
概要 - ピアツーピアで参加可能なセッション - (Unreal Engine モジュール)

Last updated on June 12, 2024


A match session allows the players to directly create a game session and join a specific game session. In this module, you will learn how players can create, browse, and join a game session using peer-to-peer (P2P).


To complete this module, you will need:

  • To have completed the following module:

  • The Byte Wars tutorialmodules branch checked out in your local Byte Wars Unreal project repository.

  • To force enable this module by adding the following code to the Config/DefaultEngine.ini file:


Learning objectives

At the end of this module, you will know how to implement:

  • Creating a game session with P2P
  • Browsing and joining player-created game sessions with P2P


At the end of this module, your project will look like the images below.

  • Creating a game session.

    Create a game session Unreal Byte Wars joinable sessions peer-to-peer

  • Browsing and joining a game session.

    Browse and join a game session Unreal Byte Wars joinable sessions peer-to-peer