ID text
    • Create Party button
    • Party Member List panel
    • Player Entry panel (since the default party size is four players, create four panels and parent them to the Party Member List panel)
    • Leave Party button
  4. Create a pop-up or panel for the Party Invitation and ensure that it has the following UI elements:

    • Invitation text
    • Accept button
    • Reject button
  5. You will also need a notification box for log messages, so create a new panel and add the following:

    • Sub-header text
    • Scroll View
    • Log Message Display prefab

    The Log Message Display prefab will spawn if a log message is created. Create a new panel, ensure it has a Log Message text, and link it under the content of the Scroll View.

What's next?

After creating the party UI, you can proceed to configuring the settings for the party service in your game. Follow the steps in the Configure party settings article.

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