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Configure Chat settings in the Admin Portal

Last updated on August 16, 2024


The AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS) Chat services allows players to send and receive messages to their in-game friends and party members in real-time via the WebSocket connection.

This article explains the key concepts involved in configuring the Chat service in the AGS Admin Portal and how the configuration is reflected in your game.

Chat configuration

In the AGS Admin Portal, you can configure the Chat settings for your game through Social > Chat > Chat Configurations.

Chat Configuration

Clan Chat

The Clan Chat feature allows your players to communicate privately with other members of their clan. The Clan Chat feature is disabled by default.

Chat Rate Limit

The Chat Rate Limit controls the number of chat messages a player can send in a certain period of time (set in milliseconds). The rate limit logic uses token bucket algorithm which ensures that while a player can send a burst of messages, they can't continue sending messages indefinitely without some pause, as they need to wait for tokens to replenish. The Chat Rate Limit is configured through the following options:

  • Chat Rate Limit Duration (ms): refers to the period of time, measured in milliseconds (ms), during which a player's message sending rate is regulated. This specifies how long the system will enforce the burst limit set in the Chat Rate Limit Burst option. By default, this is set to 1,000 milliseconds (1 second), which means that the burst limit is applied per second.
  • Chat Rate Limit Burst: refers to the maximum number of messages a player can send before the rate limit is enforced. This setting allows for a temporary surge in message activity. By default, the burst limit is set to 10 messages.

With the default Chat Rate Limit configuration, a player can send up to 10 messages rapidly in one second, but after reaching this limit, they must wait for tokens to replenish according to the rate limit rules before they can send another message.

Chat Spam Limit

The Chat Spam Limit controls the allowed number of identical messages a player can continuously send within a period of time before being marked as spam. The Chat Spam Limit is configured through the following options:

  • Chat Character Limit: The limit of a normal single-line message in chat. The default chat character limit is 500 characters.
  • Chat Spam Limit duration (ms): The period of time a player is allowed to send the maximum number of identical messages before being marked as spam. The default value is 30,000 ms (30 seconds).
  • Chat Spam Limit Burst: The maximum number of identical chat messages a player is allowed to send within the spam limit duration. The default value is 5.
  • Spam Mute Duration (ms): The period of time a player who is confirmed to have sent spam messages is muted. The default value is 600,000 milliseconds (10 minutes).

With the default Chat Spam Limit configuration, a player can only send identical message up to five times within 30 seconds. Exceeding the limit will result to the player's messages being marked as a spam user and will be muted for 10 minutes.