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AGS 3.47.0 Release Notes

Last updated on June 4, 2024

Release Date: May, 2023

Client-side SDK latest version:

  • AccelByte Cloud SDK Unreal Engine: 23.0.0
  • AccelByte Cloud SDK Unity: 15.17.0
  • AccelByte Cloud Network-Utilities: 4.0.0
  • AccelByte P2P Unity: 0.2.8
  • AccelByte Cloud OSS: 0.10.2

Server-side SDK latest version:

DSuploader latest version:

Here's a look at what's new in AccelByte Gaming Services 3.47.0:


  • Introducing new endpoints to support querying other player public records.
    • You can now get other player public record keys for a specific user
    • You can now get other player public records by keys
  • Introducing the SDK Statistic OSS Interface
    • You can now use the Statistic feature with AccelByte Cloud OSS
  • Introducing the ability to look at ALL the DLC Info of a user (DLC ID, Status, Obtained At, Platform) directly on the Admin Portal. (User Management > Users > DLC Info)
    • Data taken from this endpoint: /platform/apidocs/#/DLC/getUserDLC

Quality of Life Changes

  • Unreal SDK now supports builds without PCHs
  • Admins can now use API calls to update and overwrite the shareCode of UGC.
    • API endpoint: /ugc/apidocs/#/[Admin] Content/SingleAdminUpdateContentS3
    • API endpoint: /ugc/apidocs/#/[Admin] Content/AdminUpdateContentS3

Breaking Changes

  • No breaking changes

Bug Fixes and Minor Changes

  • Unreal OSS Bug fixes on error messaging and failed matchmaking after reading a friend's user profile.
  • Fixed various minor Twitch Drop Integration bugs in Player Portal, App Editor & Playground
  • Fixed in Launcher where background on Game page is not using correct transparency background color
  • Fixed in Launcher & Player Portal Store where DLC item displayed on home instead of expansion section if AppID DLC is the same with active game
  • Fixing the unintended behavior found on Statistic Cycle when updating statistics after the cycle is reset.
  • Introducing table limit selection in the Admin portal Player Records page so that admin can select the number of player records to be displayed
  • itemSKU of item(s) within an Option Box will disappear if they are modified.
  • Xbox account linking process in Player Portal can sometimes fail (error: Invalid Redirect URL, Client ID, or Target Path).
  • Clicking 'Apply Filter' on the Access Logs page in the Admin Portal without changing any filter will not refresh the result data.