
2024.0.1 での変更点

Last updated on May 22, 2024

General updates

Release date: January 16th, 2024

Component versions

The AccelByte Development Toolkit (ADT) 2024.0.1 main release contains the following component version:

  • ADT Hub v1.0.10

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the uninstall error that caused tracks to not show the Play button.

    If you encounter this issue prior to the ADT 2024.0.1 release, follow these steps as a workaround:

    1. Delete the following files:

      • C:\Users{user}\AppData\Roaming\ADT Hub\app-storage\appdata\bbctlmp
      • C:\Users{user}\AppData\Roaming\ADT Hub\app-storage\appdata\bbctlmp.bak
      • C:\Users{user}\AppData\Roaming\ADT Hub\app-storage\appdata\bbctRef
      • C:\Users{user}\AppData\Roaming\ADT Hub\app-storage\appdata\bbctRef.bak
      • C:\Users{user}\AppData\Roaming\ADT Hub\app-storage\appdata\download-manager\dbcontrol.json
      • C:\Users{user}\AppData\Roaming\ADT Hub\app-storage\appdata\download-manager\dbcontrol.json.bak

      Deleting the listed files will not remove the build from your directory.

    2. Open the ADT Hub, then re-download the game. Re-downloading the game into the same directory will resume its previous download progress. If the game was fully downloaded previously, then the process will be completed immediately.

  • Fixed the pagination issue in the find build command. Without the pagination command included in the CLI, the find build command always returns no result. The fix in this release returns more reliable results.