Manage player inventories using your game server
The Inventory service is available upon request. To integrate this service into your environment, please open a request through the AccelByte Customer Support Portal.
The AccelByte Gaming Service (AGS) Inventory service allows you to manage players inventory and items directly from the game server, enabling inventory and items management, organization, or manipulation.
This article lists how you can enable your game server to manage the inventories owned by your players.
Access to the AGS Admin Portal.
A publisher or a game namespace.
You have reviewed the key concepts of the Inventory service and the Inventory service API documentation.
You have integrated the AccelByte SDK into your game, including the following permissions:
Client ID
Client Secret
noteSupport for Unreal and Unity SDKs is currently in development and will be available at a later date. In the meantime, we encourage you to utilize our Extend SDK for all your game server-related actions.
Grant inventory to the player
You can use this action if you want to allow your game server to grant inventories to players after they reach an achievement or complete a specific action within the game, for example, granting new inventory after a player achieved level 20.
You can enable the game server to grant a new inventory to the player as long as the number of inventory with the same code does not exceed the "maxInstancesPerUser" set in the inventory configuration.
Use this function for reference:
- Go Extend SDK
- Python Extend SDK
- Java Extend SDK
- C# Extend SDK
adminInventoriesService := &inventory.AdminInventoriesService{
Client: factory.NewInventoryClient(&repository.ConfigRepositoryImpl{}),
TokenRepository: &repository.TokenRepositoryImpl{},
inventoryConfigurationCode := "someConfigurationCode"
userId := "userId"
body := &inventoryclientmodels.ApimodelsCreateInventoryReq {
InventoryConfigurationCode: &inventoryConfigurationCode,
UserID: &userId,
namespace := "gameNamespace"
input := &admin_inventories.AdminCreateInventoryParams{
Body: body,
Namespace: namespace,
result, err := adminInventoriesService.AdminCreateInventoryShort(input)
import accelbyte_py_sdk.api.inventory as inventory_service
import accelbyte_py_sdk.api.inventory.models as inventory_models
result, error = inventory_service.admin_create_inventory(
if error:
final AccelByteSDK sdk = new AccelByteSDK(httpClient, tokenRepository, configRepository);
AdminInventories AdminInventoriesWrapper = new AdminInventories(sdk);
String gameNamespace = "gameNamespace";
String userId = "<user-id>";
String inventoryConfigurationCode = "SomeConfigurationCode";
ApimodelsInventoryResp response;
try {
ApimodelsCreateInventoryReq reqBody = ApimodelsCreateInventoryReq.builder()
response = AdminInventoriesWrapper.adminCreateInventory(AdminCreateInventory.builder()
} catch (Exception e) {
// Do something when failed
if (response == null) {
// Null response from server
} else {
// Do something when successful
AccelByteSDK sdk = AccelByteSDK.Builder
.EnableLog() // Optional
string gameNamespace = "gameNamespace";
string inventoryConfigurationCode = "SomeConfigurationCode";
string userId = "userId";
ApimodelsCreateInventoryReq body = new ApimodelsCreateInventoryReq()
InventoryConfigurationCode = inventoryConfigurationCode,
UserId = userId
var response = sdk.Inventory.AdminInventories.AdminCreateInventoryOp
.Execute(body, gameNamespace);
if (response == null)
return "No response from server.";
// Do something with the response
Retrieve list of player inventories
Retrieving a list of player inventories can give you information about a player's inventory, such as the inventoryId and inventoryConfigurationId.
