
プレイテスト - パーティ入門 - (Unreal Engine モジュール)

Last updated on June 12, 2024

Create a party

  1. Compile the project, run the game, and log in to it. Go to Social > Party. A party will automatically be created. If successful, it will look like the following:

    Test to create a party Unreal Byte Wars introduction to party

    Log output:

    LogPartyEssentials: Log: UPartyOnlineSession_Starter::OnCreatePartyComplete Success to create a party.

Test party features with two game clients

You will test the features using both a device ID login and a Steam login. Make sure you have Steam open and you're logged in to it with the account associated with the game that contains the app ID used for the SDK configuration. For more information about Steam logins, please refer back to Module: Login with Steam.

Before you can test your party features, you need two game clients open to test with. Follow these steps to do so:

  1. Compile the project and open it in the Unreal editor. Then, set up the multiplayer options to what's shown in the image below. This will launch two game clients in Standalone Mode when you play the game. This is necessary as you can only log in with Steam if the game runs in Standalone Mode.

    Set up to play two game clients from Unreal Engine Editor Unreal Byte Wars introduction to party

  2. Next, play the game by pressing the play button. In the first game client, log in with the device ID. And on the second game client, log in with Steam.

Send party invitations

  1. Ensure you have two game clients open and you are logged in to both of them.

  2. Send a party invitation from one game client to the other.

If successful, the invited client will receive a notification of a party invitation.

Reject party invitation

  1. Ensure you have two game clients open and you are logged in to both of them.

  2. Send a party invitation from one game client to the other.

  3. In the client that was invited, click REJECT on the party invitation notification.

If successful, it will look like the following:

Test to send and reject party invitation Unreal Byte Wars introduction to party

Log output:

LogPartyEssentials: Log: UPartyOnlineSession_Starter::OnSendPartyInviteComplete Success to send party invitation to 8f5eab9107fb4912930336fbfe04da1a
LogPartyEssentials: Log: UPartyOnlineSession_Starter::OnRejectPartyInviteComplete Success to reject party invitation.

Accept party invitation

  1. Ensure you have two game clients open and you are logged in to both of them.

  2. Send a party invitation from one game client to the other.

  3. In the client that was invited, click ACCEPT on the party invitation notification.

If successful, it will look like the following:

Test to send and accept party invitation Unreal Byte Wars introduction to party

Log output:

LogPartyEssentials: Log: UPartyOnlineSession_Starter::OnSendPartyInviteComplete Success to send party invitation to 8f5eab9107fb4912930336fbfe04da1a
LogPartyEssentials: Log: UPartyOnlineSession_Starter::OnJoinPartyComplete Success to join a party.

Kick a party member

  1. Ensure you have two game clients open and you are logged in to both of them.

  2. Send a party invitation from one game client to the other.

  3. In the client that was invited, click ACCEPT on the party invitation notification.

  4. From the client that sent the invite, kick the other client that's in the party.

If successful, it will look like the following:

Test to kick party member Unreal Byte Wars introduction to party

Log output:

LogPartyEssentials: Log: UPartyOnlineSession_Starter::OnKickPlayerFromPartyComplete Success to kick 8f5eab9107fb4912930336fbfe04da1a from the party.

Promote party member to leader

  1. Ensure you have two game clients open and you are logged in to both of them.

  2. Send a party invitation from one game client to the other.

  3. In the client that was invited, click ACCEPT on the party invitation notification.

  4. From the client that sent the invite, promote the other client that's in the party.

If successful, it will look like the following:

Test to promote a new party leader Unreal Byte Wars introduction to party

Log Output:

LogPartyEssentials: Log: UPartyOnlineSession_Starter::OnPromotePartyLeaderComplete Success to promote 8f5eab9107fb4912930336fbfe04da1a as the new party leader.

Leave party

  1. Ensure you have two game clients open and you are logged in to both of them.

  2. Send a party invitation from one game client to the other.

  3. In the client that was invited, click ACCEPT on the party invitation notification.

  4. From the game client that was invited, leave the party.

If successful, it will look like the following:

Test to leave party Unreal Byte Wars introduction to party

Log output:

LogPartyEssentials: Log: UPartyOnlineSession_Starter::OnLeavePartyComplete Success to leave a party.