
Game Maintenance Testing: Simulate Server Downtime Before Launch

Last updated on February 27, 2025
AGS Private Cloud

Game maintenance testing request is only available for AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS) Private Cloud users.

We provide a way to test how your game handles maintenance events before launch. This helps you understand how downtime affects players and lets you prepare for real disruptions.

How Does the Testing Work?

To simulate service disruptions, AccelByte can temporarily disable certain services, causing them to return a 5xx error response. This is different from simply disconnecting your local internet, which only tests the lobby WebSocket reconnection and doesn’t simulate service disruptions.

  1. Schedule a Test – Once you have a game build ready, contact us to set up a testing time through the customer support portal for private cloud.
  2. Confirmation – Our infrastructure team will check in with you a few hours before the scheduled test to confirm.
  3. Simulating Maintenance – At the agreed time, we will trigger a maintenance event.
  4. Review the Results – After the test, we will share a report on what happened during the simulation.

Optional: Team or Multiple Player Testing

If you provide instructions for accessing your test build, our team can also play the game during the simulated maintenance. This helps gather more insights and improve the testing process.