To retrieve a list of player inventories via your game server, use this function for reference:
- Go Extend SDK
- Python Extend SDK
- Java Extend SDK
- C# Extend SDK
adminInventoriesService := &inventory.AdminInventoriesService{
Client: factory.NewInventoryClient(&repository.ConfigRepositoryImpl{}),
TokenRepository: &repository.TokenRepositoryImpl{},
namespace := "gameNamespace"
inventoryConfigurationCode := "SomeConfigurationCode"
limit := int64(10)
offset := int64(0)
sortBy := admin_inventories.AdminListInventoriesCreatedAtConstant
userId, _ := cmd.Flags().GetString("userId")
input := &admin_inventories.AdminListInventoriesParams{
Namespace: namespace,
InventoryConfigurationCode: &inventoryConfigurationCode,
Limit: &limit,
Offset: &offset,
SortBy: &sortBy,
UserID: &userId,
result, err := adminInventoriesService.AdminListInventoriesShort(input)
import accelbyte_py_sdk.api.inventory as inventory_service
import accelbyte_py_sdk.api.inventory.models as inventory_models
result, error = inventory_service.admin_list_inventories(
if error:
final AccelByteSDK sdk = new AccelByteSDK(httpClient, tokenRepository, configRepository);
AdminInventories AdminInventoriesWrapper = new AdminInventories(sdk);
String gameNamespace = "gameNamespace";
String inventoryConfigurationCode = "SomeConfigurationCode";
int limit = 10;
int offset = 0;
String userId = "userId";
ApimodelsListInventoryResp response;
try {
response = AdminInventoriesWrapper.adminListInventories(AdminListInventories.builder()
} catch (Exception e) {
// Do something when failed
if (response == null) {
// No response from server
} else {
// Do something when successful
AccelByteSDK sdk = AccelByteSDK.Builder
.EnableLog() // Optional
string gameNamespace = "gameNamespace";
string inventoryConfigurationCode = "SomeConfigurationCode";
long limit = 10;
long offset = 0;
string userId = "userId";
var response = sdk.Inventory.AdminInventories.AdminListInventoriesOp
if (response == null)
return "No response from server.";
// Do something with the response
Update player inventory slot limit
Use this action to update a specific player's inventory maximum slot limit by providing the inventory ID and the new number of slots that will be implemented.
To update a player's inventory slot limit via your game server, use this function for reference:
- Go Extend SDK
- Python Extend SDK
- Java Extend SDK
- C# Extend SDK
adminInventoriesService := &inventory.AdminInventoriesService{
Client: factory.NewInventoryClient(&repository.ConfigRepositoryImpl{}),
TokenRepository: &repository.TokenRepositoryImpl{},
incMaxSlots := int32(10)
body := &inventoryclientmodels.ApimodelsUpdateInventoryReq {
IncMaxSlots: &incMaxSlots,
inventoryId := "inventoryId"
namespace := "gameNamespace"
input := &admin_inventories.AdminUpdateInventoryParams{
Body: body,
InventoryID: inventoryId,
Namespace: namespace,
result, err := adminInventoriesService.AdminUpdateInventoryShort(input)
import accelbyte_py_sdk.api.inventory as inventory_service
import accelbyte_py_sdk.api.inventory.models as inventory_models
result, error = inventory_service.admin_update_inventory(
if error:
final AccelByteSDK sdk = new AccelByteSDK(httpClient, tokenRepository, configRepository);
AdminInventories AdminInventoriesWrapper = new AdminInventories(sdk);
String gameNamespace = "gameNamespace";
String inventoryId = "inventoryId";
int incMaxSlots = 10;
ApimodelsInventoryResp response;
try {
ApimodelsUpdateInventoryReq reqBody = ApimodelsUpdateInventoryReq.builder().incMaxSlots(incMaxSlots).build();
response = AdminInventoriesWrapper.adminUpdateInventory(AdminUpdateInventory.builder()
} catch (Exception e) {
// Do something when failed
if (response == null) {
// No response from server
} else {
// Do something when successful
AccelByteSDK sdk = AccelByteSDK.Builder
.EnableLog() // Optional
string gameNamespace = "gameNamespace";
string inventoryId = "inventoryId";
int incMaxSlots = 10;
ApimodelsUpdateInventoryReq body = new ApimodelsUpdateInventoryReq()
IncMaxSlots = incMaxSlots
var response = sdk.Inventory.AdminInventories.AdminUpdateInventoryOp
.Execute(body, inventoryId, gameNamespace);
if (response == null)
return "No response from server.";
// Do something with the response
Delete player inventory
Player inventories can only be deleted if they're empty. Ensure that you first remove all the items from a player's inventory before deleting it.
