Use the OSS to upgrade account - In-game registration - (Unreal Engine module)
Unwrap the Subsystem
This tutorial will show you how to upgrade a headless account to a full AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS) account using the AGS Game SDK Online Subsystem (OSS). In the Byte Wars project, there is already a game instance subsystem created named RegisterUserInGameSubsystem
. This subsystem contains the completed implementation to upgrade an account. However, in this tutorial, you will use a starter version of that subsystem so you can implement the functions from scratch.
What's in the Starter Pack
To follow this tutorial, a starter subsystem class named RegisterUserInGameSubsystem_Starter
has been prepared for you. This class is available in the Resources section and consists of the following files:
- Header file:
- CPP file:
The RegisterUserInGameSubsystem_Starter
class also has several helpers:
interface declaration. You will use this interface to query the new full account information.protected:
// ...
FOnlineUserAccelBytePtr GetUserInterface() const;
There is also a model file in the /Source/AccelByteWars/TutorialModules/Access/RegisterUserInGame/RegisterUserInGameModels.h
file. This file contains the following helpers:
A delegate declaration to handle the response from the backend.
DECLARE_DELEGATE_ThreeParams(FOnUpgradeAndVerifyAccountComplete, bool bWasSuccessful, const FString& ErrorMessage, const FAccountUserData& NewFullAccount);
DECLARE_DELEGATE_TwoParams(FOnSendUpgradeAccountVerificationCodeComplete, bool bWasSuccesful, const FString& ErrorMessage);A string constant to print logs and messages.
#define SEND_VERIFICATION_CODE_MESSAGE NSLOCTEXT(ACCELBYTEWARS_LOCTEXT_NAMESPACE, "Upgrade Account Send Verification Code Message", "Sending verification code")
#define RESEND_VERIFICATION_CODE_MESSAGE NSLOCTEXT(ACCELBYTEWARS_LOCTEXT_NAMESPACE, "Upgrade Account Send Verification Code Message", "Re-send Verification Code")
#define UPGRADE_ACCOUNT_MESSAGE NSLOCTEXT(ACCELBYTEWARS_LOCTEXT_NAMESPACE, "Upgrade Account Message", "Upgrading and verifying account")
#define EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELDS_ERROR NSLOCTEXT(ACCELBYTEWARS_LOCTEXT_NAMESPACE, "Upgrade Account Empty Required Fields Error", "Required fields cannot be empty")
#define EMPTY_VERIFICATION_CODE_ERROR NSLOCTEXT(ACCELBYTEWARS_LOCTEXT_NAMESPACE, "Upgrade Account Empty Verification Code Error", "Verification code cannot be empty")
#define EMAIL_ALREADY_USED_ERROR NSLOCTEXT(ACCELBYTEWARS_LOCTEXT_NAMESPACE, "Upgrade Account Email Already Used Error", "E-mail is already used")
#define EMAIL_INPUT_VIOLATION_ERROR NSLOCTEXT(ACCELBYTEWARS_LOCTEXT_NAMESPACE, "Upgrade Account Email Input Violation Error", "E-mail format is invalid")
#define USERNAME_ALREADY_USED_ERROR NSLOCTEXT(ACCELBYTEWARS_LOCTEXT_NAMESPACE, "Upgrade Account Username Already Used Error", "Username is already used")
#define USERNAME_INPUT_VIOLATION_ERROR NSLOCTEXT(ACCELBYTEWARS_LOCTEXT_NAMESPACE, "Upgrade Account Username Input Validation Error", "Username must be {0}-{1} characters and cannot contain whitespaces nor special characters")
#define PASSWORD_INPUT_VIOLATION_ERROR NSLOCTEXT(ACCELBYTEWARS_LOCTEXT_NAMESPACE, "Upgrade Account Password Input Violation Error", "Password must be {0}-{1} characters, must contains a mix of upercase and lowercase letters, and cannot contain special characters except dash and underscore")
#define PASSWORD_NOT_MATCH_ERROR NSLOCTEXT(ACCELBYTEWARS_LOCTEXT_NAMESPACE, "Upgrade Account Password Not Match Error", "Password does not match, retype the password")
#define UPGRADE_ACCOUNT_UNKNOWN_ERROR NSLOCTEXT(ACCELBYTEWARS_LOCTEXT_NAMESPACE, "Upgrade Account Unknown Error", "Unknown error occurred")inline const FText GetUpgradeAccountErrorMessage(const EUpgradeAccountErrorTypes ErrorCode)
switch ((EUpgradeAccountErrorTypes)ErrorCode)
case EUpgradeAccountErrorTypes::EmailAlreadyUsed:
case EUpgradeAccountErrorTypes::UsernameAlreadyUsed:
case EUpgradeAccountErrorTypes::UniqueDisplayNameAlreadyUsed:
case EUpgradeAccountErrorTypes::UsernameInputViolation:
case EUpgradeAccountErrorTypes::PasswordInputViolation:
Implement requesting verification codes
In this section, you will implement functions to send an email verification code request.
