
Go Non-modular SDK から Go Modular Extend SDK への移行ガイド

Last updated on January 14, 2025


The AccelByte Go Modular SDK is the latest development SDK which separates each service provided by AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS) into its own module so you can select which services you want to use.


This guide will describe how to migrate existing Go projects that already use Go Extend SDK to the latest Go Modular Extend SDK.

Migrate existing projects to Go Modular Extend SDK

  1. Rename Go imports.

    Rename the imports package name prefix of all the .go files in your project as follows. You can utilize the find and replace feature on your IDE.





    This step is required because the Go Modular SDK and Non-modular SDK are hosted in a separate repository.

  2. Use compatibility modules.

    Compatibility modules have a backward compatibility layer to allow smooth migration from previous non-modular SDKs to modular SDKs so you don't have to do anything after applying these modules.

    Run this command to automatically resolve the required Go Module dependencies.

    go mod tidy

    After running the command, you're already opted in to the Go Modular SDK but are still using the backward compatibility layer modules so you're required to use Go build tags. Go build tags are used to include which Go compatibility modules to include in the build.

    In the following example, we're using AccelByte achievement and iam modules, so we include the compat_achievement and compat_iam tags:

    go build -tags compat_achievement,compat_iam .

    Here's a list of available tags.

    compatInclude all AccelByte services modules (similar to non-modular)
    compat_achievementInclude achievement service compatibility modules
    compat_amsInclude ams service compatibility modules
    compat_basicInclude basic service compatibility modules
    compat_cloudsaveInclude cloudsave service compatibility modules
    compat_dslogmanagerInclude dslogmanager service compatibility modules
    compat_dsmcInclude dsmc service compatibility modules
    compat_eventlogInclude eventlog service compatibility modules
    compat_gametelemetryInclude gametelemetry service compatibility modules
    compat_gdprInclude gdpr service compatibility modules
    compat_groupInclude group service compatibility modules
    compat_iamInclude iam service compatibility modules
    compat_leaderboardInclude leaderboard service compatibility modules
    compat_legalInclude legal service compatibility modules
    compat_lobbyInclude lobby service compatibility modules
    compat_match2Include match2 service compatibility modules
    compat_matchmakingInclude matchmaking service compatibility modules
    compat_platformInclude platform service compatibility modules
    compat_qosmInclude qosm service compatibility modules
    compat_reportingInclude reporting service compatibility modules
    compat_seasonpassInclude seasonpass service compatibility modules
    compat_sessionInclude session service compatibility modules
    compat_sessionbrowserInclude sessionbrowser service compatibility modules
    compat_socialInclude social service compatibility modules
    compat_ugcInclude ugc service compatibility modules

    For convenience, you can include all modules to the build using only the compat tags.

    go build -tags compat .
  3. Migrate breaking changes.

    If you're ready for a proper migration to Go Modular SDK, you can start migrating breaking changes.

    • Service wrapper

    Move all service client wrappers from github.com/AccelByte/accelbyte-go-sdk/services-api/pkg/service/* to each service package.

    In the following example, achievement and iam service are moved. The patterns apply to the other services.

    // 1. before (achievement package)
    import "github.com/AccelByte/accelbyte-go-sdk/services-api/pkg/service/achievement"
    var achievementSvc = achievement.AchievementsService{}

    // 1. after (achievement package)
    import "github.com/AccelByte/accelbyte-go-modular-sdk/achievement-sdk/pkg"
    var achievementSvc = achievement.AchievementsService{}

    // 2. before (iam package)
    import "github.com/AccelByte/accelbyte-go-sdk/services-api/pkg/service/iam"
    var iamSvc = iam.OAuth20Service{}

    // 2. after (iam package)
    import "github.com/AccelByte/accelbyte-go-modular-sdk/iam-sdk/pkg"
    var iamSvc = iam.OAuth20Service{}
    • Service factory

    Move all client factory inside packages from github.com/AccelByte/accelbyte-go-sdk/services-api/pkg/factory/* to each service SDK package accordingly.

    In the following example, achievement and iam service are moved. The patterns apply to the other services.

    // Before: factory package containing all client factory
    import "github.com/AccelByte/accelbyte-go-sdk/services-api/pkg/factory"
    var achievementCli = factory.NewAchievementClient(config)
    var iamCli = factory.NewIamClient(config)

    // After: client factory reside in each service module
    import "github.com/AccelByte/accelbyte-go-modular-sdk/iam-sdk/pkg"
    import "github.com/AccelByte/accelbyte-go-modular-sdk/achievement-sdk/pkg"
    var achievementCli = achievement.NewAchievementClient(config)
    var iamCli = iam.NewIamClient(config)
    • Local token validator

    If you're using an auth local token validator, it is already moved from github.com/AccelByte/accelbyte-go-sdkservices-api/pkg/utils/auth/validator to github.com/AccelByte/accelbyte-go-sdk/iam-sdk/pkg.

    Example code:

    // Before
    import "github.com/AccelByte/accelbyte-go-sdk/services-api/pkg/utils/auth/validator"
    var tokenValidator = validator.NewTokenValidator(...)

    // After
    import "github.com/AccelByte/accelbyte-go-modular-sdk/iam-sdk/pkg"
    var tokenValidator = iam.NewTokenValidator(...)
    • Refresh token scheduler

    Move the files from github.com/AccelByte/accelbyte-go-sdk/services-api/pkg/utils/auth to github.com/AccelByte/accelbyte-go-sdk/iam-sdk/pkg. Note that it may only used be internally inside iam.OAuth20Service.

    Example code:

    // Before
    import "github.com/AccelByte/accelbyte-go-sdk/services-api/pkg/utils/auth"
    auth.RefreshTokenScheduler(session, loginType)

    // After
    import "github.com/AccelByte/accelbyte-go-modular-sdk/iam-sdk/pkg"
    iam.NewRefreshTokenSchedulerImpl().Start(session, loginType)

    Finally, tidy up and resolve the required dependencies by running this command.

    go mod tidy