To delete a player's inventory via your game server, use this function for reference:
- Go Extend SDK
- Python Extend SDK
- Java Extend SDK
- C# Extend SDK
adminInventoriesService := &inventory.AdminInventoriesService{
Client: factory.NewInventoryClient(&repository.ConfigRepositoryImpl{}),
TokenRepository: &repository.TokenRepositoryImpl{},
message := "message"
body := &inventoryclientmodels.ApimodelsDeleteInventoryReq {
Message: &message,
inventoryId := "inventoryId"
namespace := "gameNamespace"
input := &admin_inventories.DeleteInventoryParams{
Body: body,
InventoryID: inventoryId,
Namespace: namespace,
err := adminInventoriesService.DeleteInventoryShort(input)
import accelbyte_py_sdk.api.inventory as inventory_service
import accelbyte_py_sdk.api.inventory.models as inventory_models
result, error = inventory_service.delete_inventory(
if error:
final AccelByteSDK sdk = new AccelByteSDK(httpClient, tokenRepository, configRepository);
AdminInventories AdminInventoriesWrapper = new AdminInventories(sdk);
String gameNamespace = "gameNamespace";
String inventoryId = "inventoryId";
try {
ApimodelsDeleteInventoryReq reqBody = ApimodelsDeleteInventoryReq.builder().message("message").build();
} catch (Exception e) {
// Do something when failed
AccelByteSDK sdk = AccelByteSDK.Builder
.EnableLog() // Optional
string gameNamespace = "gameNamespace";
string inventoryId = "inventoryId";
ApimodelsDeleteInventoryReq body = new ApimodelsDeleteInventoryReq()
Message = "message"
.Execute(body, inventoryId, gameNamespace);
Add item to player inventory using inventoryId
Use this action to add items to a player's inventory. This requires you to provide the player's inventoryId, which is information that you can get from retrieving a list of player inventories.
Use this function for reference:
- Go Extend SDK
- Python Extend SDK
- Java Extend SDK
- C# Extend SDK
adminItemsService := &inventory.AdminItemsService{
Client: factory.NewInventoryClient(&repository.ConfigRepositoryImpl{}),
TokenRepository: &repository.TokenRepositoryImpl{},
slotId := "slot-1"
slotUsed := int32(1)
qty := int32(1)
sourceItemId := "source item id"
type_ := "ingame"
body := &inventoryclientmodels.ApimodelsSaveItemToInventoryReq {
CustomAttributes: map[string]interface{}{},
SlotID: &slotId,
SlotUsed: &slotUsed,
Qty: &qty,
ServerCustomAttributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Tags: []string{"weapon"},
Type: &type_,
inventoryId := "inventoryId"
namespace := "gameNamespace"
userId := "userId"
input := &admin_items.AdminSaveItemToInventoryParams{
Body: body,
InventoryID: inventoryId,
Namespace: namespace,
UserID: userId,
result, err := adminItemsService.AdminSaveItemToInventoryShort(input)
import accelbyte_py_sdk.api.inventory as inventory_service
import accelbyte_py_sdk.api.inventory.models as inventory_models
result, error = inventory_service.admin_save_item_to_inventory(
if error:
final AccelByteSDK sdk = new AccelByteSDK(httpClient, tokenRepository, configRepository);
AdminItems adminItemsWrapper = new AdminItems(sdk);
String gameNamespace = "gameNamespace";
String inventoryId = "inventoryId";
String userId = "userId";
Map<String, Object> customAttributes = Collections.emptyMap();
Map<String, Object> serverCustomAttributes = Collections.emptyMap();
ApimodelsItemResp response;
try {
ApimodelsSaveItemToInventoryReq reqBody = ApimodelsSaveItemToInventoryReq.builder()
.sourceItemId("source item id")
response = adminItemsWrapper.adminSaveItemToInventory(AdminSaveItemToInventory.builder()
} catch (Exception e) {
// Do something when failed
if (response == null) {
// null response from server
} else {
// Do something when successful
AccelByteSDK sdk = AccelByteSDK.Builder
.EnableLog() // Optional
string gameNamespace = "gameNamespace";
string inventoryId = "inventoryId";
string userId = "userId";
Dictionary<string, object> customAttributes = new Dictionary<string, object>();
Dictionary<string, object> serverCustomAttributes = new Dictionary<string, object>();
ApimodelsSaveItemToInventoryReq body = new ApimodelsSaveItemToInventoryReq()
CustomAttributes = customAttributes,
SlotId = "slot-1",
SlotUsed = 1,
Qty = 1,
ServerCustomAttributes = serverCustomAttributes,
SourceItemId = "source item id",
Tags = new List<string>() { "weapon" },
Type = "ingame"
var response = sdk.Inventory.AdminItems.AdminSaveItemToInventoryOp
.Execute(body, inventoryId, gameNamespace, userId);
if (response == null)
return "No response from server.";
// Do something with the response
Add item to player inventory by inventoryConfigurationCode
Use this action to add items to a player's specific inventory configuration. This action requires you to provide the inventoryConfigurationCode, which is information that you can get from retrieving a list of player inventories.
