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Use X-Ray for custom matchmaking

Last updated on August 5, 2024

This article walks you through how to use the AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS) matchmaking X-Ray tool for custom matchmaking in your game.


  • An understanding of Matchmaking customization.
  • An environment with AGS version 3.76 or later.
  • For the matchmaking X-Ray to be able to track the ticket, add the "ticket_observability_enable": true parameter into your matchmaking ruleset.

Send matchmaking process data

To enable the X-Ray feature to scrape the data of matchmaking tickets in your custom matchmaking, your custom matchmaking apps should call this endpoint:

POST <baseURL>/sessionhistory/v2/admin/namespaces/<namespace>/xray/tickets

There are several actions that you can use when sending the matchmaking process data. Each action shares the same payload structure, aside from the action below if the ticket is started, canceled, or expired is already sent to the session history as default.

  • matchFound: use this action to track the data of a matched ticket.
  • matchNotFound: use this action to track the data of a ticket that is still in the queue and not is yet to be matched before the timeout period.
  • flexed: use this action to track the data of a ticket that is in flexed state.

Matchmaking process

This diagram shows when you should call the POST <baseURL>/sessionhistory/v2/admin/namespaces/<namespace>/xray/tickets endpoint during the matchmaking process.

Call endpoint diagram

Sample code

The following pseudocode shows a common scenario of when the POST <baseURL>/sessionhistory/v2/admin/namespaces/<namespace>/xray/tickets endpoint is called.


function MakeMatches():
if isRuleFlexed == "yes":
callEndpoint("Publish ticket observability", "Flexed")

if IsMatched == "yes":
callEndpoint("Publish ticket observability", "matchFound")
callEndpoint("Publish ticket observability", "matchNotFound")

X-Rays only scrape and expose data sent by the custom matchmaking. If there are fields that are not filled, they will not be displayed in the X-Ray.

Ensure that you call the endpoint every time you want to send the ticket data. In each iteration of the matchmaking process (referred to as a "loop"), you can send data multiple times within a single matchmaking ticket since the flexed and matchNotFound actions are sent once every loop.

Sample request body template

"action": "string",
"activeAllianceRule": {
"max_number": 0,
"min_number": 0,
"player_max_number": 0,
"player_min_number": 0
"activeMatchingRule": [
"attribute": "string",
"criteria": "string",
"reference": 0
"function": "string",
"gameMode": "string",
"isBackfillMatch": true,
"isRuleSetFlexed": true,
"iteration": 0,
"matchID": "string",
"namespace": "string",
"partyID": "string",
"remainingPlayersPerTicket": [
"remainingTickets": 0,
"sessionTickID": "string",
"tickID": 0,
"timeToMatchSec": 0,
"timestamp": "2024-07-23T07:07:56.067Z",
"unbackfillReason": "string",
"unmatchReason": "string"

This table describes each field in the request body.

Field nameField descriptionRequiredValue format
PartyIDTicket Party IDNoTime (Example: "2024-07-23T07:07:56.067Z")
MatchIDMatch ID will be filled only when match foundNoString
NamespaceTicket current namespaceNoString
GameModeTicket current matchpoolNoString
ActiveAllianceRuleCurrent active alliance rulesetNoJSON (See sample value.)
ActiveMatchingRuleCurrent active matching rulesetNoJSON (See sample value.)
FunctionName of the function that called the endpointNoString
IterationTotal iteration before the match foundNoInteger
TimeToMatchSecTime to match (in seconds) will be filled only when match foundNoFloat64
UnmatchReasonReason when unable to find matchNoString
RemainingTicketsRemaining ticket when unable to find matchNoInteger
RemainingPlayersPerTicketRemaining players when unable to find matchNoInteger
UnbackfillReasonReason when unable to backfillNoString
IsBackfillMatchFlag to distinguish between new match and backfill matchNoBoolean
IsRuleSetFlexedFlag if ruleset is getting flexedNoBoolean
TickIDID of the matchmaking ticketNoInt64
SessionTickIDSession ticket ID to differentiate session when doing matchesNoString

You can find the data sent by your custom matchmaking in Multiplayer > Diagnostics and Utilities > Matchmaking X-Ray on the AGS Admin Portal.


Although all of the fields in the request body are optional, they are still captured by the X-Ray. No other fields will be exposed or captured. For example, if you have a matchingRules field that depends on a specific composition for matching, you will need to inject its value into activeAllianceRule.

Sample ActiveAllianceRule value

"max_number": 0,
"min_number": 0,
"player_max_number": 0,
"player_min_number": 0

Sample ActiveMatchingRule value

"attribute": "string",
"criteria": "string",
"reference": 0