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Upload game binaries using drag and drop

Last updated on April 5, 2024


This article walks you through how to use the drag and drop feature to easily upload builds to a channel or to a track in the AccelByte Development Toolkit (ADT) Hub.


  • You must have access to the ADT Hub as an admin.
  • You have joined channels in ADT Hub.

Drag and drop a build to a channel

You can upload builds using the drag and drop feature to channels that you have joined. You can join channels on the Discover page.

To drag and drop a build to a channel, follow these steps:

  1. In ADT Hub, go to the Channels page, then open the channel you want to upload in.

  2. On your desktop, go to the folder where you stored the executable build (.exe, .pkg, .xvc), then drag and drop the folder to the channel. The Upload build to track form displays.

  3. On the Upload build to track form, fill in the required information:

    • Upload folder: make sure the auto-detect value for the upload folder directory and executable files are correct.
    • Build Type: set the build type to Smart Build or Legacy Build.
    • Track Name: type in a name for the track.
    • Platform: set the platform type for the build.
    • Version
      • If you're uploading the build to a new version, type in a name for the new version.
      • If you want to upload the build to an existing version, select a version from the dropdown.
    • Build
      • If you want to upload and register a new build, select New build and type in a name for the build.
      • If you want to use and replace an existing build, select Use existing build and select the build you want to use from the dropdown.

    If you leave the Version and Build name fields blank, the system automatically fills them in.

  4. Click the Upload button. The upload process will run in the background, and the card will show the upload progress.

Drag and drop a build to a channel track

  1. In ADT Hub, go to the Channels page, then open the channel with the track you want to upload in.

  2. On your desktop, go to the folder where you stored the executable build (.exe, .pkg, .xvc), then drag and drop the folder to the available track in the channel. The Upload build to track form displays.

  3. On the Upload build to track form, fill in the required information:

    • Upload folder: make sure the auto-detect value for the upload folder directory and executable files are correct.
    • Build Type: set the build type to Smart Build or Legacy Build.
    • Track Name: type in a name for the track.
    • Platform: set the platform type for the build.
    • Version
      • If you're uploading the build to a new version, type in a name for the new version.
      • If you want to upload the build to an existing version, select a version from the dropdown.
    • Build
      • If you want to upload and register a new build, select New build and type in a name for the build.
      • If you want to use and replace an existing build, select Use existing build and select the build you want to use from the dropdown.

    If you leave the Version and Build name fields blank, the system automatically fills them in.

  4. Click the Upload button. The upload process will run in the background, and the card will show the upload progress. The track card displays the head of the build changes to the new one.