
Play test - Private Chat - (Unreal Engine module)

Last updated on November 26, 2024

To test this feature, you will need to launch two instances and log in as two different users that have each other as friends. Refer to the Add friends module to do this. This tutorial refers to the separate logged in instances as Player A and Player B.

Test the private chat

  1. Compile the project and open it in the Unreal Editor.

  2. Play two game instances in the editor and log in as a different user in each.

  3. Navigate both of the instances to Social > Friends. On Player A, click the Player B entry. On Player B, click the Player A entry. Click the Chat button on both of them.

  4. Send a private message from Player A to Player B and vice versa. If successful, you will see a result similar to the following:

    Test to send private message

    LogPrivateChat: Log: UPrivateChatSubsystem_Starter::OnSendPrivateChatComplete Success to send chat message on Room <ROOM_ID>
    LogPrivateChat: Log: UPrivateChatSubsystem_Starter::OnPrivateChatMessageReceived Received private chat message from <SENDER>: <MESSAGE>

Congratulations! Your private chat implementation is working properly.