Manage distribution channels in ADT Hub
This article walks you through how to create and manage distribution channels in AccelByte Development Toolkit (ADT) Hub.
To manage distribution channels in ADT Hub, you must have an admin or developer account.
Create a distribution channel
In ADT Hub, open the Channels tab.
On the left-hand pane, click the plus (+) button beside Distribution. The Create a distribution channel form appears.
Fill in the required information on the form:
Channel name: type in a name for the channel.
Description: add a brief description for the channel.
Visibility: set the visibility of the channel to Public or Private.
Public: public channels are visible and can be joined by anyone in your organization.
Private: private channels are only visible and can be joined by users and user group that you have granted access to. See Invite members to a private distribution channel for more information.
importantAfter a channel is created, its visibility settings cannot be edited.
ADT connect: tick this checkbox if you want to share the channel with users outside of ADT Hub.
Click Create. The channel is created. You are also automatically added as a member to the channel.
Edit distribution channel name and description
In ADT Hub, open the Channels tab.
On the left-hand pane, under the Distribution category, click on the channel with the name and description you want to edit. The details page of the channel appears.
On the details page of the channel, at the top-right hand side of the page, click on the Channel settings (gear) icon. The Channel Settings window appears.
Click the Edit button of the Channel name or the Description field, then, on the pop-up box that appears, edit the value as needed and click Save to save your changes.
Archive a distribution channel
Archiving is useful when you want to keep the content of a channel around for viewing purposes. Archived channels cannot be modified and do not show in the discover page. You can always unarchive the channel if you need to.
In ADT Hub, open the Channels tab.
On the left-hand pane, under the Distribution category, click on the channel that you want to archive or delete. The details page of the channel appears.
On the details page of the channel, at the top-right hand side of the page, click on the Channel settings (gear) icon. The Channel Settings window appears.
At the bottom of the window, click on the Archive channel for everyone option.
Click Yes on the confirmation message. Your channel is archived and moved to the archived section on the sidebar.
Unarchive a distribution channel
In ADT Hub, open the Channels tab.
On the left-hand pane, under the Archived section, click on the channel that you want to permanently delete. The details page of the channel appears.
On the details page of the channel, at the top of the page, click on the Unarchive button. The channel is immediately moved back into the Distribution category.
Delete an archived distribution channel
To permanently delete an archived distribution channel, follow these steps:
In ADT Hub, open the Channels tab.
On the left-hand pane, under the Archived section, click on the channel that you want to permanently delete. The details page of the channel appears.
On the details page of the channel, at the top of the page, click on the Delete button and again on the confirmation message. The channel is permanently deleted from your namespace.
Invite members to a private distribution channel
You can invite members to a private distribution channel in three ways:
Grant access to users or user groups
This option enables the private channel to be visible to the users or user groups you've granted access to. They will be able to view the private channel in their ADT Hub account, under the Channels > Discover menu. They will then have the option to join and become members of the channel.
To grant access to users or user groups to a private channel, follow these steps:
In ADT Hub, open the Channels tab.
On the left-hand pane, under the Distribution category, click on the channel that you want to archive or delete. The details page of the channel appears.
On the details page of the channel, at the top-right hand side of the page, click on the Channel settings (gear) icon. The Channel Settings window appears.
Click on the Access tab.
In the search field, type in the name of the users or user groups you want to grant access to. From the results, click on the user or user group, then click on Add to grant them access. The private channel will appear on the added users' Discover menu, giving them the option to join the channel.
Invite members via email
This option allows you to send email invitations with a direct Join channel button.
You can only send email invitations to users with existing access. This means that they must have previously been granted access to the channel. See Grant access to users or user groups.
To invite members via email, follow these steps:
In ADT Hub, open the Channels tab.
On the left-hand pane, under the Distribution category, click on the channel that you want to archive or delete. The details page of the channel appears.
On the details page of the channel, at the top-right hand side of the page, click on the members button. The Members window appears.
Click on the + Invite member option. The "Invite to" pop-up box appears.
In the search field, type in the username or email of the users you want to add. Click on their profile from the results, then click Send invitation to email them an invitation.
Share channel invite link
In ADT Hub, open the Channels tab.
On the left-hand pane, under the Distribution category, click on the channel that you want to share. The details page of the channel appears.
On the details page of the channel, at the top-right hand side of the page, click on the share icon. The Share invite link window appears.
Click on Copy link to copy the link. Share the link with the people from your organization or you want to invite to join the channel. When they click the link, they will be directed to the details page of the channel in ADT Hub and will have the option to join the channel.
View list of channel members
To view the list of channel members (users who have joined the channel), follow these steps:
In ADT Hub, open the Channels tab.
On the left-hand pane, under the Distribution category, click on the channel that you want to archive or delete. The details page of the channel appears.
On the details page of the channel, at the top-right hand side of the page, click on the members button. The Members window appears, showing the list of members in the channel.