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Manage channels and tracks using CLI

Last updated on February 11, 2025

Release date: March 5th, 2024


AccelByte Development Toolkit (ADT) enables you to manage your channels and tracks in ADT Hub using CLI commands. You can use these commands for automation purposes in your daily development cycle.

Manage channels

This section covers the commands you can use to manage channels in ADT Hub.

Create a new channel

Main commandSubcommandSpecific commands options and parameters
channelcreate--channel(REQUIRED) Set the name of the build channel
--descriptionInsert description of the channel
--visibilitySet the visibility between private or public. The default is public.

Return channel list

Main commandSubcommandSpecific commands options and parameters
channellist--page UINT=0Set the page number (starts from 0).
--page-limit UINT=20Set the number of items to be shown each page.

Update channel details

Main commandSubcommandSpecific commands options and parameters
channelupdate--channel-id or --channel-name(REQUIRED) Use the ID or name of the channel that you want to update.
--nameSet the new name of the channel.
--descriptionSet the new description of the channel.

Archive a channel

Main commandSubcommandSpecific commands options and parameters
channelarchive--channel-id or --channel-name(REQUIRED) Use the ID or name of the channel.

Delete a channel

Main commandSubcommandSpecific commands options and parameters
channeldelete--channel-id or --channel-name(REQUIRED) Use the ID or name of the channel.
--forceIf the channels have not been archived, add this parameter to the command to force the channel deletion.

Manage tracks

This section covers the commands you can use to manage tracks in ADT Hub.

Create new empty track

Main commandSubcommandSpecific commands options and parameters
trackcreate--channel-id or --channel-name(REQUIRED) Use the ID or name of the channel where you want to create the track.
--platform-name(REQUIRED) Set the platform for the track.
--name(REQUIRED) Set the name of the new track.

Get head build information from a track

Main commandSubcommandSpecific commands options and parameters
trackheadinfo--track-id(REQUIRED) Use the ID of the track.

View list of tracks in a channel

Main commandSubcommandSpecific commands options and parameters
tracklist--channel-id(REQUIRED) Use the ID of the channel with the tracks list you want to view.
--page UINT=0Set the page number (starts from 0).
--page-limit UINT=20Set the number of items to be shown each page.

Results will display a maximum of 20 tracks by default.

Update track details

Main commandSubcommandSpecific commands options and parameters
trackupdate--track-id(REQUIRED) Use the ID of the track.
--nameSet the mew name for the track.
--launch-argumentsSet the new launch arguments for the track.

Update the head of a track with a new build

Main commandSubcommandSpecific commands options and parameters (Name)Specific commands options and parameters (Description)
trackupdate-head--track-id(REQUIRED) Use the ID of the track.
--build-id or --build-nameSet the ID or name of the build that will be the new head of the track. If not specified, the value will be fetched from the game project configuration.
--version-id or --version-nameSet the ID or name of the version that will be the new head of the track. If not specified, the value will be fetched from the game project configuration.