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AGS 3.53.0 Release Notes

Last updated on June 12, 2024

Release Date: July 17th, 2023

Client-side SDK latest version:

  • AccelByte Cloud SDK Unreal Engine: 23.5.2
  • AccelByte Cloud SDK Unity: 16.3.1
  • AccelByte Cloud Network-Utilities: 4.1.2
  • AccelByte P2P Unity: 0.3.1
  • AccelByte Cloud OSS: 0.11.13

Server-side SDK latest version:

DSuploader latest version:

Here's a look at what's new in AccelByte Gaming Services 3.53.0:


  • AP: Image Server: Add flag for enabling retry to DSUploader in the generate upload command page.
  • Adding more supported sections to the previous implementation of Improved the Admin Portal's URL by adding the namespace information. Here are the sections:
    • Access modules:
      • User Management
        • Login Method
        • SSO Configuration
        • Banning Devices (Game Namespace)
      • Authorization
        • IAM Clients
        • Agreement Record
      • Legal Management
        • Legal Documents
        • Agreement Record
    • Armada modules
      • Dedicated Server Management
        • Servers
        • Configurations
        • Historical Logs
      • AccelByte Multiplayer Servers
        • Setup AMS Account (if not yet logged in with an AMS account)
        • Server Images (already logged in with an AMS account)
        • Fleets (already logged in with an AMS account)
    • Play modules:
      • Push Notifications
        • Topics
        • Templates
      • Lobby and Matchmaking
        • Lobby Configuration
        • Matchmaking Ruleset
        • Session History
      • New Matchmaking
        • Custom Function
        • Match Configurations
        • Session and Templates
        • Session and Parties
        • Session History
      • Chat
        • Chat Configurations
        • Chat Profanity Filter
        • System Messages
        • Transient Messages
  • Improved launcher's game update checks. Previously, users needed to check the game update manually by clicking the "Check for updates" button. This meant users would play the game without the latest version. Now, every time a user plays the game, the launcher will automatically detect if there's a game update and change the Play button to Update.

Quality of Life Changes

  • AP: DSLM: Remove component that mentions protocol.
  • User ban info is now included in the error response of /iam/v3/oauth/token.
  • 'agreementCreated' telemetry event from Legal will now always include the 'namespace' property.
  • The Agreement Records page in the Admin Portal (Legal Management > Agreement Records) now has pagination for better ease of navigation.
  • Added a new configurable Presence Event in the Unreal and Unity Game SDK that acts as a heartbeat for analytics purposes.

Breaking Changes

  • There are no breaking changes in this release.

Bug Fixes and Minor Changes

  • Users can now input usernames with whitespace in the Player Portal, when Allow Space is enabled on the IAM Input Validation in the Admin Portal.
  • Clicking on the 'Click here to change' button on the 'Verify your new email' page on the Player Portal will now properly redirect to the 'Change Email Address' page to allow users to change the email.
  • The 'Admin Invitation Expiration' page now displays the correct time expiry time for the admin invite link (24 hours).
  • A fulfillment event will now be sent for Rewards fulfillments.
  • Unreal SDK: Updated OnlineIdentityInterfaceAccelByte.cpp to update the status of login before notifying the trigger. Also added error code information to handle ban information correctly.
  • Admin Portal - Rewards: Fix Time picker on Add/Edit Reward Condition is not working properly.
  • Fix various bugs in the Launcher:
    • Download size during a game update is using the entire update size instead of the total missing chunks
    • Wrong pop-up is shown after user account deletion
    • Launcher stuck at verify code screen when trying to complete the account creation process
    • Buy button doesn't change to Unavailable state if the purchasable config is set to False
    • There is no success notification when the user requests a verification code during email change
    • Refreshing the upgrade headless account page will redirect back to the previous page