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Intro to the profanity filter function

Last updated on August 13, 2024


The AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS) Extend service provides custom logic for different requirements for profanity filters, which you can use to filter user-generated content from across various features.

This article presents the contract of the customization with an example code of the Validate function, which is a unary function and the only function in the contract.

service ProfanityFilterService {

rpc Validate(ExtendProfanityValidationRequest) returns (ExtendProfanityValidationResponse);


Validate is called when a user's generated content needs to be validated.

In the app, the following function can be found in src/AccelByte.PluginArch.ProfanityFilter.Demo.Server/Services/ProfanityFilterServiceImpl.cs.

public override Task<ExtendProfanityValidationResponse> Validate(ExtendProfanityValidationRequest request, ServerCallContext context)

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