
2023.3 での変更点

Last updated on May 22, 2024

General updates

Release date: September 19th, 2023

Component versions

AccelByte Development Toolkit (ADT) release version 2023.3 includes the following component versions:

  • ADT Web Portal v1.25.10
  • ADT Hub v0.20.6
  • ADT SDK v2.26.0
  • ADT CLI v2.17.0

New documentation portal

We've combined AccelByte's documentation portal into one place. You can now access the new ADT doc portal at docs.accelbyte.io/development-toolkit. This change makes it easier for our clients who, for example, use ADT and AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS) at the same time. This allows them to easily switch between the two documentations as needed.

The old ADT doc portal will still be accessible until the end of this year at docs.-old.blackbox.accelbyte.io. However, please note that it will not be updated starting this release. So, to keep updated with ADT, please use the new doc portal.

Release highlights

Ability to delete versions and builds commands on ADT CLI

After we added the ability to delete versions and builds from ADT Hub and Web, we have now added the ability to delete versions and build using the ADT CLI. This enhances automation workflows. Here are the commands:

Main CommandSubcommandOptions and Parameters
builddelete--helpOpen help section for the build delete command.
--namespaceFill your namespace's name. (Optional if you already specified in the config)
--apikeyFill your API key credentials. (Optional if you already specified with credentials-set command.)
--build-idSpecify the build ID you want to delete.
--version-idSpecify the version ID of the build you want to delete.
versiondelete--helpOpen help section for the build delete command.
--namespaceFIll your namespace's name. (Optional if you already specified in the config)
--apikeyFill your API key credentials. (Optional if you already specified with credentials-set command.)
--version-idSpecify the version ID you want to delete.
delete-bulk--helpOpen help section for the build delete-bulk command.
--namespaceFill your namespace's name. (Optional if you already specified in the config.)
--apikeyFill your API key credentials. (Optional if you already specified with credentials-set command.)
--date-startFill with the date you want to start the delete version.
--date-endFill with the date you want to end the delete version.

Updating the Smart Builds' launch argument from CLI

We implemented the launch-arguments command for Smart Build similar to the command available for Legacy Build. So whenever you miss adding the launch argument during upload, you can update them immediately. Here's the commands list:

Main CommandSub CommandOptions and Parameters
launch arguments--helpContains information on how to use the launch arguments command.
update--launch-argumentsReplace the current launch arguments in specific build with the new launch arguments.
--helpContains information on how to update the launch arguments command.
delete--launch-argumentsRemoves the launch arguments in specific build.
--helpContains information on how to delete the launch arguments command.
read--launch-argumentsReturns the existing launch arguments in specific build.
--helpContains information on how to use the read launch arguments command.

Use cases

You can use these commands to manage, update, delete, and read launch arguments.

Update currently used launch arguments

Use this command to update using the version ID and build ID.

.\blackboxcli.exe launch-arguments update --launch-arguments <launch arg1, launch arg2, ...> --namespace <your_namespace> --apikey <your_apikey> --version-id <version_id> --build-id <build_id>

Delete currently used launch arguments

Use this command to delete using version ID and build ID.

.\blackboxcli.exe launch-arguments delete --namespace <your_namespace> --apikey <your_apikey> --version-id <version_id> --build-id <build_id>

Read the currently used launch arguments

Use this command to read using version ID and build ID.

.\blackboxcli.exe launch-arguments read --namespace <your_namespace> --apikey <your_apikey> --version-id <version_id> --build-id <build_id>

Bug fixes

  • Fixed missing hardware information when the localconfig.ini file is not present in the test machine.

  • Fixed issue on session and crash bar graph having a start date that's one day ahead of the custom date filter.

  • Fixed potential of corrupt builds by validating content on a Smart Build download.