Last updated on February 20, 2025
Defining user activity is a key concept for analytics metrics. Whenever a user (user_id
) is referred to as "active", it means they are doing one or more of the following activities in a given time period:
Event Category | Definition | AIS Data Warehouse Table | AGS service events involved |
Agreement | The action of checking agreement preferences (such as terms and conditions or marketing preferences) when a user registers on the player web portal. | agreement_t | agreementCreated agreementUpdated |
Fulfillment | The action of a successful user's fulfillment process. | fulfillment_t | fulfillmentCompleted |
Lobby Session | The action of connecting to a lobby session when a user obtains a unique lobby session ID. | lobby_session_t lobby_session_connected_t | userConnected |
Match Session | The action of changing the user's match session status when a dedicated server is assigned to each matched party and a dedicated server's ID is assigned. | matchsession_activity_t match_structure_team_t match_team_party_t match_party_user_t | matchmakingSessionStatusChanged |
Order | The action of an order process, such as order fulfilled, order success, failed, created, closed, refund status, and chargeback. | order_t order_properties_t | orderCancelled orderChargeback orderChargebackReversed orderCharged orderCreated orderExpired orderFulfillFailed orderFulFilled orderRefundFailed orderRefundRequested orderRefunded orderStatusUpdated |
Payment | The action of making payment, authorizing payment, charging or charging back and refunding a credit card. | payment_t | paymentOrderAuthorisedFailed paymentOrderAuthorised paymentOrderChargeFailed paymentOrderChargeback paymentOrderChargebackReversed paymentOrderCharged paymentOrderCreated paymentOrderNotificationOfChargeback paymentOrderRefundFailed paymentOrderRefundRequested paymentOrderRefunded paymentOrderRequestForInformation |
Wallet | The action of enabling and disabling a wallet and taking a purchase when an amount of virtual currency flows in and out of a wallet, which is usually triggered by the system or an admin. | wallet_t wallet_status_t | walletCredited walletDebited walletExpired walletPaid walletEnabled walletDisabled |
Authentication | The action of getting an OAuth token through a normal or a third-party flow. | user_auth_t | userLoggedIn userThirdPartyLoggedIn |
User Ban | The action of banning and unbanning an account. | user_ban_t | userAccountBanned userAccountUnbanned |
User Enabled | The action of creating a game account and disabling, enabling, or verifying a publisher account. | user_enabled_t | gameUserAccountCreated userAccountCreated userAccountDisabled userAccountEnabled userAccountVerified thirdPartyAccountCreated userAccountLinked userAccountUnlinked |
Presence | A heartbeat event is broadcast by the enhanced presence event with a unique session ID for each game session. | telemetry_presence_t | enhanced_presence |