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Crash limit management

Last updated on July 31, 2024


As of this article's update date, there is a known issue of crashes not being consistently reported and sent to the AccelByte Development Toolkit (ADT) Web.

ADT utilizes a multi-tenant architecture, where resources are shared amongst all clients. To address this issue and ensure optimal performance and prevent overburdening the Kafka processor, a daily limit has been established for the number of processed crashes. The default daily limit is designed to accommodate typical usage patterns. However, if your operations require a higher limit, you can request for your limit to be adjusted by contacting


Increasing the crash processing limit may incur additional charges.

Crash quota system

This section outlines how the system manages the crash limit to ensure its availability throughout the day. The total crash limit, instead of being a single, fixed value, is spread out into smaller quotas allocated to each hour. This approach prevents a scenario where all allowed crashes occur at the beginning, leaving no capacity for the rest of the day.

Distribute the crash quota

At the beginning of each day, the total crash limit is divided equally among all 24-hour slots. Using the example of a 1,000 crash limit, each time slot would initially have a quota of 1,000 crashes / 24 hours = 42 crashes.

Time slots 1000

As crashes occur throughout the day, the system dynamically adjusts the quota for each remaining hour. Here's how it works:

  1. After each hour, the system subtracts the number of crashes that occurred from the total remaining quota for the day (not the individual quota for that hour).

  2. In our example, if 10 crashes occur in the first hour, the remaining quota for the day becomes 1,000 (total limit) - 10 (used crashes) = 990 crashes.

The remaining quota for the day (after subtracting the used crashes) is then redistributed equally amongst all remaining time slots.

For instance, following the 10 crashes in the first hour with a remaining quota of 990, this quota is divided amongst the remaining 23 hours. Each time slot (including the current hour) would now have a quota of 990 crashes / 23 hours = 43 crashes.

Time slots 990

The crash quota system operates with a daily limit, divided into smaller allotments for each hour. If all crashes for a given hour are processed, the crashes can be sent again on the next hour.

This dynamic distribution ensures a fair and consistent quota throughout the day, preventing situations where the daily limit is exhausted early and new crashes are temporarily blocked.

Crash limit notification

To keep you informed about your crashes limit, a banner will appear on your ADT Web dashboard in the Latest Crashes section and in the Crashes menu on the Issues page. Your admin also receive an email notification when the number of crashes reaches the daily limit.

Crash limit banner


The system refreshes the crash allowance at the beginning of each day (00:00 UTC).