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AGS 3.54.0 Release Notes

Last updated on June 5, 2024

Release Date: July 31st, 2023

Client-side SDK latest version:

  • AccelByte Cloud SDK Unreal Engine: 23.6.0
  • AccelByte Cloud SDK Unity: 16.4.0
  • AccelByte Cloud Network-Utilities: 4.2.0
  • AccelByte P2P Unity: 0.3.2
  • AccelByte Cloud OSS: 0.11.14

Server-side SDK latest version:

DS uploader latest version:

Here's a look at what's new in AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS) 3.54.0:


  • Introducing Extend. Extend is the end-to-end solution that lets you customize AGS to fit into your game's needs. Extend lets you:
    • Write server-side code in the language of your choice.
    • Have it hosted and operated by AccelByte.
    • Customize while still having access to the full picture of the server health via AccelByte Observability. Note that Customize is available for Override AGS feature and Event Handler. See Introduction to Extend to learn more.
  • Initial Release of Protobuf for Extend Event Handler.
  • Introducing Leaderboard OSS Interface. You can now use the Leaderboard features with the AccelByte Cloud OSS.
  • Introducing Clouds Save Admin Records. You can now store sensitive game and player records that will only be available for the game server.
  • IAM Login Method & IAP Integration for Steam now only allows partner-only publisher Web API. A validation will be put in place to prevent Steam's public Web API from being set up on the Admin Portal.
    • The reason for this is to proactively prevent a rate limiter issue with Steam's public Web API.
  • Oculus IAP Integration is now supported, allowing entitlements & other purchases to sync between the Oculus IAP Store with AccelByte's platform.

Quality of Life Changes

  • When a banned user tries to refresh token, the response will include ban information.
  • Introduced new environment settings for Sandbox, Integration and QA in Unreal Engine SDK.

Breaking Changes

There are no breaking changes in this release.

Bug Fixes and Minor Changes

  • Deprecated the Cloud Storage endpoints (Slot and Slot Configuration) adjustment in SDK Unity and Unreal will be included in AGS 3.55.
  • Adjusted the maximum endpoint list limit on UGC to 20.
  • GDPR account deletions will not revoke both the user's publisher & platform token.
  • The Charge Failed status under Billing History in User Management's Subscriptions tab is now showing the proper Status Reason.
  • Empty walletInfos is now properly returned with the response body when the payment endpoint is called with 0 payment amount and without any active wallet.
  • Users are no longer able to upgrade to a headed account using a username that already exists.
  • The Create button on the Create Configuration modal on the Login Platform Configuration menu in the Admin Portal is no longer disabled once all required fields are filled in.
  • Fixed access self registration page leads to 404 page in Starter Admin Portal.
  • Adjusted the Product Keys & Oauth Clients menu placement in Starter Admin Portal.
  • Fixed the unable to add special character issue even though it's already allowed from the input validation in Starter Admin Portal.
  • Improved namespace URL on some Admin Portal's sections by removing the duplicate namespace.
  • Fixed Admin Portal login problem that somehow requires admin to login twice.
  • Fixed the double loading indicator during change of an email address from the Admin Portal.
  • Removed UTC reference from Access Log & Chat Report in Admin Portal.
  • Fixed New channel or deleted channel are not automatically updated in total number in Admin Portal UGC management creator.
  • Fixed "User does not exist" pop-up that appears multiple times during account update in Admin Portal.
  • Fixed unclear error message in Launcher when user tries to buy a game without complying with the requirements.
  • Fixed the Buy button issue on the Launcher; the button now changes to Coming Soon state when the game availability is set on a future date.
  • Fixed wrong Launcher version in Settings.
  • Fixed the no resend verification link button issue when the link is already expired in Player Portal.
  • Improved Launcher download URL on the App Editor and Player Portal.
  • Fixed the issue of background image not displaying on the App Editor's Launcher preview.
  • Fixed text alignment on Player Portal homepage when the game is set to not purchasable.
  • Fixed the issue of being unable to purchase the game when the game is set to regional price.
  • Fixed update extra attribute in Matchmaking after query from Statistic Service
  • Fixed issue of users being unable to join Lobby when Setting Max Players in Lobby is 1.
  • Fixed the unavailable UserID on Unity SDK for following UGC creator.
  • Fixed the issue on uppercase letters not listed as allowed characters inside the popover hint on the Game Records creation in Admin Portal.
  • Fixed an issue in the Unreal SDK when building for Linux due to an undefined symbol in AccelByteSignalHandler.
  • Fixed default Content-Type and Accept headers in the HTTP request when it's undefined in Unreal Engine SDK.
  • Used lazy initialization for cached items in HTTP Cache in Unreal Engine SDK.
  • Fixed missing fields in the DSM models in Unreal Engine SDK.
  • Added validation for QoS API in the Unreal Engine SDK.
  • Added validation in OnlineIdentityInterface in AccelByte OSS.