

Last updated on June 12, 2024


A session backend service is a critical component for many games, particularly those with online multiplayer functionality. A session backend service is responsible for handling the session and connecting players with each other.

Session templates in AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS) enable game developers to configure the joinability, allowed players, leader elections, etc. of a session. Session templates can be created and configured in the AGS Admin Portal.


  • Familiarity with the Matchmaking service.
  • Access to the AGS Admin Portal.
  • Existing session templates in your namespace.

Create and configure a session template

  1. In the Admin Portal, go to your namespace.

  2. On the Admin Portal sidebar, go to Game Management > Matchmaking v2 > Session Configurations. The Session Configurations page appears.

  3. On the Session Configurations page, click on the + Add Session Template button. The Create Session Template form appears.

  4. In the General section, fill in the required information as follows:

    • Session Template Name: type in a name for the session template.
    • Min Players: set the minimum number of players allowed in the session.
    • Max Players: set the maximum number of players allowed in the session.
    • Player Active Session Limit: set the maximum number of concurrent sessions are allowed per player.
    • Joinability: select the joinability setting.
    • Invite Timeout: set the time limit (in seconds) before a session invite times out. For example, if this is set to 60, the session will drop a player that was in the session but is disconnected from the lobby service for more than 60 seconds.
    • Inactive Timeout: set the time limit for how long (in seconds) the session will wait before timing out a player that has been disconnected from the lobby and hasn't reconnected.
    • Leader Election Grace Period: set the duration (in seconds) for selecting a new leader when the current leader is disconnected. This applies to party sessions only.
    • Server: select the session type based on the connection used. If you set this to NONE and Joinabiliy to INVITE ONLY, the session would behave like a party session and a new player can only join if they are invited.
    • Requested Regions: select the regions this session can be used in.
  5. Click Next. The Additional configuration section appears.

  6. In the Additional configuration section, configure the options as follows:

    • Auto-accept Session: if enabled, players will auto-accept the session invitation and join the session directly once the match is formed.
    • Enable Chat Room: if enabled, a chat room for players in the session will be provided for them to chat with each other.
    • Enable Secret Validation: if enabled, the session will generate a secret key for player validation during connection.
    • Generate Code: if enabled, the session will generate a session code.
    • Immutable Session Storage: if enabled, players in the session will be prevented from modifying the session storage.
    • Manual Set Ready for Dedicated Server (DS): if enabled, the dedicated server will be required to call a specific endpoint, signaling that the dedicated server will be ready to accept client connection for the game session.
    • Tied Teams Session Lifetime: if enabled, the lifetime of any party session within the teams will be linked to the game session.
  7. Click Next.

  8. In the 3rd party sync section, enable or disable the Enable session sync toggle. Enabling this option will prompt the session to synchronize with a third-party platform.

  9. Click Next. A summary of the session template configuration appears.

    Image shows summary of a sample session template configuration

  10. Click Create. The Session Configurations page appears with new session template added to the session templates list.