Use this function for reference:
- Go Extend SDK
- Python Extend SDK
- Java Extend SDK
- C# Extend SDK
adminItemsService := &inventory.AdminItemsService{
Client: factory.NewInventoryClient(&repository.ConfigRepositoryImpl{}),
TokenRepository: &repository.TokenRepositoryImpl{},
slotId := "slot-1"
slotUsed := int32(1)
qty := int32(1)
sourceItemId := "source item id"
type_ := "ingame"
body := &inventoryclientmodels.ApimodelsSaveItemReq {
CustomAttributes: map[string]interface{}{},
SlotID: &slotId,
SlotUsed: &slotUsed,
Qty: &qty,
ServerCustomAttributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Tags: []string{"weapon"},
Type: &type_,
namespace, _ := cmd.Flags().GetString("namespace")
userId, _ := cmd.Flags().GetString("userId")
input := &admin_items.AdminSaveItemParams{
Body: body,
Namespace: namespace,
UserID: userId,
result, err := adminItemsService.AdminSaveItemShort(input)
import accelbyte_py_sdk.api.inventory as inventory_service
import accelbyte_py_sdk.api.inventory.models as inventory_models
result, error = inventory_service.admin_save_item(
if error:
final AccelByteSDK sdk = new AccelByteSDK(httpClient, tokenRepository, configRepository);
AdminItems adminItemsWrapper = new AdminItems(sdk);
String gameNamespace = "gameNamespace";
String userId = "userId";
Map<String, Object> customAttributes = Collections.emptyMap();
Map<String, Object> serverCustomAttributes = Collections.emptyMap();
ApimodelsItemResp response;
try {
ApimodelsSaveItemReq reqBody = ApimodelsSaveItemReq.builder()
.sourceItemId("source item id")
response = adminItemsWrapper.adminSaveItem(AdminSaveItem.builder()
} catch (Exception e) {
// Do something when failed
if (response == null) {
// null response from server
} else {
// Do something when successful
AccelByteSDK sdk = AccelByteSDK.Builder
.EnableLog() // Optional
string gameNamespace = "gameNamespace";
string userId = "userId";
Dictionary<string, object> customAttributes = new Dictionary<string, object>();
Dictionary<string, object> serverCustomAttributes = new Dictionary<string, object>()
ApimodelsSaveItemReq body = new ApimodelsSaveItemReq()
CustomAttributes = customAttributes,
InventoryConfigurationCode = "SomeConfigurationCode",
SlotId = "slot-1",
SlotUsed = 1,
Qty = 1,
ServerCustomAttributes = serverCustomAttributes,
SourceItemId = "source item id",
Tags = new List<string>() { "weapon" },
Type = "ingame"
var response = sdk.Inventory.AdminItems.AdminSaveItemOp
.Execute(body, gameNamespace, userId);
if (response == null)
return "No response from server.";
// Do something with the response
Retrieve list of items from a player's inventory
Use this function for reference:
- Go Extend SDK
- Python Extend SDK
- Java Extend SDK
- C# Extend SDK
adminItemsService := &inventory.AdminItemsService{
Client: factory.NewInventoryClient(&repository.ConfigRepositoryImpl{}),
TokenRepository: &repository.TokenRepositoryImpl{},
inventoryId := "inventoryId"
namespace := "gameNamespace"
limit := int64(10)
offset := int64(0)
qtyGte := int64(1)
sortBy := admin_items.AdminListItemsCreatedAtConstant
sourceItemId := "source item ids"
tags := "weapon"
input := &admin_items.AdminListItemsParams{
InventoryID: inventoryId,
Namespace: namespace,
Limit: &limit,
Offset: &offset,
QtyGte: &qtyGte,
SortBy: &sortBy,
SourceItemID: &sourceItemId,
Tags: &tags,
result, err := adminItemsService.AdminListItemsShort(input)
import accelbyte_py_sdk.api.inventory as inventory_service
import accelbyte_py_sdk.api.inventory.models as inventory_models
result, error = inventory_service.admin_list_items(
if error:
final AccelByteSDK sdk = new AccelByteSDK(httpClient, tokenRepository, configRepository);
AdminItems adminItemsWrapper = new AdminItems(sdk);
String gameNamespace = "gameNamespace";
String inventoryId = "inventoryId";
int limit = 10;
int offset = 0;
ApimodelsListItemResp response;
try {
response = adminItemsWrapper.adminListItems(AdminListItems.builder()
} catch (Exception e) {
// Do something when failed
if (response == null) {
// Null response from server
} else {
// Do something when successful
AccelByteSDK sdk = AccelByteSDK.Builder
.EnableLog() // Optional
string gameNamespace = "gameNamespace";
string inventoryId = "inventoryId";
long limit = 10;
long offset = 0;
var response = sdk.Inventory.AdminItems.AdminListItemsOp
.Execute(inventoryId, gameNamespace);
if (response == null)
return "No response from server.";
// Do something with the response
Update item attributes and tags
Unlike the game client, the game server has more ability to add additional attributes and tags.