Open the
class Header file and declare the helper variable below. This variable will be used to store the email address, preventing multiple verification code requests to the same email.private:
// ...
TSet<FString> LastVerificationCodeTargetEmails;Next, declare the following function to send an email verification code request.
// ...
void SendUpgradeAccountVerificationCode(
const FString& EmailAddress,
const bool bForceResend = false,
const FOnSendUpgradeAccountVerificationCodeComplete& OnComplete = FOnSendUpgradeAccountVerificationCodeComplete());Now, open the
class CPP file and define the function above. This function sends a request to the backend to send a verification code to the target email. If thebForceResend
is disabled, then it won't send a new request to the same email address.void URegisterUserInGameSubsystem_Starter::SendUpgradeAccountVerificationCode(
const FString& EmailAddress,
const bool bForceResend,
const FOnSendUpgradeAccountVerificationCodeComplete& OnComplete)
if (!bForceResend && LastVerificationCodeTargetEmails.Contains(EmailAddress))
UE_LOG_REGISTERUSERINGAME(Log, TEXT("Verification code already sent to the same e-mail."));
OnComplete.ExecuteIfBound(true, TEXT(""));
AccelByte::FVoidHandler::CreateWeakLambda(this, [this, EmailAddress, OnComplete]()
UE_LOG_REGISTERUSERINGAME(Log, TEXT("Success to send upgrade to full account verification code to the registered e-mail."));
OnComplete.ExecuteIfBound(true, TEXT(""));
FErrorHandler::CreateWeakLambda(this, [this, OnComplete](int32 ErrorCode, const FString& ErrorMessage)
UE_LOG_REGISTERUSERINGAME(Warning, TEXT("Failed to send upgrade to full account verification code to the registered e-mail. Error %d: %s"), ErrorCode, *ErrorMessage);
OnComplete.ExecuteIfBound(false, GetUpgradeAccountErrorMessage((EUpgradeAccountErrorTypes)ErrorCode).ToString());
}Next, find the predefined
function, which is called when the subsystem is deinitialized. In this function, add the code below to clear the value of the helper variable.void URegisterUserInGameSubsystem_Starter::Deinitialize()
Implement upgrade and verify account
In this section, you will implement functions to upgrade and verify the account using the verification code.
First, create a helper function to check whether the account is already a full account or not. Open the
class Header file and declare the following function:public:
// ...
bool IsCurrentUserIsFullAccount();Next, open the CPP file for the
class and implement the function described above. This function checks whether the currently logged-in account is a full account by verifying if an email address is registered and verified.bool URegisterUserInGameSubsystem_Starter::IsCurrentUserIsFullAccount()
const bool bHasLinkedEmail = !AccelByte::FRegistry::CredentialsRef->GetUserEmailAddress().IsEmpty();
const bool bIsEmailVerified = AccelByte::FRegistry::CredentialsRef->GetAccountUserData().EmailVerified;
return bHasLinkedEmail && bIsEmailVerified;
}Now, open the
class Header file again and declare the following functions:public:
// ...
