
ADT が対応しているゲームプラットフォーム

Last updated on May 22, 2024


The AccelByte Development Toolkit (ADT) consistently increases its support for various game platforms every year. ADT supports two categories of platforms: fully supported and semi-supported.


Game projects are exclusively available for Unreal Engine, and are not currently supported for Unity.

Fully supported platforms

The following platforms can use all available features in ADT, such as ADT Crash Reporter, Issue Reporter, Performance Profiling, Playtesting, and Build Distribution. Listed below are fully supported platforms:

  • Windows
  • Windows-Server
  • Linux
  • Linux-Server
  • PS 4
  • PS 5
  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X

The features can be used once ADT SDK is installed into your Unreal project. Refer to Integrate ADT SDK with your Unreal projects to learn more.

Semi-supported platforms

The following platforms can only be used in ADT for Build Distribution using ADT Hub. You can upload the packaged game projects and then distribute them to your internal team, stakeholders, QA, etc. Listed below are semi-supported platforms:

  • Android
  • Nintendo Switch

To distribute the packaged game projects, you don't need to integrate the ADT SDK into the game projects.