Update custom attributes
You can use your game server to update custom attributes written by players and attributes that can only be modified by the server with required permissions. You can use this action to update attributes that will impact gameplay experience, such as item stats modifier. This attribute will be stored in the serverCustomAttributes
field, for example, items with additional damage, critical, durability, etc.
Update tags
You can use your game server to add tags to the items for the purpose of tagging and grouping them. Game servers can add tags to the items and not allow players to update it.
The following image shows a sample item with a tag.
Use this function for reference:
- Go Extend SDK
- Python Extend SDK
- Java Extend SDK
- C# Extend SDK
adminItemsService := &inventory.AdminItemsService{
Client: factory.NewInventoryClient(&repository.ConfigRepositoryImpl{}),
TokenRepository: &repository.TokenRepositoryImpl{},
slotId := "slot id"
sourceItemId := "sourceItemId"
type_ := "ingame"
item := inventoryclientmodels.ApimodelsAdminUpdateItemReq{
CustomAttributes: map[string]interface{}{},
SlotID: &slotId,
SourceItemID: &sourceItemId,
ServerCustomAttributes: map[string]interface{}{},
Tags : []string{"Axe"},
Type: &type_,
body := []*inventoryclientmodels.ApimodelsAdminUpdateItemReq{
inventoryId := "inventoryId"
namespace := "gameNamespace"
userId := "userId"
input := &admin_items.AdminBulkUpdateMyItemsParams{
Body: body,
InventoryID: inventoryId,
Namespace: namespace,
UserID: userId,
result, err := adminItemsService.AdminBulkUpdateMyItemsShort(input)
import accelbyte_py_sdk.api.inventory as inventory_service
import accelbyte_py_sdk.api.inventory.models as inventory_models
result, error = inventory_service.admin_bulk_update_my_items(
if error:
final AccelByteSDK sdk = new AccelByteSDK(httpClient, tokenRepository, configRepository);
AdminItems adminItemsWrapper = new AdminItems(sdk);
String gameNamespace = "gameNamespace";
String inventoryId = "inventoryId";
String userId = "userId";
Map<String, Object> customAttributes = Collections.emptyMap();
Map<String, Object> serverCustomAttributes = Collections.emptyMap();
List<ApimodelsUpdateItemResp> response;
try {
final List<ApimodelsAdminUpdateItemReq> reqBody = Arrays.asList(ApimodelsAdminUpdateItemReq.builder()
.slotId("slot id")
response = adminItemsWrapper.adminBulkUpdateMyItems(AdminBulkUpdateMyItems.builder()
} catch (Exception e) {
// Do something when failed
if (response == null) {
// Null response from server
} else {
// Do something when successful
AccelByteSDK sdk = AccelByteSDK.Builder
.EnableLog() // Optional
string gameNamespace = "gameNamespace";
string inventoryId = "inventoryId";
string userId = "userId";
Dictionary<string, object> customAttributes = new Dictionary<string, object>();
Dictionary<string, object> serverCustomAttributes = new Dictionary<string, object>();
List<ApimodelsAdminUpdateItemReq> body = new List<ApimodelsAdminUpdateItemReq>()
new ApimodelsAdminUpdateItemReq()
CustomAttributes = customAttributes,
SlotId = "slot id",
SourceItemId = "sourceItemId",
ServerCustomAttributes = serverCustomAttributes,
Tags = new List<string>() { "Axe" },
Type = "ingame"
var response = sdk.Inventory.AdminItems.AdminBulkUpdateMyItemsOp
.Execute(body, inventoryId, gameNamespace, userId);
if (response == null)
return "No response from server.";
// Do something with the response
Consume items
To consume items owned by the players via your game server, use this function for reference:
- Go Extend SDK
- Python Extend SDK
- Java Extend SDK
- C# Extend SDK
adminItemsService := &inventory.AdminItemsService{
Client: factory.NewInventoryClient(&repository.ConfigRepositoryImpl{}),
TokenRepository: &repository.TokenRepositoryImpl{},
qty := int32(1)
slotId := "slotId"
sourceItemId := "sourceItemId"
body := inventoryclientmodels.ApimodelsConsumeItemReq {
Qty: &qty,
SlotID: &slotId,