void UpgradeAndVerifyAccount(
const int32 LocalUserNum,
const FUniqueNetIdPtr UserId,
const FString& Username,
const FString& EmailAddress,
const FString& Password,
const FString& VerificationCode,
const FOnUpgradeAndVerifyAccountComplete& OnComplete = FOnUpgradeAndVerifyAccountComplete());protected:
void OnUpgradeAndVerifyAccountSuccess(
const FAccountUserData& NewFullAccount,
const int32 LocalUserNum,
const FUniqueNetIdRef UserId,
const FOnUpgradeAndVerifyAccountComplete OnComplete);Next, open the
class CPP file and define theUpgradeAndVerifyAccount()
function. This function sends a request to upgrade the account by using the verification code received via email. Once the request completes, the callback will be handled by theOnUpgradeAndVerifyAccountSuccess()
function.void URegisterUserInGameSubsystem_Starter::UpgradeAndVerifyAccount(
const int32 LocalUserNum,
const FUniqueNetIdPtr UserId,
const FString& Username,
const FString& EmailAddress,
const FString& Password,
const FString& VerificationCode,
const FOnUpgradeAndVerifyAccountComplete& OnComplete)
if (!UserId.IsValid())
UE_LOG_REGISTERUSERINGAME(Warning, TEXT("Failed to upgrade headless account to full account. User id is null."));
OnComplete.ExecuteIfBound(false, UPGRADE_ACCOUNT_UNKNOWN_ERROR.ToString(), FAccountUserData());
FUpgradeAndVerifyRequest Request;
Request.Username = Username;
Request.DisplayName = Username;
Request.UniqueDisplayName = Username;
Request.EmailAddress = EmailAddress;
Request.Password = Password;
Request.Code = VerificationCode;
THandler<FAccountUserData>::CreateUObject(this, &ThisClass::OnUpgradeAndVerifyAccountSuccess, LocalUserNum, UserId.ToSharedRef(), OnComplete),
FErrorHandler::CreateWeakLambda(this, [this, OnComplete](int32 ErrorCode, const FString& ErrorMessage)
UE_LOG_REGISTERUSERINGAME(Warning, TEXT("Failed to upgrade headless account to full account. Error %d: %s"), ErrorCode, *ErrorMessage);
OnComplete.ExecuteIfBound(false, GetUpgradeAccountErrorMessage((EUpgradeAccountErrorTypes)ErrorCode).ToString(), FAccountUserData());
}Now, define the
by adding the code below. This code re-queries the user account info to update the user account cache in the AGS OSS.void URegisterUserInGameSubsystem_Starter::OnUpgradeAndVerifyAccountSuccess(
const FAccountUserData& NewFullAccount,
const int32 LocalUserNum,
const FUniqueNetIdRef UserId,
const FOnUpgradeAndVerifyAccountComplete OnComplete)
UStartupSubsystem* StartupSubsystem = GetWorld()->GetGameInstance()->GetSubsystem<UStartupSubsystem>();
if (!StartupSubsystem)
UE_LOG_REGISTERUSERINGAME(Warning, TEXT("Failed to handle on upgrade headless account success. Startup subsystem is null."));
// Query new user info to update account user cache on OSS.
TPartyMemberArray{ UserId },
FOnQueryUsersInfoCompleteDelegate::CreateWeakLambda(this, [this, LocalUserNum, UserId, NewFullAccount, OnComplete](
const FOnlineError& Error,
const TArray<TSharedPtr<FUserOnlineAccountAccelByte>>& UsersInfo)
if (!Error.bSucceeded || UsersInfo.IsEmpty())
TEXT("Failed to upgrade headless account to full account. Error %s: %s"),
OnComplete.ExecuteIfBound(false, UPGRADE_ACCOUNT_UNKNOWN_ERROR.ToString(), FAccountUserData());
UE_LOG_REGISTERUSERINGAME(Log, TEXT("Success to upgrade headless account to full account: %s"), *NewFullAccount.DisplayName);
// Update account user cache on SDK.
OnComplete.ExecuteIfBound(true, TEXT(""), NewFullAccount);
The files used in this tutorial section are available in the Unreal Byte Wars GitHub repository.
- AccelByteWars/Source/AccelByteWars/TutorialModules/Access/RegisterUserInGame/RegisterUserInGameSubsystem_Starter.h
- AccelByteWars/Source/AccelByteWars/TutorialModules/Access/RegisterUserInGame/RegisterUserInGameSubsystem_Starter.cpp
- AccelByteWars/Source/AccelByteWars/TutorialModules/Access/RegisterUserInGame/RegisterUserInGameModels.h