

Last updated on May 22, 2024


User groups allow you to group users and assign them to private channels. You can add, edit, and delete user groups in your namespace on the AccelByte Development Toolkit (ADT) Web.


The User groups page was previously available in the AccelByte Development Toolkit (ADT) Hub, but has been moved to ADT Web. The user group menu can still be accessed in the ADT Hub, but you will be redirected to the User group page on the ADT Web on your default browser.


Only admins can access the user group menu.

Access the user group menu

  1. Log in as an admin to ADT Web or ADT Hub with your credentials.

  2. Click on your namespace on the sidebar. Then, on the menu that appears, click on User Groups. The User groups page appears, displaying a list of the available user groups in your namespace.


    If you're accessing the user group menu from ADT Hub, ensure that you're already logged in to ADT Web for a seamless redirection.

Create a user group

  1. On the User groups page, click on the Add group button. An Add user group dialog box appears.

  2. Fill in the required fields on the form.

    • Name: type in a name for the group, e.g., QA Studio Romania, GameDev Indonesia, etc.
    • (Optional) Description: provide a description for the user group.
    • Select the game with the channels you want to assign the group to.
    • Select the private channels you want to assign the group to. You can assign the group to multiple channels.
  3. Click on the Next button. The Add Members pop-up appears.

  4. On the Add Members field, search and select the users you want to add as members to the group. You can search for a user using their name or email address.

  5. After adding members to the user group, click on the Create group button to complete the user group creation. The new user group is added to the list of available user groups in your namespace.

Edit the details of a user group

  1. From the list of user groups, click on the ellipsis menu of the user group you want to edit and click on Edit. The Edit user group form appears.
  2. On the form, you can edit the group's name, description, and channels that the user group is assigned to.
  3. Click Save to save your changes.

Delete a user group

  1. From the list of user groups, click on the ellipsis menu of the user group you want to delete and click on Delete. A confirmation pop-up appears.
  2. Click Delete on the pop-up. The group is permanently deleted from your namespace.

Add or remove members of a user group

  1. From the list of user groups, click on the ellipsis menu of the user group with the members you want to update and click on Edit members. The Edit members in Distribution Group pop-up appears.

  2. You can update the members of the group as follows:

    • To remove a member, click on the X icon beside their name.
    • To add a member, click on the members field and search and select the user you want to add as a member. You can search for a user using their name or email address.
  3. Click Save to save your changes.