SourceItemID: &sourceItemId,
inventoryId := "inventoryId"
namespace := "gameNamespace"
userId := "userId"
input := &admin_items.AdminConsumeUserItemParams{
Body: &body,
InventoryID: inventoryId,
Namespace: namespace,
UserID: userId,
result, err := adminItemsService.AdminConsumeUserItemShort(input)
import accelbyte_py_sdk.api.inventory as inventory_service
import accelbyte_py_sdk.api.inventory.models as inventory_models
result, error = inventory_service.admin_consume_user_item(
if error:
final AccelByteSDK sdk = new AccelByteSDK(httpClient, tokenRepository, configRepository);
AdminItems adminItemsWrapper = new AdminItems(sdk);
String gameNamespace = "gameNamespace";
String inventoryId = "inventoryId";
String userId = "userId";
ApimodelsItemResp response;
try {
final ApimodelsConsumeItemReq reqBody = ApimodelsConsumeItemReq.builder()
.sourceItemId("source item id")
response = adminItemsWrapper.adminConsumeUserItem(AdminConsumeUserItem.builder()
} catch (Exception e) {
// Do something when failed
if (response == null) {
// Null response from server
} else {
// Do something when successful
AccelByteSDK sdk = AccelByteSDK.Builder
.EnableLog() // Optional
string gameNamespace = "gameNamespace";
string inventoryId = "inventoryId";
string userId = "userId";
ApimodelsConsumeItemReq body = new ApimodelsConsumeItemReq()
Qty = 1,
SlotId = "slotId",
SourceItemId = "source item id"
var response = sdk.Inventory.AdminItems.AdminConsumeUserItemOp
.Execute(body, inventoryId, gameNamespace, userId);
if (response == null)
return "No response from server.";
// Do something with the response
Remove items from player's inventory
To remove items owned by players from their inventory via your game server, use this function for reference:
- Go Extend SDK
- Python Extend SDK
- Java Extend SDK
- C# Extend SDK
adminItemsService := &inventory.AdminItemsService{
Client: factory.NewInventoryClient(&repository.ConfigRepositoryImpl{}),
TokenRepository: &repository.TokenRepositoryImpl{},
slotId := "slot id"
sourceItemId := "source item id"
item := inventoryclientmodels.ApimodelsRemoveInventoryItemReq {
SlotID: &slotId,
SourceItemID: &sourceItemId,
body := []*inventoryclientmodels.ApimodelsRemoveInventoryItemReq {
inventoryId := "inventoryId"
namespace := "gameNamespace"
userId := "userId"
input := &admin_items.AdminBulkRemoveItemsParams{
Body: body,
InventoryID: inventoryId,
Namespace: namespace,
UserID: userId,
result, err := adminItemsService.AdminBulkRemoveItemsShort(input)
import accelbyte_py_sdk.api.inventory as inventory_service
import accelbyte_py_sdk.api.inventory.models as inventory_models
result, error = inventory_service.admin_bulk_remove_items(
if error:
final AccelByteSDK sdk = new AccelByteSDK(httpClient, tokenRepository, configRepository);
AdminItems adminItemsWrapper = new AdminItems(sdk);
String gameNamespace = "gameNamespace";
String inventoryId = "inventoryId";
String userId = "userId";
List<ApimodelsUpdateItemResp> response;
try {
final List<ApimodelsRemoveInventoryItemReq> reqBody = Arrays.asList(ApimodelsRemoveInventoryItemReq.builder()
.slotId("slot id")
.sourceItemId("source item id")
response = adminItemsWrapper.adminBulkRemoveItems(AdminBulkRemoveItems.builder()
} catch (Exception e) {
// Do something when failed
if (response == null) {
// Null response from server
} else {
// Do something when successful
AccelByteSDK sdk = AccelByteSDK.Builder
.EnableLog() // Optional
string gameNamespace = "gameNamespace";
string inventoryId = "inventoryId";
string userId = "userId";
List<ApimodelsRemoveInventoryItemReq> body = new List<ApimodelsRemoveInventoryItemReq>()
new ApimodelsRemoveInventoryItemReq()
SlotId = "slot id",
SourceItemId = "source item id"
var response = sdk.Inventory.AdminItems.AdminBulkRemoveItemsOp
.Execute(body, inventoryId, gameNamespace, userId);
if (response == null)
return "No response from server.";
// Do something with the response