OSS でフレンドリストのクエリを実行する - フレンドリスト - (Unreal Engine モジュール)
What's in the Starter Pack
You previously implemented some friend functionalities in the FriendSubsystem_Starter
subsystem class. You will continue to use that class to follow this tutorial.
Before you start, several delegates have been prepared for you in the /Source/AccelByteWars/TutorialModules/Social/FriendsEssentials/FriendsEssentialsModels.h
file that you will use along with this tutorial.
Delegates to be used as a callback when getting a friend list completes.
// ...
DECLARE_DELEGATE_ThreeParams(FOnGetFriendListComplete, bool /*bWasSuccessful*/, TArray<UFriendData*> /*Friends*/, const FString& /*ErrorMessage*/);
Implement getting friend list
In this section, you will implement functionalities to get the friend list.
You have already created a function named CacheFriendList()
in the FriendsSubsystem_Starter
that is used to get and cache the friend list. You need to filter that cached friend list to get only the list of players that accepted a friend request.
Open the
class Header file and create the following function declarations.public:
// ...
void GetFriendList(const APlayerController* PC, const FOnGetFriendListComplete& OnComplete = FOnGetFriendListComplete());Create the definition for the function above. Open the
class CPP file and add the code below. It will filter the cached friend list to get the accepted friend list only.void UFriendsSubsystem_Starter::GetFriendList(const APlayerController* PC, const FOnGetFriendListComplete& OnComplete)
if (!ensure(FriendsInterface))
UE_LOG_FRIENDS_ESSENTIALS(Warning, TEXT("Cannot get friend list. Friends Interface is not valid."));
// Get accepted friend list from cache.
const int32 LocalUserNum = GetLocalUserNumFromPlayerController(PC);
GetCacheFriendList(LocalUserNum, FOnGetCacheFriendListComplete::CreateWeakLambda(this, [this, OnComplete](bool bWasSuccessful, TArray<TSharedRef<FOnlineFriend>>& CachedFriendList, const FString& ErrorMessage)
if (bWasSuccessful)
// Filter accepted friends.
CachedFriendList = CachedFriendList.FilterByPredicate([](const TSharedRef<FOnlineFriend>& Friend)
return Friend->GetInviteStatus() == EInviteStatus::Accepted;
TArray<UFriendData*> AcceptedFriendList;
for (const TSharedRef<FOnlineFriend>& TempData : CachedFriendList)
OnComplete.ExecuteIfBound(true, AcceptedFriendList, TEXT(""));
OnComplete.ExecuteIfBound(false, TArray<UFriendData*>(), ErrorMessage);
- The files used in this tutorial section are available in the Unreal Byte Wars GitHub repository.