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Manage player achievements from the Admin Portal

Last updated on July 12, 2024


AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS) allow you to browse and manage user achievements data from the AGS Admin Portal. Managing user achievements data is essential for maintaining accurate and up to date information. Here are some common reasons for these actions:

  • Development phase: If you need to manually lock and unlock your testing user achievement data during integration/development phase
  • Error correction: If there is a technical glitch in the game that prevents the player from unlocking the achievement and you need to manually correct the issue
  • Community engagement: If you need to manually recognize outstanding contributions from your players by giving an achievement

This article walks you through how to browse and manage player achievements from the Admin Portal.


You must have access to the AGS Admin Portal and AGS Achievement API documentation.

View a player's achievements

  1. On the Admin Portal sidebar, go to Engagements > Achievements > Lookup Achievements.

    Achievements Value page

  2. On the Achievements Value page, search for a player using any of the following options:

    • Email, Display name or Username

      1. Type in a keyword. The list of users is displayed.

        Search for player

      2. Select the player with the achievements you want to view by clicking on their user ID. The list of achievements for the player is displayed on the Player Achievements page.

        AGS Admin Portal Player Achievement list

    • User ID: Use the player's user ID. The list of achievements for the player is displayed on the Player Achievements page.

Unlock player achievements

  1. Search for the player with the achievements you want to update.

  2. On the Player Achievements list, click Add Achievement to add an achievement to the user.

  3. On the Add Achievement form, type in the code of the achievement you want to add and click Search.

    Add Achievement

    The Achievement Configuration summary displays.

    AGS Admin Portal Add Player Achievement


    The Achievement Configuration that can be added to the user from the Admin Portal is a non-incremental achievement, and does not rely on the player's statistic values.

  4. Click Add to continue. The achievement is added to the user's achievements list.

Lock player achievements

  1. Search for the player with the achievements you want to update.

  2. On the Player Achievements list, find the achievement you want to lock and click on its Lock option.

    Achievements list

  3. On the confirmation message, click Lock to confirm. The achievement will is immediately removed from the player's achievements list.

    AGS Admin Portal Lock Player Achievement