
ADT known issues

Last updated on August 26, 2024

This table lists the known issues in AccelByte Development Toolkit (ADT). We are currently working to resolve each issue.

1SmartbuildStaging process takes a long time to finish.Whitelist the Smartbuild cache directory from your system's antivirus or reduce disk utilization for faster staging process. Refer to the Smart Build staging phase takes too long troubleshooting article.
2Hub; Playtest ReportCrashes that occur upon playtest completion do not reflect in reports when the corresponding crash files are undergoing processing by the Back-End (BE).We are actively investigating a solution; a workaround is yet to be determined.
3Hub; SDKCrash video generation is disabled for paths exceeding the 173-character limit.Switch to the shorter directory.
4Hub; SDKIssue reporter displays blank image for long installation paths (exceeds character limit).Switch to the shorter directory.
5SDKLinux/server crashes are not sent to ADT in UE5.Refer to the Additional Steps for Unreal 5.1+ section in Use Unreal Unattended CRC article.
6Web; SDK[Xbox One/Xbox Series X (XSX) Unreal Engine (UE) 4] Hardware information is not sent to ADT.We are actively investigating a solution; a workaround is yet to be determined.
7SDKThe crashes are not sent when using licensed UE.For Licensee Version of Unreal Engine, you must add the following Engine modification for Linux platform to force the engine to send the crash report regardless of the Licensee status. Refer to the Bypass Unreal Engine Licensee Status section in Use Unreal Unattended CRC.
8SDKThe packaged game does not include crash reporting functionality.Ensure successful build of the Crash Reporter component. If the package process employed RunUAT.bat, ensure the command included the -crashreporter parameter.
9Track HistorySetting a specific build version from the track history as the head of track will remove the current history associated with that build ID.We are actively investigating a solution; a workaround is yet to be determined.
10Smart BuildsUnder certain error conditions, the Smart Builds CLI may fail to terminate properly. This may cause users to encounter an "In queue" blocker when downloading another smart build.Relaunch the ADT Hub.
11CLI - Smart BuildsUnable to process Smart Builds upload from Linux CLI with error: getaddrinfo() thread failed to start.Run this command on your Linux terminal: ulimit -n 1000000 and then rerun your BlackBoxCLI command.
12Web; CLIPS4 and PS5 both display incorrect call stacks for crashes sent to ADT Web.We are actively investigating a solution; a workaround is yet to be determined.
13HubThe auto-deployment process for the PS4 and PS5 does not function properly.We are actively investigating a solution, but a workaround is yet to be determined.
14WebInability to integrate with a Jira server.There's currently no workaround for this issue. The Jira server is temporarily unusable.
15HubArchived Channels are not displayed in the archived filters on the Discover page archived filters.There's currently no workaround for this issue.
16HubNamespace settings cannot be accessed from ADT Hub.Access namespace settings through ADT Web.