
概要 - パーティ入門 - (Unreal Engine モジュール)

Last updated on June 12, 2024


Parties allow your players to gather and play games together across matches. In this module, we show you how to implement players creating parties, adding players to parties, and removing players from parties in Byte Wars using AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS).


In order to complete this module, you will need:

  • To have completed the following module:

  • The Byte Wars tutorialmodules branch checked out in your local Byte Wars Unreal project repository.

  • To force enable this module by adding the following code to the Config/DefaultEngine.ini file:


Learning objectives

By following this module, you will learn how to implement the following features:

  • Creating a player party
  • Inviting friends to a party
  • Removing (kicking) members of the party
  • Promoting a party member to party leader
  • Leaving a party


At the end of this module, your Byte Wars will look like the images below.

  • After implementing party creation:

    Create party demo Unreal Byte Wars introduction to party

    Log output:

    LogPartyEssentials: Log: UPartyOnlineSession_Starter::OnCreatePartyComplete Success to create a party.
  • After implementing party invitation and invitation acceptance:

    Send and accept party invitation demo Unreal Byte Wars introduction to party

    Log output:

    LogPartyEssentials: Log: UPartyOnlineSession_Starter::OnSendPartyInviteComplete Success to send party invitation to 8f5eab9107fb4912930336fbfe04da1a
    LogPartyEssentials: Log: UPartyOnlineSession_Starter::OnJoinPartyComplete Success to join a party.
  • After implementing party invitation rejection:

    Send and reject party invitation demo Unreal Byte Wars introduction to party

    Log output:

    LogPartyEssentials: Log: UPartyOnlineSession_Starter::OnSendPartyInviteComplete Success to send party invitation to 8f5eab9107fb4912930336fbfe04da1a
    LogPartyEssentials: Log: UPartyOnlineSession_Starter::OnRejectPartyInviteComplete Success to reject party invitation.
  • After implementing kicking/removing members from party:

    Kick party member demo Unreal Byte Wars introduction to party

    Log output:

    LogPartyEssentials: Log: UPartyOnlineSession_Starter::OnKickPlayerFromPartyComplete Success to kick 8f5eab9107fb4912930336fbfe04da1a from the party.
  • After implementing promoting a member to party leader:

    Promote party leader demo Unreal Byte Wars introduction to party

    Log output:

    LogPartyEssentials: Log: UPartyOnlineSession_Starter::OnPromotePartyLeaderComplete Success to promote 8f5eab9107fb4912930336fbfe04da1a as the new party leader.
  • After implementing leaving parties:

    Leave party demo Unreal Byte Wars introduction to party

    Log output:

    LogPartyEssentials: Log: UPartyOnlineSession_Starter::OnLeavePartyComplete Success to leave a party.